
Karma is a viscous circle

Anything new always brings hope and happiness. Zexi was not able to contain her happiness. She was flaunting about her new job in her social circle. The thought of working closer with Shen Mingyu generated lots of Jealousy among elite socialite women. Zexi went on a big shopping spree since she wants to look breathtaking every day at work.

Next day morning, Zexi reached Shen Industries headquarters at downtown. Jiang yu took her under his wing and asked one of his secretary to give Zexi a tour of the office. Zexi was overwhelmed with joy and went for the tour.

Qing Yun and Gao Ling was looking at Jiang yu from their office. Yun felt like Yu was giving Zexi a special treatment. But she didn't voice it out otherwise she will sound like jealous person. Gao Ling noticed her friends soar mood, so she tried to lighten by taking her out for a quick coffee outside.

They both sat at the coffee shop opposite to Shen Headquarters. They saw a gang to girls sitting besides chatting their heart away. One of the girl in the gang said

"This Wu Zexi is irreplaceable. Sheis fourtunate and lucky since she has a strong backing from Li & Wu families and now she is going to work so close with Shen Mingyu."

Other girl responded "Oh yeah, Our Zexi is so damn lucky. Mingyu and Zexi will be extremely sexy pair in the City."

Another girl said "As it is, their families carry friendship from their grandfather's time, I guess there will not be family issues. I'm so happy for our Zexi."

Gao Ling wanted to encourage her friend, now she has fallen into steep world of gossips. Somehow the thought of Mingyu with another girl made Gao Ling feel very sick. She was thinking how naïve are all these women, Zexi is just here to get work experience. But they are talking about love and marriage.

Qing Yun laughed and said "my dear friend "Karma is a viscous circle, don't worry every dog has its own day too"

Gao Ling didn't want to show her true feeling to anyone, not even to the friend who is sitting in front of her. So she replied "I don't feel anything. I am just amused by these silly girls' thoughts. Come on Xiao Yun, let's go back"

Yun didn't want to argue back to Ling. She just smiled and went back to office.

Actually Gao Ling was restless after listening to those girls in the Coffee shop. She couldn't concentrate at her work. Qing Yun and Gao ling was sharing a cabin, while Wu Zexi was given a separate corner glass cabin. Wu Zexi was walking proudly up and down.

As of now, Gao ling is known as a secretary of Shen Mingyu. Wu Zexi didn't give much importance to her. Gao Ling on the other hand wanted to punch her. After sometime in the morning, Shen Mingyu came back from the meeting and rushed to his office.

Wu Zexi noticed him and wanted to rush to his office as well. However she was stopped by Gao Ling.

"Hey whoever you are, why are you stopping me. I need to go inside Shen Mingyu's office"

Gao Ling spoke politely

"I am Gao Ling, Secretary of Mr.Shen Mingyu. He has strictly advised to allow people with prior appointment only. Please email me for getting an appointment with him"

Wu Zexi was boiling inside. But she thought of holding it in. She didn't want to cross lines with people on the first day itself. Moreover it will develop a bad image about herself with Shen Mingyu

So she said "Okay, I will send an email. If possible, you can ask him if I am allowed to see him."

Wu Zexi left with that. Shen Mingyu was watching the entire thing in CCTV footage on his tab. His sharp eyes noticed the jealous eyes of Gao Ling.

Shen Mingyu called Gao Ling into his office. She came inside and asked him politly

"Mr.Shen , Is three anything you would like me to do"

Shen Mingyu looked at her and said

"Yes please, Call Wu Zexi to my office and don't let anyone inside until my meeting is over with her. Do you understand?"

Mingyu spoke in calm and cold tone, which was extremely formal. Gao Ling didn't want to react, hence she made a expressionless poker face. She said

"Yes Mr.Shen, I will call Ms.Wu Zexi Inside."

Gao Ling left with heavy heart, just a few minutes ago she tols Wu Zexi to get appointment. But Shen Mingyu himself is calling Wu Zexi. Ling informed Wu Zexi and left to her cabin. She thought maybe she is taking advantage of the friendship he was offering. In Office, he is the super boss and she is an ordinary employee. Ling decided to keep her emotions in control. She will not let it affect her next time.

Yun was just staring the poor girl who is sitting infront. Yun went and gave a tight hug to Ling and spoke in a sweet voice

"Xiao Ling, It is okay, Men are unpredictable sometimes. Lets not give them space to distrupt our happiness. Come lets get to work."

Ling felt angry at herself for having a wavering thoughts. Yun words made her feel relaxed.

Both of them forgot the event happened before quickly and diving straight into the work.

Wu Zexi was happy to be called by Shen Mingyu. She checked herself in the washroom and retouched her makeup before going inside Mingyu's Room. Mingyu addressed her formally

"Ms. Wu, Welcome to Shen Industries. I am glad that you have joined our industry before starting out on your own. I hope you are aware already that, I take my business very seriously. I don't let any emotions hinder my business decisions. So let's leave our family history outside. Let's not engage in any personal conversation. I respect every employee based on their performance, not because of their background. So I advise you to apply the same. In Shen Industries, Imagine yourself as a normal employee. Because that will help your learning very effective while you are here.

You can leave now. If you need anything, please contact my Secretary Gao Ling or my assistant Jiang Yu. All the best Ms Wu."

Wu Zexi didn't say any words back to him. She just nodded her head in understanding. She thought, it's just a starting, slowly she should develop the relation between her and Mingyu stronger.

Mingyu thought meeting with Wu Zexi should have irritated Ling more, but to his surprise she was immersed into the work. He couldn't predict this unbelievable girl on his screen.

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