

~12 / Moon of Fire / 175~

Gabriel follows the Princess to the other room while the Hero of Light stays inside the meeting room. As they arrive inside the guest room, the Princess and her maid sit down in front of him and then say.

"I'm so sorry about this accident, sir Gabriel. We never intended to summon an Innocent Bystander to our world."

"I-I guess it's okay. You say that I can go back to my world if I wait for ten years, right?"


"Then I guess I will search for a job around town."

"Are you mad at us?"

"No, I'm not. Upset? Yes, a little bit. Mad? No, never."

"I see, Thank you for your kindness, sir, Gabriel."

Gabriel looks at the Princess, who bows her head at him in shame. Gabriel quickly says.

"You don't need to bow your head, Princess. You only want to help the land by summoning us."

"Thank you. If there something we can do, please tell me."

"There is no…"

Gabriel suddenly stops his sentences and thinks about his housing if he cannot find any work in the city.

"If there any free house around here, I will be grateful."

"Hmmm, let me ask first. Please wait for me here."

He looks at the Princess, walking away from the room with her maid tailing her. Gabriel lay down on the bed and sighed a little before opening up his status.

~Name: Gabriel Revaldi~

~Level: 1~

~Title: Innocent Bystander~


*Mythology Authority (Unique)(Hidden)*

*Universal Tongue (Unique)*

He tries to press the skill section, but every time he tries, his finger passes through the blue panel. He then says the name of his skill inside his head, and suddenly, another panel appears.

*Mythology Authority (Unique)*

~Give the user an Authority to invoke the power of Mythology from the user 's previous world.~

*Can't invoke the same Mythology on the same day*

*User can invoke an Authority from the same aspect of Mythology*

*This skill allows the user to remember all the Mythology from the previous user world*

Gabriel doesn't know what to think, because this skill alone can make him one of the most powerful people in this world. With this skill, he can call an Authority from Sutr called Ragnarok and make this world full of lava. Not only his ability can use an Authority from a God but also a hero in a legend. This skill also lets him use an Authority from a human that accomplished some fame in history like Billy the Kid, Jack the Ripper, and Nightingale.

While his other skill is not as good as his other skill, it was an awesome skill, especially if he is on Earth.

He snaps from his thoughts and sits on the bed as the door of his room gets open. He sees the princess walk inside the room, holding a piece of paper in her hand.

"Sorry for the wait."

"It was only a minute of the wait. So is there some news for me?"

"Yes, this is a document the prime minister gave me. This paper is a document for your house. Sadly I can't get you a house that is nicer than this, but that doesn't mean this house is bad. The house is outside the wall because it has a personal farm. Do you want it?"

"Yes, It was perfect. While I cannot help the Hero fighting in the frontline, I will try to help them as much as I can."

"Then, one of the servants will take you to your new house. You only need to give a little bit of your blood to the document to seal the deal."

Gabriel slowly cut his finger a little after the Princess gave him a small knife. He smears his blood on the paper and sees the paper shine a little before it curls up on its own, and a ribbon tie the paper tightly.

"With this, the house is officially yours. The servant will take you to your house tomorrow morning."

"Thank you."

"It is the least we can do for you."

He looked at the Princess, leaving his room once more.

"Another world, huh?"


Richard looks at his daughter walking inside his office after giving the document to the Innocent Bystander in the guest room. He doesn't know what is wrong in the magic circle they create, but they somehow summon another person that is not a Hero but rather an Innocent Bystander. In the morning, Richard is so excited about the prospect of summoning the hero that he opens up the leyline to its full power, making it overload a little bit, making it summon an innocent person.

He sighs a little before saying.

"How is it?"

"Sir Gabriel accepted the house, father. Sir Gabriel understands our situation and is willing to wait for ten years."

"I see."

The room then becomes silent once more before Esta says.

"Do you think the Hero can defeat the Demon Lord in ten years?"

"I don't know. It was my way to assure him that he can go back to his previous world."

"However, the only way we can send them to their previous world is by killing the Demon Lord himself. By killing the Demon Lord, the mana around the world will stabilize once more."

"I know, my daughter, I know, but I can't say to them the only way to go back to their world is by killing the Demon Lord. The same Demon Lord that even a demi-god can't kill. I don't they to be afraid of the Demon Lord even before trying."

"I see, and by taking care of Sir Gabriel, the other heroes know that we are generous people, huh?"

".... I'm not thinking about it like that, but I guess that is also good. Also, do you check Gabriel's status once again?"

"Yes, I use my All-Seeing Eyes skill on Sir Gabriel, but I don't see a hidden skill and only see the same thing as the orb show us."

All Seeing Eyes is the skill Esta has since awakening. It let her see any hidden skill or title of a person. All Seeing Eyes useful to judge people, especially in the court. She was able to pick trustworthy people to become his court members. It also lets her see if there is any Assassin nearby as it gives her a passive ability to sense any ill intent around the castle.

"No, hidden title? Hidden skill?"

"No, father. Sir Gabriel is clear from the shady skill or title."

"Good, I just want safety for my people."

"I know, father. You are a person that is always thinking about your people and family first before thinking about your own body."

Esta stays with his father for the entire day helping him with the paperwork he has on his table before one of the servants comes inside the office and says that the feast is ready. They then go to the hall to celebrate the success of summoning the hero from the other world.

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