
1.beginning of this experiment

Hi. my name is david. I was one of 10 selected scientists who contributed to the experiment that damaged my psychology. Well, I don't know what crazy ideas the state officials want. they want to reveal what hell and heaven are like. where they believe that hell and heaven are in the highest layers of a dimension. One day there was a perfect experimental container for trying to go to the highest part of the dimension. 12 Dimensions. Several professors and I were forced to work non-stop to reveal how 3-dimensional creatures can go to 12-dimensional places. In fact, it has been 20 years since this experiment was carried out by the container which we call Project no-1983 and has reached the age of 200 years because it is exploring space. even in 1983 he reached the age of 200 years because he had been exploring outer space for 10 years. We are not aging at all because of a drug formulated by Dr. Izu who is the mastermind of all these crazy experiments. even now we haven't been told behind how he made that medicine and so on. but this is true, it damaged my psychology where I saw 1 by 1 my favorite people die due to old age. with the fact that I am immortal because of this drug. even Dr. Izu didn't tell me from the start, he just told me to take this drug with the promise of a sedative.