
An unfortunate Encounter.

On a beautiful night with the shining stars and a full moon.

"Why did I have to go... so late at night too" Hiraku was complaining in his mind

The streets empty, quiet, peaceful. Nothing else could sum it up. In the distance you could see a glowing LED sign that wrote "Variety Store"

In the store he grabbed the snacks his family requested and instant noodles and placing them on the cashier counter.

"Your total will be 3180 Yen" The cashier said with a low and seemingly tired voice, The night shifts were rough.

Hiraku bagging his items because of these rough times with the covid-19 bs, he said "Thank you" with a slight nod in the head.

Making his way out of the store he made his way down the road crossing the street. Thinking about the latest chapter of OPM it was filled with exciting content.

He suddenly seen flashing lights with a sound hitting his ear


It was a small semi truck that came from the wood factory.


Everything turned white he couldn't even process a thought.



"Where am I?" a monotone voice said without a body he didn't have the sound of his original voice.

"My voice it changed?!" "Where am I?" "Why is my body see through?" "Why is there only darkness?"

Too many questions passed through his head, one ear through the other he didn't remember a single one after he asked another internally. His mind was in a state of shock and couldn't comprehend anything.

Suddenly a voice sounded. Dominating, Everlasting, Fearless, Ferocious, Calm, Joyful.

He couldn't tell the voice sounded like it was everywhere, like it was Omnipresent!

"Come here, child."

Suddenly he felt a pulling force, his spiritual body suddenly started moving at impossible speeds, passing Endless Stars, Galaxies, and even Black holes.

In 1 minute he reached the end of the universe, there was some sort of white translucent wall that seemed to cover the universe, it was emitting energy like a star, his soul could feel it? It was beyond it then! His spiritual form soon reached the wall passing with a little struggle only because the Mysterious voice was assisting him this was only possible because of the Omnipresent being.

Upon exiting the universe he saw a seemingly infinite of floating orbs as big as the one he came out of, he continued to move even faster no longer bound by the universe. He soon saw a bright light increasingly getting bigger and it was infront of him in mere seconds.

He dissapeared from the vastness and entered a mysterious room that insanely big.

The pulling force was no more, his soul was stagnant as his mind overloaded he just saw a boundless creation that was supposedly a theory! How could he stay calm?

The mysterious omnipresent voice spoke again "Welcome to my domain."

"W-Who are you?" he couldn't comprehend anything so far and asked the

mysterious voice a question.

"I'm the Great One, the Almighty, The conqueror." the being stated

Before Hiraku could say anything the being once again spoke

"I'm everything." saying a final 2 word sentence. The absolutely overwhelming aura that goes over his soul every word he speaks. It was as if every time he spoke someone fell onto him

"S-so what can I call you?" still with a shaky voice Hiraku asked another question.

"Just call me Great One, also heres a gift." his voice spoke out to Hiraku right after the Great One said that an orb came out of no where and floated to his direction.

"This is an ability that could help you a little." as the orb was absorbed into the soul of Hiraku he suddenly felt a peace of mind, calm, tranquil. It had an effect of a calm mind? His attitude immediately shifted.

"Thank you, Great One." immediately feeling a sense to respect this being his attitude changed drastically.

Following up with another sentence "May I ask why I'm here?" Hiraku said.

"I'm looking for someone worthy to become the next God of this Void. Recently my immortality has been wearing off and I noticed my diminishing power. I only have a few billion years to live." Great One replied.

This knowledge felt somewhat odd. Wasn't a God suppose to be a being that can't be defeated, killed, or just die in general? Hiraku immediately questioned the God "What's the point of being a God if you are still applied to the means of Time?"

"Thou I don't wanna expand upon things a hellish being whose power you can't even comprehend has ascended he has put a curse upon me and even I can't resist it. His power is inferior but in a billion years he could surpass me." he followed up with another statement

"So I'm looking for someone who can inherit my will, my power, and my domain. Someone who has an unbreakable will to get stronger with nothing in his path stopping him."

"And you Hiraku Royal will be the successor."

Immediately a display was shown in front of him.

[Welcome to the system.]


AN: First chapter, first time experimenting writing a story. I hope I can bring something out of it if I do have something for this. Also be harsh with me tell me the mistakes even to the smallest detail.

Also expect shorter chapters for a little, I don't have the drive or endurance for writing at the moment.