
Sharing A Room

"Mommy! I want mommy." she was sobbing as she looked around.. All the time when she was with Tyrone, she could see Cassey and was assured that her mother was with her but now that she was alone with Tyrone and a crowd following her, she felt restless.

"Where did my mother go?" she accused the man who was holding and trying to wriggle. Tyrone did not want to hurt her by a tight grip, so after some efforts she was able to get away but her body was staggering.

She was still in her half sleep and her eyes were not alert enough to see everything in the way.

"Take that vase away! Damn it!" he shouted as he held the table himself making sure that she did not bump into anything sharp.

The maid jumped and then ran to pick anything and everything away if she was walking in that direction.

When Cassey reached the grand hall, the maids were holding a lot of things and running here and there to make sure that Penny was safe while Tyrone was trying to convince Penny that he would take her to her mother if she would let him hold her again.

But she was only sobbing and refusing to let him touch her telling that he was a liar.

"I only want my mother! Where is she! Did you take her away?" she was hysterical that shocked Cassey, she ran to hold her daughter.

"Penny! Mother is here." She swept the child away from the ground. Penny did not open her eyes but immediately recognized the voice and touch of her mother.

"Mommy! Where were you?" she complained between her sobs, "i was looking for you everywhere. Do not let Penny start alone again, okay?" she pleaded with tear filled eyes that Cassey held her tightly and nodded.

"I was here only Penny, i will not leave. I can never leave you baby! You are my life.'' She kissed the forehead of the young girl, then her cheeks, her nose, all over her face while rubbing her hands on the back of Penny who finally started to relax in the hands of her mother.

"Yes! Do not leave me." she muttered softly as she wrapped her tiny hands around the neck of Cassey and slept again.

Her rough breathing soon turned normal and her face calmed. Tyrone let go of the breath he was holding which caught the attention of Cassey.

He looked afraid, he was on edge as if he was losing the war. She had never seen him so disheveled before.

"Your highness, shall we keep things back in their place?" asked a servant when Cassey looked at their pale faces. They all were holding a lot of things in their hands.

"No! Empty the place. There should not be a single thing in my daughter's way. '' he announced coldly. They maids looked at each other afraid to ask again but if they took away everything from the hall. Would it not be empty!

It would look strange to have an empty hall.

"By things, do you even mean furniture, your highness?" asked the butler, when Tyrone nodded his head at once making the man at a loss of words.


"That would not be needed!" Cassey interrupted gaining the attention of everyone but they did not follow her command.

Instead they stared at her as if asking "who was she to command them! That is also against their master!"

"If she would get tired, where would she sit? The floor is cold and she catches the flu whenever she sits on the cold floor for long." she looked at Tyrone who frowned as if he missed the fact.

"Then the furniture would stay. But take away the decorations." he cleared his throat and announced again.

"But that would make the room dull. Penny has lived all her life in a dull place. I thought she would be amazed to see new things here. What a shame." Cassey lowered her disappointed eyes when he pulled his collar with frustration.

He wanted to give a good impression to his daughter and wanted her to marvel at him.

"But what if she gets hurt?" he asked to cut her when she smiled.

"Then we only need to make sure that she did not walk in half sleep. She rarely does it. I think she was only afraid of looking at so many new people at once since she hardly goes to market. Since I was not here, she panicked. But once she would realize it is her new home and be habitual of it. I am sure she would not be afraid." Her soft voice and calm face confused the servants.

Were they not told that she was a criminal who betrayed the family? But she looked so kind and the master was listening to every word she said. Their master never did that in the past!

"Hmm, so it was your mistake that you were busy exploring the palace when you should be with your daughter." he nodded his head making her agape. "Then I think the decorations will stay. We only have to make sure that you stay around her until she is comfortable here."

The maids nodded and started arranging the room again when Cassey shook her head. In the end, it was all her mistake. Since then Tyrone had started to blame her for everything.

"Tsk! So, she is going to share a room with me?" she announced but Tyrone was not happy with it.

"Why would she? She is going to stay in my room." he announced in a commanding voice when she looked at him as if he was crazy!

"What if she woke up again and panicked when she did not find me?" she noticed how his jaws ticked as he glared at her. It only made her raise his chin like a childish person who was happy to win.

"Then you are free to share the room too."

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