Sean Jacus was a known Street racer all around the Japanese archipelago who resides in Hokkaido, he's known all around Japan for two reasons He's highly skillful, and he owns two cars A 2016 Jeep Trailcat and a 1982 Lancia 037 Stradale that was built to be the perfect car for dirt And drift, During the day he's your average High schooler that delivers food for his family, at night he's a Street racer that has yet to be beaten in Hokkaido, but then news of his skills become international and he has to race against other racers from other countries, how will he face these new opponents.
On the Mt. Sapporo mountain pass, it was dead of night and silent except for the sound of screeching tires, and on a hairpin appeared a blue 1982 Lancia 037 Stradale mid-drift with a sticker on the door that says 'Jacus European Cuisine Delivery' in Japanese (the car in the cover) and behind it was a 2016 Jeep Trailcat with the same sticker on the hood, and inside the Lancia was a brown-haired teenager wearing a black hoodie, jeans, and white shoes, in the cupholder was a phone on speaker "That drift was late Sean, you need to focus." A voice said from the phone "well this is technically my first race against you so I'm a little nervous, and it usually mom who races me and she says that your better dad." Sean said before making a left turn.
"Well, she is right, she has yet to pass me for the first time after I pass here, like this!" Sean's dad said before passing Sean "Don't count me out yet!" Sean said as he put the car into 5th gear and reaching 138 mph and climbing, but even so, the Jeep just went faster and a women in her 30s was visible, she wore a short sleeved shirt along with jeans and had brown hair, once they passed her the cars brakes were activated and stopping it at a halt, out of the Jeep was a tall man with black hair, he wore a blue shirt and shorts, "Man, you were quick, I don't think I'll ever beat you." Sean said "Well if you practice more we'll probably get ties instead of me winning, let's head home." Sean's dad said.
*The next day at Nanryo high school class 1-3*
as the class was preparing for class Sean was chatting with some friends until they brought up a subject "Hey did ya hear, the twin ghost of Mt Sapporo were spotted last night!" Said the black-haired Mitsuga excitedly "The twin ghost, what's that?" Asked the natural blonde Kyuma "Their this couple of cars that go insanely fast on Mt. Sapporo pass and I hear that one of them is a truck!" Mitsuga said enthusiastically, "I watched them from afar last night and the trucks make is a 2016 Jeep Trailcat, it's amazing how fast it goes, I don't know what make the car is cause it blends into the night." Hiro said as he fixed his glasses "Hey Sean you deliver for you parents at night through Mt. Sapporo you must've seen them." Mitsuga asked "Well I saw them a couple of times." Sean lied "man I can't wait to get my license and join the Sapporo Tracers!" Mitsuga said.
"But you'll also need a car, what do you think you'll get?" Kyuma said "Well I want a 2015 Ford Mustang GT, for that horsepower!" Mitsuga said, everyone except Sean begun to laugh "Seriously, it may have high horsepower but it would be terrible on those turns, that things rear wheel drive." Kyuma said "plus it's to expensive with the kind of job you have, a 69' Dodge Charger is a bit more achievable though still out of your budget." Hiro said.
"Well I'll just save up money, I mean how much does it cost?" Mitsuga said "At least 1,857,298¥ and at average 2,571,644¥, with your budget it be the second week of summer break to have that kind of money." Kyuma said