
Innocent Craving

FleetYeet · Others
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Chapter 1

Lesly was someone different. She wasn't like everyone else who had sex for just pleasure. She wanted a relationship that brought excitement, love and especially lust. She was craving the one girl and guy that knew how to treat her well, but was dangerous when it came to pleasure. And she knew one person who would give her exactly what she wanted. She's known her for 10 years. And for 10 years she's been feeling something. Something that was more than love, more than lust. She didn't know what it was but she was so curious she needed to find out herself. Yet, the girl she needed to get alone was Teresa Baskerville. And her being a very likeable person. It was hard to get her alone. But, thankfully, every Tuesday they would text each other about homework and school and friends, and that was the perfect moment to plan something, anything. 

"Hey Teresa, so before we start trading homework homework answers. I wanted to ask you something." She texted her. 

She soon got a quick reply from Teresa saying "Yeah, of course, whats up?"

"So, during lunch, can you meet me in the basement? There's something personal I want to talk to you about." Then sent the message. 

Ten minutes passed, but Teresa had finally replied back "Uh sure okay. What's this about?" 

Lesly was never so she didn't reply back. She knew leaving her on a cliffhanger would make her want to come even more. 


The next day came fast and Lesly was quite nervous, but she was also feeling excited to finally get her alone. She only had three or four classes till lunch time, so the suspense was building fast. She was trying to avoid Teresa at all  costs so she wouldn't have to give her little hits one what she wanted to tell her.  But finally lunch had arrived. 

    She went to the school basement and saw that Teresa was already waiting. And after all the waiting and suspense of wanting to tell her. She actually felt the nervousness. 

"Oh my god Les, I'm glad you're okay. You didn't text me back last night. And I didn't see you at all today. Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now?" Teresa asked in a worrying tone. 

"Well…..that's the thing. There's nothing wrong." She said nervously. 

Teresa had looked confused. "Oh, well then what did you need to tell me? It sounded important."

Lesly looked down at the floor "well, you see, I've kinda been feeling a certain way about someone. And I really want to tell them but I'm afraid of what they'll say." 

"Its okay, just be brave and tell them how you feel. It's hard, but go big or go home right?" She advised. 

And Teresa was right. Lesly knew she'd only have one chance at it, and that it would never come again if she didn't shoot her shot now. 

So, Lesly softly pulled Tersesa's face closer to her and kissed her. Not thinking anything of it. And by surprise, Teresa didn't stop her. And soon enough the kiss turned into a soft makeout session between the both of them. But without even realizing it, Teresa pushed Lesly against the wall and held her hands against the wall so only she had control over what was happening. 

    Suddenly everything was slow motion for her. Her lips were so soft that they felt like pillows everytime she kissed them. Everytime Teresa felt under her shirt with her bare hands she felt this spark of energy. As if something more was going to happen right then and there. 


Teresa slowly stopped kissing her and looking at her in the eyes. Their faces still centimeters away from each other. "Is this really what you want Lesly?" She asked. 

Lesly smiled "this is all I ever wanted." She said as she helped glide Teresa's hands towards her bra. Giving her the signal she wanted more than for her to feel her breasts. 

Teresa smiled and tried taking off her shirt. But before she could continue. The bell rong. And they both jumped. 

    They realized lunch was over and that they both had to get to next period. But before they did Teresa came close to her ear. 

"That was amazing. And if you still want this but tomorrow, which i'm sure you will. Meet me after school in the gym under the bleachers." She silently said. Then pulled away and smiled. 

Lesly didn't move, she was stuck in place. But Teresa walked up the steps and said "See you soon." 

Lesly had to rethink everything she had just done. She didn't know she was able to become someone else. This, other person, when around Teresa. Especially knowing she was way too innocent to have even kissed a girl before. But she couldn't stand there forever thinking about what just happened. She had to get to class. And as she did. She realized "Shit, Wait, I'm meetiong up with her again tomorrow?!"