

"can i come?"

all 5 of them stare at me in disbelief. um. a bit awkward. soooo maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to say. one of the two girls speaks up. "you smoke chica?" i open my mouth, and close it again, shaking my head. she has long straight dark brown hair. her lips are almost nude, and her skin is a soft light brown. she pops a stick of bubble gum in her mouth. "this is gonna be fun then. first highs are usually the funniest to watch." she shrugs and turns to the rest of them. "what do you think?" trevor laughs. "eh why not? teo whaddya think?" i hesitantly look over to mateo trying to keep my knees from shaking. "yeah whatever, the bitch can come." my cheeks burn red. he needs to shut the fu- "i don't like her." it's the other girl. she's blonde with blue eyes and dressed in all black. come to think of it, they're all dressed in black clothing, chains and piercings on some of them. "babe. it's all good, nadia, teo and i like her. oh wait, ay sam, how ya feel ab the chick?" the shorter guy is hanging in the back. he nods. "baby we all in cept you. let the nerd in, it'll be fun to watch like nadia said." trevor beckoned to her and she walked over to him. he whispered something in her ear and she rolled her eyes. turning to me, the blonde says, "don't talk too much and don't take all the weed. you're not one of us." i nod at her. what's her problem?

there's two cars. and 6 of us. tell me how the fuck i ended up alone in the car with mateo. i'm pissed off. he has the gps set. "you don't even know where you're friggin going," i huff. he replies with his eyes still on the road. "new spots every 2 days, we don't like cops. sam finds the location, nadia hooks us up with the drugs, trev and i drive and vivian is... well she's just there." vivian. that's her name. blonde girl, vivian. i lock that into my mind. we ride in silence for a few more minutes. i'm hot and wearing a baggy sweatshirt. i've only got a bra underneath but i'm hot so why not. i pull my sweatshirt over my head and sigh in relief. much better.

the car screeches to a halt.

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