
Innocent Wife of Contract Marriage

Sophia Alder was humiliated on her wedding day by being forced to marry an abusive groom that slapped her on the alter after he proposed to his mistress. She ran out the church only to bump into Lucus Carter the late guest, one of the richest and business partner of her father. Seeing the red mark on her face he dragged her in the church just to say... "Who slapped this woman? End his whole career!" Novel contains: Sexual Graphics, BDSM, Mature topics

LilyBuns · Urban
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35 Chs

Chapter 3 Planned Surprises

Joey walked away towards his car outside the mansion, texting Lucas about the contract with the engagement party and drove off. As he reached the highway a call comes in.

"Hello...this is Joey Gales." Joey said effortlessly.

"Joey Gales, this is the staff at RiverBrook sanatorium regarding Aurora Gales."

Joey paused briefly as he sighed knowing his sister probably got worse. Lucas did tell Joey to put her in there after trying to burn the mansion in Milan and trying to drown herself for his attention.

"She have completed treatment and is on the course of being normal. She will be released tomorrow morning or do you want to pick her up tonight?" The nurse stated in a cheerful tone. Joey smirked then paused in his speech.

"I'll pick her up tonight."

-At the Asylum-

"Nurse Gwen, can I have a snack, please?" stated a young 19 year old girl with wavy light brown hair and green eyes. Dressed in a gray sweatshirt, jeans and white beat up converse. She looked like she didn't belong in the asylum in the first place but as if she was a model instead.

"Sure, Aurora, you're doing much better then hair pulling and screaming for request. I almost forgot you were young for a second you sound mature." stated Nurse Gwen as she took a pudding cup and gave it to Aurora with a plastic spoon.

"Oh, Nurse Gwen, I'm much better and venting my frustration out to Dr.Travis made me a better person. I only wish to be humble and settledown." Aurora smiled briefly but overcome by her fake smile she felt anger in her chest, at Lucas Carter.

Lucas Carter have smudged her name by making Joey put her in this asylum. It could be worse but she felt anger regardless.

'Lucas Carter you put me here, you better hope you don't have a family or a fiancée! I will burn your mansion down again!'

Aurora eyes narrowed but she kept eating the pudding but slower this time while she convey her thoughts.

"Aurora, you are going to leave tonight...your brother, Joey, is coming to pick you up." Nurse Gwen smiled at the girl who smiled back cheerfully.

"Joey is coming, I can't wait to go home now!" Aurora was guided out of the Asylum with her bags as she finished the pudding cup placing it in the trash.

Outside the asylum, Joey was leaning on his Bentley smoking a cigarette.

"Joey? Joey is that you!" Aurora's voice rose in happiness as she ran towards her brother. Who threw his cigarette away and stepped on it to walk towards his sister hugging her.

"Tell me, everything!" Aurora cheerfully hop up and down. I want a new phone and clothes It felt like years since I seen you! Even though it's been a year!"

"I'll tell you first thing when we get home, Aurora, Lucas is about to host a party, I want you to get caught up in the social circle. I made excuses towards everyone that you were sent to internship overseas."

As Aurora enter the car with Joey she looked at him puzzled. "So, wait...the news of me being in an insane asylum has been deleted?" stated Aurora as she twinddled her fingers.

"Yes, your reputation was saved in time." Joey glanced at her as they drove off to their family home.

"What's Lucas planning a party for?"

Joey froze at his sister's tone of voice changing. Does she know about the engagement?

"Joey, is Lucas planning a party for a new woman?" Aurora's voice soften causing Joey to be concerned. When her voice is soft she explodes with rage.

"Aurora, calm down. Lucas is planning a party for his new woman, yes but she is nothing to him just a toy." stated Lucas as he downplayed the situation.

Aurora quickly sat up and looked up at Joey in relief as she give off a quick laugh.

"Just a new whore, huh? I can't wait to see this whore. I can win back my Lucas and show him I'm sane enough to be his wife." Aurora giggled then her stomach growled. "Joey dear brother, can we have McDonalds? I haven't had it in a long time."

Aurora rubbed her stomach and Joey smiled at his insane sister but he knows her mood can change anytime.

"Sure, sis."

-In the Mansion-

Lucas walked over to the master bedroom and peeked into the room to see Sophia texting on her phone, while watching Netflix and eating a piece of cake late at night. Is this how young girl's spend their time, texting, eating cake and binge watching for hours on Netflix?

Lucas thought as he slowly walked up behind her and startled her.

"Lucas! You scared me!" screamed Sophia as she tossed a pillow at Lucas who dodged.

"I just wanna see how you're doing...Have you heard from the Eldredge family?" Lucas smirked in superiority at the power move he made earlier in the day.

"Jasmine is very shameless! She is pleading me to stop what you are doing to the Elderedge family. Such a golddigger." Sophia sighed briefly.

"Don't worry about that shameless family. You're my fiancée now." Lucas smiled and pet her head as she stared up at him with a blush.

"We are having a party tomorrow night and I want you to be dressed formally to announce our engagement after we come from the company." Lucas looked away and stared at the screen of Sophia's phone to see an incoming call.

Lucas picked it up and proceed to answer it for Sophia while holding her head back as she squirmed to grab it. As he heard a male voice on the line.

"Sophia Alder, you bitch! You made me a fool on our wedding day! Not only that you're practically super rich now so you must compensate me or I'll tell Lucas you're just a golddiger, ruining your reputation!"

Lucas stayed silent and looked super annoyed at the earful of word vomit he have experienced.

"SOPHIA ALDER!! HELLO!! HAND ME THE PHONE! " Screamed a female voice now.

"Will you both shut the fuck up! Your voices annoy the hell out of me. If I catch you within 15 feet of Sophia you both are dead!" Lucas growled as the phone went silent.

"HOW DARE YOU LU-" Lucas hanged up and threw the phone hard on the tile floor causing Sophia to jump back. She slowly look up at Lucas with annoyance.

"Oh look we have to get you a new...Do you want the latest phone or beyond that?" Lucas smiled at her sweetly.

"Yes, pink, sleek and with a phone charm." Sophia still looked annoyed as Lucas shoved a card into a maid's hand.

"Calm down, my princess." said Lucas as he picked up Sophia and put her between his legs as he turned the TV on.

"Relax and-" as the TV turned on a talk show started and it caught Lucas intrest.

"Sophia Alder is now one of the world's top princess in finances as she is suddenly on her to be become Lucas Carter's offical wife!" stated the host as she turned to the other host.

Lucas smiled then changed the channel but he sort of felt uneased as he heard the news of his fiancée existence was heard.