
Chapter 2

When she woke up the next day, she was all sweaty and frightened, because of a never ending nightmare which came popping up the whole night. She got up and dressed herself in her underwear, infront of the dressing table she saw marks of tears from last night. She tried to cover them with concealer and foundation.

They were all covered up, but new tears had started to roll down her eyes. The fresh tears ruined her makeup. Her husband saw her; how miserable she was. He went close to her, gave a kiss on her forehead and said "Everything will be fine my love." And he knew, it meant a lot to her. A lot. The sudden loss of her father, the inheritance, the relationship of her and her father, all stabbed her hard on her back in one single day.

She dressed herself into a basic black dress, she bought in a hurried way, yesterday. It was quite tight for her. And she thought maybe this would be the first and the last funeral of my whole life.

They both reached the funeral house right at the time. They were just going to bury her father. But she was lucky to get a last good view of her father's body.

Oh! the pain. She gasped for air in between her tears; as she looked at her father's weakened body for the last time ever. They buried him. And all the other people, they just went back.

Only she and her husband were left. In that perfect silence came a beeping sound from her phone. He took the phone out of its cover and read the message to her." Dear xyz bank user, an amount of 1000000$ is transferred to your account. Looks like the money is transferred. The house is already in our name. We just need to sign some papers." he finished.

"I am not the rightful owner of this property." she said. "well if you dont want it we can give the money to charity. And the house to some organisation which give houses for free for the poor people. I dont know what to do about the car." He said.

They both returned to their house. Both had a simple lunch of boiled corns and cream.

After lunch she surfed the internet for organisations for donation of house and some orphanages. She wanted to donate now, and today itself.

She wrote down some address and numbers and took the papers of her house and got going. But she didn't knew what to do. Cause as soon as she got in her old car, her brain stopped.

She tried to start the engine, but it won't budge. She didn't understood what was wrong with the car. She opened her handbag to call her husband for his car keys, when she noticed the keys of her father's car. "How did it came here?" she wondered. She looked at her watch, it was 2:30 and the orphanage closes at 3. She needed to hurry. So without a second thought she left her car and sat in her father's luxorious car.

She didn't wanted to do this, but still she wanted to get rid of those property as soon as possible. She started the car with a sigh.

It started, the cool air conditioning cooled the air in the car. She took a deep breath and started the navigator system.

"massage left 6 days ago." the system announced.

So she took anthore deep breath and clicked on the message. Which read "Dear daughter. I know you have forgotten me, and I know if I have been at your place I had done the same. But I want to say that the property you inherited doesn't belong to you. And I know you too don't want to keep this property. But instead of giving it away to some organisation, there is an address saved in this system. Go there and when you reach there, read my second message stuck to the bark of an old tree."

And the message ended. She was confused where to go, to the organisation or to her father's address. Something, made her keep faith in her father and she started to drive according to the address given by her father.

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