
Friendship or Brotherhood?

As soon as train reached reached City T, Mingyu had to rush to office to attend the pending work and meeting. By the time he relaxed, it was midnight. he left to his home for sleep.

Mingyu was back to his cozy bed and closed his eyes, Automatically his mind was thinking about the train journey with the girl he adores. He wished why the journey didn't prolong for hours together. his only wish was to be with the girl he loves more than his life. he was thinking about her delicate features and lovly voice of hers.

his phone rang loudly, it disturbed his beautiful thoughts, with so much irritated expression, he picked his phone to scold the person who disturbed him. in that he forgot to see the caller name.

"if you ever want to breathe again, don't disturb me" Mingyu calm voice gave deathful scare.

on the other end, " Oh really, let's see about that Young Master Shen"

Oh shit, it's you. Sorry Man, tell me what do you want. Mingyu was keeping a calm voice, yet careful enough not to irritate his best friend.

He got a expected response

"Mingyu, do you want to die with my barehands, Why did you recruit Gao ling, why did you make her come to CITY T. On top of that you have traveled with her together. And who gave you the right????.

Angry words didn't get to his heart, Mingyu know his friend very well. he responded In calm and collected voice

" Yingjie, Relax and listen to me first. As your best friend, please put on little bit of trust in me, I came to know from few sources that she might be in trouble soon. it's better to keep her close than being far away. we both will not forgive ourselves if something happens to her. it's better for her to work in my company than yours, so that people who searching for her will not be able to identify the link between you two.

feeling his buddy voice is slowing getting rid of the anger, Mingyu continued..

"Most importantly, I didn't force Xiao Ling to join here, She had offer to work from numerous companies in the country and abroad. Yet she specifically choose to work with Shen Industry."

Yingjie was stunned to hear that she chose Shen Industry, at the back of his mind he knows the anger towards his friend Mingyu was not a real one, he was jealous of his friend that he was able to spend time Gao Ling.

Nothing misses the Sharp guy like Mingyu, he figured his friends reaction returned to normal by listening to breathing sound, and added

"My dear friend Yingjie, Stop drinking a Jar of vinegar and listen to me patiently. I know you trust me with your life, I do the same thing so stop your anger act. let's discuss how to make it safe for Xiao Ling."

Like a blast chiller effect, his friends words cooled down Yingjie immediately

"Okay, Mingyu. I leave her safety in your hands. please take care of her. Don't let anyone identify her real identity. I will return to CITY T only after a month. I m traveling abroad for a important mission. Going forward let's talk on encrypted phone line or email. bye, take care Buddy!.

Though Mingyu was relaxed about the fact that his friend is not angry anymore, his mind was constantly thinking about Gao Ling. he needs keep his promise with his friend, he will protect Ling no matter what. what He and Yingjie share is mere not is friendship, it's brotherhood for life.


On the other side, Jiang Yu , infamous assistant of Shen Mingyu was waiting for Qian Yun.

Qiao Yun rushed to the CEOs office. Without wasting time, Yu asked her the reason for the mishap in accommodation. " Qiao Yun, tell me quickly what went wrong in Gao ling accommodation and how will you rectify it quickly".

Qiao Yun was wondering what accommodation and then struck her the it's about the new recruitment accommodation. Mr.Jiang, please give me a minute and I'll get back to you with an answer.

Jiang Yu was surprised that she came back in lightening speed.

"Mr. Jiang , I am sorry for the mistake from my end. it was Madam Fu Ming cancelled the accommodation stating the reason as accommodation no longer needed. , Please allow me to rectify the situation. "

Jiang, just nodded his head and his thoughts went to Yun mentioning Fu Ming. he need find and report back to his boss about involvement of Fu Ming. Jiang Yu knows clearly that Gao Ling is the very important person to Young Master Mingyu.

Yun gave a quick call estate management department and booked a new Accommodation closer to office for Gao Ling.

Jiang Yu was surprised and didn't show it in his face. he was impressed by her down to earth attitude and efficiency in her task.

"Mr.Jiang, the accommodation has been booked, I have personally called Ms.Gao and informed her about the change of place. Is there anything you would like me to do . "

"Yes, Ms. Qing, please vacate your desk from recruitment dept and shift to CEO s office immediately and he left the place before she could respond."

Qing Yu was shocked beyond imagination, am I going to work with devil boss and his monster assistant. God, why do you do this to me.

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