
The Goblin variants




Luke's eyes widened, his jaw dropping as he took in the heart-wrenching sight before him. His brows furrowed with a mix of anger and sorrow, his fists clenched in a subconscious reaction to the injustice he was witnessing. He couldn't believe the cruelty of the goblins.


Caleb, who had been cracking jokes just moments ago, stood frozen, his playful grin replaced by a look of sheer disbelief. His eyes darted from one frail child to another, and the jovial spark in his gaze extinguished, replaced by a deep concern for the innocent lives trapped before him.


Dion, the usually composed magician, gasped audibly. His hand flew to his mouth in shock, his normally steady hands trembling. The children's suffering had struck a chord deep within him, and his expressive eyes filled with tears as he surveyed the grim scene.


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