
Chapter 1 pt 2

I walked back over to his table and placed it on the table in front of him. I already took his drink and Sunday to him a couple of minutes before his food arrived.

"Here you go! Enjoy your lunch Staff Sergeant!"

"Thank you River" he smiled and started to eat his food.

I walked away from the table because I still have a job to do. I continue to take orders and I worked behind the bar a couple of times but all the soliders keep hitting on me. Other people came in other than the service men, some thought I was a girl due to my feminine like features but I had to tell them I'm a male but with a girl like body. The day was nearly over but dawn told me I can have the apartment above the diner. I thanked her and bid her good night before going up the apartment for the night. I took my old sim card out and sighed.

"I wish my parents are doing well without me because I couldn't be normal for them" I mumble

I take off my shoes as I move through out the places seeing my way around. I found out the place had two bedrooms and both of them didn't have a bed so I had to buy one and I actually notice this place was empty now I really have to give this place a touch of me but I have to go back to my birth parents to get my stuff. I put my shoes back on and left the apartment so I can get my stuff, I get on a bus to head to the city of New York. Once I got to the place I notice all my stuff out side already so I grab it shoving it into my suitcase and all of my stuff fits but my bed is one thing. I sigh and tried found the money I hid from my parents it was the allowance I've been saving it to actually move out once I turn eighteen. I grab my stuff and left just leaving the bed but I notice I hid the money inside the bed. I stuck my hand inside and grabbed the money which was near over a million dollars, I've been saving since elementary school. I walked away sighing knowing I'm going to have to sleep on the floor because I don't have a way to move my bed.

"Hey River!" I heard someone scream

I turn around and saw staff sergeant Nova running my way, I stop and blushed but my cheeks only got redder due to the cold weather. I watch the male get closer and pant really hard.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked Nova but he was really out of breath so I let him take his time

"You still have the moonlight diner shirt on" he panted

"Oh well I was just going back home" I sighed "I need to get my stuff from my ' parents' house"

"Did something happen?" He questioned

"They ditch me in a park near the diner because I'm not a normal boy" I explained

"That's really mean! How old are you River?" Nova asked me

"Seventeen but don't worry Dawn gave me a place to stay but I don't have a bed since my actually bed is to big for me to carry" I explained shrugging

"Let me help, me and a couple of friends was out drinking but I saw you and stopped" he explained

Could I really thrust him? I mean he did stop to ask me if I was alright and then ask if I needed help so I guess it wouldn't hurt.

"I took the bus here so I don't really have a ride back to the quiet part of New York" I claimed

"It's fine I'll give you a ride"he smiled and grabbed my mattress off the ground.

We walked to his car in silence but I couldn't help but stare at his ass, its so firm and round makes me wanna just grab them, mines is slightly bigger then his but mines is bouncer than his and more softer really. His car was a chevey suburban it was silver and i notice four guys from the diner in the car.

"Yo! Nova what you doing with that mattress? And isn't that the cutie from the diner you know by the base?" Chase asked

"Yes his parents are dicks and kicked him out so he staying in the apartment over the diner" nova explained

"I'll repay you guys really! How about next week I make dinner for all five of you as a thank you" I smiled

"That's sweet River but I was thinking of something that doesn't have to do with clothes" Chase smirked causing me to blush

I watch nova glare at Chase and I felt bad but he can't keep hitting on me! If Dawn found out she would be trying to yell at Chase for trying to Deflower me so soon. I help place my bed and suitcase in the trunk and made my way to get in the back but nova booted Chase to the back so I could sit in the front which was sweet of him. I got in and sighed at the heat and seat warmer. I didn't have a car nor a proper place to stay but once I do I'm going to make sure I'm stable before dating anyone who doesn't care about me. I put my seat belt on before noticing nova didn't have his one which caused me to worry we was going to crash because nova didn't put his seat belt on.

"Nova seat belt please your making me nervous" I explained to him

"Oh sorry but it going to have to wait till we stop" he sighed

The whole way Chase kept making fun of my body and how big my ass is but most of all He kept taking about how his dick would look good between two buns made from the great god himself. But I only sighed so I tried to ignore him and pretend he isn't there it got me out of alot of Dama last year.

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