
Chapter 2: Other Side of the Coin

As the day went on, Benni looked around the cave home. He was still a bit nervous, yet was enjoying the space. He then saw a few Grimoires in a small library. They contained summoning, elemental magic, curses, and enchanted items that weren't just regular wands and staves. Jinu looked at him and explained what they were for.

"See, my dad wants me to learn magic, even though I want to be a warrior. He says the mystic arts are essential since it holds the fundamentals of the world. But, I'm not sure where to start. But I still want to try."

He said with youthful enthusiasm. Benni picked out a book that was about summoning mystic animals like fairies, golems, and other beings. But he also found a picture of a young man with long black hair, brown skin, with arms and legs like a leopard, and Jinu was with him. But Jinu walked away when he saw the picture, clearly upset. Benni closed the book, sad that he made his new friend upset. Krol asked Benni to the living room to talk.

"So Ben. I feel as though I must inform you of the danger that we face. And hopefully you will help us fight. So, a long time ago, humans and us mystical beings lived together as equals. We did mostly everything together, prospered as well. However, due to our natural connection to the mana of the world, suspicions arose, and they began to fear us for our power which we only wanted to share. Eventually, the kings and queens that came before the current one, also feared us, and made rules to make it so we didn't couldn't potentially hurt them. Then, they had enough, their fear overwhelming their judgement, they banished us away from the kingdom, into these wilds we now call home. However, we demanded justice, and tried to fight. We thought our power was superior, however we were wrong. They used underhanded tactics, sneak attacks, hostages. Many humans fortunately joined our side, and they in turn became a hybrid of man and mystic called Beastials. They all died out, or were forced into hiding away, never coming out due to fear of annihilation. So in secret, we have been biding our time, growing our numbers and skills, and preventing another catastrophe from happening again. Unfortunately, many lost hope in change. But we hope that, you'll inspire many to join the fight, learn our ways, become like the family member we never had. So please…we need your help now, even if you reject that help we-"

Benni stopped him, and held his hand and agreed to help them. Krol hugged Benni a bit tightly, forgetting that his own strength was two times stronger than a normal human being. Benni hugged Jinu as he was gaining a sort of big brother. But Krol had more to tell.

"You see, I forgot to mention. In order to become a Beastial, you must first…well, essentially you'd have to go through a trial. Jinu is going through it was well, in order to gain the Mystic Essence. You know about that don't you?" Krol asked. Benni answered.

"It's basically your own personal power from the world. It's infinite, but you have a limited supply that can expand with training. But, doesn't that mean I'd have to give up my own name?"

Krol giggled a bit

"No. Not all of it. But it's essentially the parts you want to change. Like how you name your character anything you want. If that makes sense." He explained.

Benni nodded in understanding, but his vision was getting hazy, and started to nod off to sleep. Jinu caught him and put him in his bed, which seemed to resemble a sort of slug or beetle. Jinu got in too, and turned off the lights.