11 Chapter 10

BB-8 and DO come into the room attempting to sit next to me but failing. this of course breaks my concentration. I think for a minute processing all of the information that I had just read. My eyebrows raise as I now discover that I have a key to the world between worlds. Why would Luke hide this key? what did he want with it?

"BB-8 do you know anything about the world between worlds?" I question him. BB-8 swiftly says "beep boop" as he had no records of it.

I place the newfound information into the back of my mind. I search through my beige satchel, that was wearing thin in places. I pull out of my satchel the prices of my lightsaber that I was crafting. The handle crafted out of my old staff. The Handle of the saber still missing some fine details. I grab the scrap metals. Poe had given them to me, as they had no use on ships. I grab the saber and materials and begin working on it.

30 ish mins later...

I look at it in all its glory, majestic and beautiful.

The saber now completed, with a kyber crystal inside. I take a peek outside to see the twin suns settings the magnificent horizon. The sun was a gleaming pearl in the sunset. The orange mixed into the purples creating a dusky pink colour. I grab the two lightsabers in my satchel and wrap them in a cloth to preserve than in the sand. I tie the leather bad around them tightly.

I use the force to create a hole in the sand to bury them in. I wrap both of the sabres in some fabric that I had found on the flacon. I grab a leather strap that I had found spooled in a heap of parts and junk in the Millenium falcon. I sigh as I place my hand delicately, hovering over the sabers remembering all of the journeys that have happened. and what destruction and beauty they had been used for.

I placed them into the hole, letting rest all of the memories with them.

I pull my newly constructed lightsaber. I activate it with a slight hesitancy. A golden glow spewing from the saber. My mind now filled with pure excitement as I had now completed my training once and for all. Luke and Leia would be proud I think to myself with a tinge of sorrow, knowing that they gave everything up for Ben.

I take a swift, exhausted glance to see a shadow of what it seems like an elderly woman pulling along an unknown camel-like creature attached to a lead. approaching at a fairly fast pace. As they approached me the woman asks

"there's been no one for so long". The woman remarks with interest and honesty.

"Who are you?!" the elderly woman asks in a brusque manner. her wrinkles distinctively giving away her age. her worn out

" I'm Rey," I reply with no hesitancy in my voice.

"Rey who," she says demandingly.

I hesitate, pondering over what name I should say. I think about replying with Palpatine but I was never like him and never will be. the silence beginning to fill the absence of spoken words.

All of a sudden, I feel a tug in the force behind me. luke and Leia appear I turn to face Luke and Leia. both of them nodding with gleaming smiles appearing on their pale blue forms.

"Rey skywalker" I reply letting my checks pull a small smile. I have now found a belonging I think letting the excruciating heartbreak leave and letting in peace, hope and love. the galaxy now in peace and sincerity, life blooming in all corners of every planet.


Sorry, this one a little shorter I never really know how long the chapters are going to be.

let me know if you like them this, as I will make them a little more like this one in the future. I just want to say thank you for putting up with my awful writing for this long. I like writing things like this when I get into a darker headspace as it's my way of distracting myself and using it as an almost therapy away.

thank u sm!! please vote and comment. - Rosesarethebeauty x
