
Inmates Ballad: Sameem

The therapist looked at me in shock and awe. The guard looked like he was about to scream.

The predator that formed out of the god-arc, was gently caressing the young child, like a dog.

"Oh my god…" they whispered.

The god-eater behind the therapist backed away. As they inched closer to a nearby pod, they nearly tripped, catching the therapist's attention.

I had always treated him as a nuisance, but the shrink was good at his job.

Seeing the god-eater ready to run for their own god-arc reminded the doctor that time was precious.

With a deep breath the therapist concentrated on me and approached.

"If you'll listen to me now. I still have things to say." they said.

I was still crying and reeling from my failure. I had no energy to listen, but I couldn't put in any effort to block him out either.

"Right now I'm sure you'd like to cut that armlet and run. If I thought it was a plausible idea, I might even encourage it. The thing is though without your armlet you can't use your god-arc and without your god-arc I don't think you'll make it far. Aragami have gotten worse. I don't think you want to make your grand escape just to fall 1 minute later. That was your plan, right? To get away as far as possible from the Branch and take your chances with the Aragami instead?" The therapist said.

Funny thing. It was Aragami that killed my family, but all my current misfortunes were due to humans.

I never even saw my family die.

Actually, isn't that what started all this?

I got tipped about the refugees coming from that massacre in the never-completed Bangladesh Branch.

It was a lie.

A lie started by the god-eater that trapped me here!!!

How could I ever think about the Aragami when I was imprisoned here by humans!?

Aragami took my family from me, but it was humans who took advantage of my pain!

Tears still in my eyes I glared at the doctor, giving him all the answers he needed.

"I thought as much. So please consider this; for the time being, isn't worth learning how to use your god-arc so you can fight for what you want against FENRIR and Aragami? Just a thought." he said.

While the therapist went to dissuade the god-water from any

I tried to hack my hand myself.

It didn't work.

I got my hands on this god-arc and it didn't work.

Even if I was successful, I don't know how far I could go with Aragami en masse.

I let myself rest against the body of my god-arc, looking at the mass comforting me.

A living weapon cared about me more than these people did.

After that day I decided that the best way to escape for the long term was to use this god-arc to clear my path.

For the next two years, I learned to better understand how to use my new friend.

The transition wasn't easy, I heard the better half of the branch wanted to send me to another ASAP in a cage.

The problem was someone would have to risk their life to do it in the first place. The Aragami wasn't letting up anytime soon.

I mostly stayed in god-arc storage, keeping the company of my god-arc.

Even when the other kids were too wary of me to approach me, the other staff would encourage them to continue this behavior regardless.

I only really interacted with the therapist for the sake of my own goals and so he would leave me alone.

I could only trust you...…..

Why didn't you eat my hand that day?

(It was FENRIR's assumption that no matter how sentient we were, all we knew how to do was hunt, kill, and eat. It was our instinct. But looking at you; shaking, sad, desperate…it triggered a new instinct entirely.

Feeling all your feelings, including how much you wanted your family to forgive you.

We were connected and I could only oblige to try and give you what you lost.)

I named you accurately then, didn't I?

My companion Sameem.

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