

Author: Constance C. Williams
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Constance Williams is a former Kindle Scout participant who has gain numerous votes on Facebook and also support in the Kindle’s Scout Authors community which has encouraged her writing even greater. She is a prolific writer indeed – has written over 24 books, and is snooping around as we speak, gathering information for another amazing story, just to share with you; her loyal and wonderful audience. “Love Overdose” “Flesh” “Struggles of the Hear” Are, just a few of the books that she has written. Constance, has worked across the border of several industries such as operating a restaurant, working as a medical technician in a doctor’s office and hospital, to teaching Social Studies and English in a community college. She presently has a Youtube Channel where she teaches English at the CXC (Caribbean Examination Council) level. You may visit her website to read excerpts from her books and leave your comments as well. Here is the link for doing so: www.ladycbooks.simplesite.com Pop… Pop… Pop… were the mighty sounds of gunshots firing six o’clock in the morning, causing Bubbles and Friendly, to jump from where they once laid and dash for cover! With Friendly’s nose in the air, cautiously and curiously, trying to figure out where the shots had come from while Bubbles, still skeptical and terribly terrified, took for deep covering, certainly not caring to know where the loud noises were coming from or who they were meant for either! He wanted to remain in his hiding spot, at least for a while or until he sensed that danger was out of the way! With intuition fully high, Bubbles, somehow knew that the sounds meant serious danger whether they were for him or anyone else living in the neighborhood, he cared not to know just now and decided to remain in his hiding place!

Chapter 1Chapter 1: Injustice

Pop... Pop... Pop... were the mighty sounds of gunshots firing six o'clock in the morning, causing Bubbles and Friendly, to jump from where they once laid and dash for cover!

With Friendly's nose in the air, cautiously and curiously, trying to figure out where the shots had come from while Bubbles, still skeptical and terribly terrified, took for deep covering, certainly not caring to know where the loud noises were coming from or who they were meant for either!

He wanted to remain in his hiding spot, at least for a while or until he sensed that danger was out of the way!

With intuition fully high, Bubbles, somehow knew that the sounds meant serious danger whether they were for him or anyone else living in the neighborhood, he cared not to know just now and decided to remain in his hiding place!

And especially since, he had been severely threatened before by quite a number of passers-by who continuously chase him around with sticks and stones, swearing that they would chop his head off every time he would bark at them!

For many hours that day, he stayed out of sight, curled up in a corner under the make-shift bench behind the cold-stove and where other collectables were stored on the back porch while his dear friend, Friendly, kept on making strange movements and whimpering sounds like they were guard dogs, indicating that something had gone terribly wrong in the neighborhood!

Their jaws were dropped and their eyes were consumed with sorrowful sadness as their tales fell beneath their hind parts and they squealed in fear and agony; like a bitch whose puppies had been stolen!

Around an hour later when the sun had shown its brilliance on the face of the earth; that frightening screams began to echo throughout the small community, alarming all ears that death was here in their midst!

Now everyone had gathered around the bullet ridden body of Ms. Octavia, lying on the ground in her back yard, very bloody and almost unrecognizable, as though, she was one of the casualties hit in the face by a Molotov cocktail in war torn Afghanistan!

Not a single soul could really believe what they were staring at... they were all speechless and in a state of shock, seeing the vital, vivacious and vibrant women who was in the prime of her life and also known by almost everyone in her community; sprawled out on the hard surface of the earth, motionless and gone from amongst the living!

Everyone was looking with questioning eyes, wondering where the suspicion laid, but no one could say for sure who had done this to her or what was the motive - why?

Minutes later, her husband who was partially blind, came to face the crowd with tears rolling down his cheeks and a burdensome heart in front of what use to be a cheerful and jovial personality, expressing that someone had come there calling his wife early in the morning in which he had advised her not to leave from under the already tattered roof to speak with anyone that hour of the night!

However, she insisted on responding to the call, and seconds later, he heard a barrage of shots being fired...

Pie! Pie! Pie!

They went on repeatedly!

Not seeing his wife returning to the inside of the house, his heart felt very heavy and right away he had suspected that something was terribly wrong; that she was gone forever!

For hours, Mr. Timmy stood in his the yard, as suspicious eyes dance all over him, trying to decipher if he was being truthful, or if, he knew more than what he was now saying!

Some persons in the crowed started shouted - becoming boisterous and began pointing fingers at him, and wanted to start throwing stones at him as they began accusing him of the cruel act of murdering his wife!

But thankfully, the police showed up just in time and the riled-up few dropped their sticks and stones, allowing the cops to take over and investigate the matter further!

And just like Mr. Timmy had stated time and time before, he stated to the police that someone with a male voice had come there calling his wife early in the morning, in the midst of dawn, and then he heard several shots being fired and he didn't see her return to the inside of the house so he suspected that this person had come there to snuff her life out!

Probing around the scene for any evidence left behind by the killer or killers, the officers found a pink cap hitched up between the bushes, with blood splattered over parts of it!

There and then, the police officer asked Mr. Timmy if the cap belonged to him, which he in turned responded that the cap wasn't his, and he was absolutely clueless who it had belong to!

With gloved hands, the police raised the cap in the air; asking the suspicious crowd, if they knew who the pink cap had belonged to!

A few responded to a resounding no, however, there were others who were staring at the cap like they had seen a ghost, and began whispering into each other's ear, as if, they knew something about the mysterious pink cap, but was very afraid to say something out loud about it!

Repeatedly, the officers ask for someone to come forward, but no one would budge... all lips were sealed shut, at least for now!

Folding Octavia's bullet riffled body in white sheets, and readying to place it into the waiting undertaker's truck; was when Chantal, the disease only daughter came along on the scene from her night of partying!

Immediately, she recognized the pink cap that the officers had placed into a clear looking plastic bag for evidence later on, and began shouting and screaming on the top of her voice that the dirty boy Luke had killed her mother!

"Miss, calm down please... how did you know that this person had killed your mother?"

One of the officers asked sternly!

"The pink cap, the pink cap officer, and I know that his name his engraved on the inside of it... that is his cap; officer, I'm sure of it!"

Chantal proclaimed hysterically!

The officer Reopened the sealed bag checking the inside of the cap to be certain that a name was embroidery on the inside of it that carried the accused name; and sure as the skies are blue, there was the name Gordon Luke written on the inside of the cap!

Intensely, staring at the name written inside the cap, as if to memorize its owner's name, and then add a face to it, the officer asked...

"So, did your mother and Gordon Luke have an affair, because this crime seems like a crime of passion to me?"

Delaying her answer, Chantal pondered with the question for a while, as she blew her nostril and try to come up with a reasonable answer that would not degrade or defame her mother's reputation in the community.

"I know they were good friends but...!"

Chantal try explaining, but she looked over and saw Mr. Timmy her step-father, with cocked ears, listening to every word she was spitting out of her mouth to the officer, and decided to hold her tongue for a bit!

She didn't want the secrets of her mother's infidelity to be known to him, even though, she was now permanently gone from this earth and there was nothing he could have physically done to her, if it was known to him that she was having several affairs with other people while sharing the same roof with him!

The officer also noticed that there were some hesitancy in Chantal's answers, as he watched her eyes steadfastly staring at her step-father while his head was tilted in her direction, presumed to be grasping every word she was conveying the officers!

"Since this is not a good time or place to talk about this matter, I advise that you come with me by the police station and give us a report on this Gordon Luke, so we can hurry up and apprehend him; and take him off the streets for good, before this action his repeated by him at some other place!"

The officer said sternly, as he motioned Chantal towards his waiting vehicle.

Once in the police car, the bridle was off Chantal's mouth, and she began spilling her mother's little dirty secretes that could have possible led to her demise!

"From what I know, my mother and Gordon Luke and his girlfriend had been very good friends, but my mother was more friends with his girlfriend more than she was with him, which had oftentimes caused Gordon to become very jealous about their friendship!"

Chantal expressed.

"When you say your mother was more friends with the accuse girlfriend more than with the accused, what do you really mean by that, Ms. Chantal?"

One officer asked with questioning eyes!

Another officer jumped in right away and said...

"You don't know what she meant by that; she meant that her mother was a dike - a bisexual, a lesbian; she was sleeping with the man's woman... that's what she meant!"

"Am I right or wrong, Ms. Chantal?"

The offer continued!

With a sense of shame, sadness and scariness boiling in her soul, Chantal nodded her head indicating that he was indeed correct in his answer!

In great disbelief, the senior officer jammed his foot on the breaks and shouted...


"You really mean to tell me that your mother was sleeping with another man's woman... what is wrong with her husband, he can't satisfy her?"

The senior officer continued with a blazing stare on his face.

"We are here to serve and protect and not to judge and criticize!"

The junior officer interjected.

"I just can't believe my hearing; I just thought that woman was in the church, and teaching Bible lessons and Sunday school, or something within those lines!"

The senior officer expressed.

"Well, now you know that she was in all sorts of lines, we have to hurry up and find Mr. Luke and get him off the streets before he does the same thing that he had done to Octavia, to his girlfriend!"

The junior officer vented with concern in his voice!

Less than an hour later, they were pulling up in the police station where Chantal was asked to give a written statement about what she knew about the scenario that might have led to her mother's awful death; and without hesitation, she complied, and then returned to the scene where her mother was found dead, and the crowd was still lingering around seeking for their own answers.

Bright and early Saturday morning, a group of police officers were at the door-steps of the wanted man who was proclaimed to be armed and now very dangerous; trying to arrest him, and hopefully safe the life of his girlfriend!

Repeatedly the officers shouted, "Police!"

While they banged on the tiny board door and called out for Gordon Luke several times!

Not ready to face any justice, Gordon Luke curled up like a snake on a dirty mattress he had on the floor, and kept silent as long as he could, as the desperately police seek to apprehend him!

Fearing that a body could already be in the tiny house, the officers proceeded to kick down the door of Gordon Luke's house and entered it!

It was only then that he began weeping and begging for mercy, as the police pointed their guns close up at him, and two officers dragged him from off the filthy mattress while asking him where the gun was, and where was his girlfriend's body, assuming that he had already blew the life out of her!

"I don't know where she is!"

"I came here and she was already gone!"

Gordon Luke explained.

"So why did you killed Ms. Octavia?"

One of the officers asked bluntly!

"I killed that bitch because she was spending too much time between my girlfriend's legs and trying to take away my girl from me; and right in front of my very face having my girlfriend telling me that she could certainly satisfy her much better than I can!"

Gordon Luke said tearfully!

"Which man you think wants to hear that... that a frigging woman, have a bigger penis than they have, so I just finish her off!"

"Every Friday evening, I come home, is she that, under my woman's frock and the two of them curled up into the bed like they are some damn octopus in heat!

Gordon Luke vented with bruised ego!

All the officers were in a state of shock, quite surprise to see how straight forward and brutally honest this man was about his criminal actions... not denying his motives or his cruel actions which most men would be adamant about dodging; just from the stigma and shame that he was unable to perform well in bed!

But not Gordon Luke, he just simply admitted to his crime without any inconsistencies or contradictions.

His confession was straight forward and right to the point, therefore, the actions for mitigation were surmountable towards him, so, there were no need for the police to beat any answers out of him!

Could he be that brutally honest?

Now, the only concerns were to find out if he was telling the truth about not killing his girlfriend, and then had cautiously hid her body some place secretive, even though, they were somewhat optimistic that he was giving them the true story!

Minutes later, words would come right from the criminal's mouth, telling the officers where they could definitely find the dwelling place of his girlfriend's mother and all the various places that she could have possible spend her time when she wasn't around him!

A radio dispatch message was then sent out immediately, giving information of where Karla Smith parents were living, before hand-cuffs were slapped onto Gordon Luke's wrist and he was ushered into the waiting police vehicle to be transported off to jail.

Less than twenty-four hours later, Karla Smith was located by the police officers who were vigorously searching for her; at her mother's bungalow up in the hill... in a small community called White-Hall.

Thankfully, she was only found drenched in tears and not blood; and moaning bitterly about the deadly threats Gordon Luke her boyfriend, had been contemplating about doing to her, and also her girlfriend Octavia, if they didn't cut their girlish and intimate ties behind his back!

Hearing the very final results of those homophobic threats meted out to her a few days ago, Karla went dashing from the front porch and threw herself onto the ground, and seriously, she began weeping like it was judgment day, and she was assigned to the brim-stone and fire department of the underworld!

Both the officers and her mother tried consoling her, but, their efforts were useless!

For hours Karla waddled in the dirt, moaning and weeping about the murderous act her boyfriend had committed to her best friend and her undercover lover, Octavia!

It was a painful moment in her life, and for days Karla's entire being was shut-down from the realities of life, and she spent most of her time at her mother's house grieving and secretly instigating a plot about what she would do to Gordon Luke, if she should ever set eyes on him again!

Gordon Luke had only spent one year in jail for the murder of Octavia, because the judge mitigated his punishment indicating that he was certainly provoke into carry-out the brutal action of taking Octavia's life!

Three days out and that was it!

The hunt was on, once Gordon Luke had been release from jail!

Octavia's three sons and a cousin of theirs who was very well known for organizing criminal activities were digging up every nook-and-cranny searching for him, and sure enough, on their second day of searching, they heard word about where he was actually liming and decided to pay him a surprise visit!

Luke was fully dressed in white like he was a saint dress to meet his maker; and was lying on the beach taking in the warm sun-rays and enjoying the splashing of the waves dangling and dancing at his feet each time they came to shore!

Away from civilization!

Away from any disturbance!

Away from the pathway of any other beach goers!

Luke, still on the beach stretched out on his back, feeling the fresh ocean air on his skin and began reminiscing about his life, and all the wrong he had done to destroy the life and happiness of so many others around him, bringing pain to many when suddenly, he felt the sense of a dark shadow hovering over him!

He then opened his eyes and then was very frightened to be staring into the eyes of danger - what would be his worst nightmare!

Like a sack of flour, Octavia sons draped him up and had him on his feet!

Soon after they began slapping him across the face repeatedly as they reminded him of what he had done to their mother and aunt!

Now Luke began pleading and begging for mercy while declaring that he had already served his time for his crime!

"What time did you serve?"

One of Octavia's sons asked!

"I already serve time for killing your mother!"

Luke stuttered nervously!

"So if you have spent time for murdering my mother, why is she not here, but you, still here on the land?"

Another of Octavia's son shouted in his face!

Before Luke could open his mouth to say another word, a hail of bullets were release into his body from head to toe, causing his bullet riddled body to hit the sand like a log, as streams of blood began spewing from his body like a garden hose!

Now the entire spot had transformed into red!

And there on the brown quite sandy beach, as the sun descended and the waves came to visit the shores, Gordon Luke's dead body laid on the surface of the beach with the waves knocking it back and forth like a Ping-Pong ball, until some fishermen in a distance saw the ocean water becoming red and went to investigate!

The police and undertaker were summon and came by quickly, trying to process the crime scene and remove the corps from off the beach before the crowd had gotten any bigger, but, there was not much at the crime scene to be process or use into evidence since the waves had shifted, scoffed and swallowed up most of the forensics needed for evidence!

Like any other stigma and action of injustices that breathe fear into the minds and hearts of man, Brian's Beach in Riverton was now notoriously branded as the dreadful killing beach, bringing to it, its fair share of discrimination where many had once considered a hidden paradise.

Similar to the branding of Brian's Beach, Gordon Luke had now succumb to his fair share of injustice which only the mercies of divine intervention could probably grant him any reasonable rationalization for the injustice he had just underwent!

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