7 Time to Suit Up

After I convinced her not to go back we got ready to go shopping. When we were done we left the inn and everyone that was there last night look surprised, I guess it's pretty strange that the girl that I carried in just last night and was covered in blood, bruises, and cuts is completely ok now.

"What's going on? Why does everyone look so surprised?"

"When I brought you back here last night you were on the brink of death and now you don't have a scratch on you."

"What?! What happened to me?"

"You don't remember?"

"No I don't."

"Well when I found you you were nearly beaten to death by some man." He said this with a grim and disappointed look on his face.

"I don't remember any of this?"

"You must've gotten a concussion."

"Oh I hope don't forget anything else."

"You shouldn't."

"Ok I trust you." When they finished talking they ate breakfast and left to the blacksmith.

"I hope I can get to the blacksmith without any troubles this time." Halbert said with a hopeful expression.

"Hello welcome to joe's blacksmith what would you like."

"Just some best armour both of us can get with this." He said as he placed 10 gold coins on the counter.

"Hmm I think I know what you need." Joe left disappearing into the back room. He came out 5 minutes later with a set of shiny, silver colored light armour and a set of pitch black heavy armour.

"The light armour is the lady and the heavy armour is for you. Would you like to get some weapons to?"

"Do you happen to have any scythes or bows?"

"I believe we have one scythe left but it will cost 2 gold coins and I don't sell the bows, but if you go down the street for a while you should see the bowyer's shop."

"Ok I'll buy the scythe, and thank you for the help."

"No problem, but I'll need the two coins first."

"Here you go." Halbert said as he give the blacksmith two gold coins.

"Let me go get it." He disappeared into the back room once more and returned with a scythe this time.

"Thank you for your purchase."

"Thank you for the gear." Halbert said while heading out the door. The two went to the bowyer next so they could get a bow for the girl.

"Oh come to think of it we haven't introduced ourselves yet."

"Oh right!" She said with a hint of worry in her voice. "My name is Heather and it's a pleasure to work and live with you." Heather said as she bowed.

"There's no need to be formal with me. My name is Halbert and it's a pleasure to have you work with me." Halbert said lifting her head up. She looked to the side and it looked like she was blushing.

"Now that we've introduced ourselves let's get going we want to make sure you can protect yourself when I'm not around.

We entered the bowyer's shop and on every wall was a bow of all kinds of styles or designs.

"Welcome to my shop. What would you like today." He said in a friendly tone.

"I'd like the best bow you have that's for 3 gold coins."

"Hm the one on the red one over there that looks like it's made of tree roots is the best I have for 3 gold."

"Then I'll take that one please." He said as he handed 3 gold coins to the bowyer.

"Thank you for your purchase, please come again." He yelled as we left.

"Let's go to the forest to test it out." Halbert said turning around. "I'd also like to show you what I can do."

"Ok" She said while nodding. We walked to the forest and passed through the market on the way. "Lets get something to eat." He said as he walked to a near by food stall.

"Hello what would you like?"

"Hmm...how about two of those please." He said while pointing to something that looked like honey bun from earth.

"That will be 10 silver coins." Handing him 10 silver coins I took the honey buns.

"Hey are you two going to the forest?" The man at the stall asked.

"Yeah, why."

"I heard people have gone missing recently. You should be careful."

"Thanks we will" I said as we left towards the forest.

'I hope we run into whoever's causing trouble, it should be pretty entertaining.'
