

A child falling from a building~

"So, was is it really worth it?" he says…

"Did this really gave me happiness?, or it was just a simple way to escape sadness"

"I wonder…..when…I will become a human again…"

Child is close to the ground in the fall~

"No…will I even will become a human aga-"

As he hits ground with his head, leaving him dead non-painfully~




He is standing, near his corpse….in his soul form~

"Do I regret this?..."


A lot of people were moving in a black sphere~

He hears a thick and hardened voice.."Come child, If you want to be

Succeed…Come if you want to be strong….Come if you want to be

Brave…Come if you want to be who you wanted in this world…for

Another chance, for Another turn, for another life, come here" it says

Child starts to walk toward black sphere~

"Will this really give me….Another chance?" as he touches the black sphere


Darkness cover his eyes as he touches the sphere, Darkness….is all he can see~

"Welcome to the….INFINITY STREETS~" The thick voice says

"Wha-What?" Says the main protagonist

--Please select your name and your first ability--


--Please select your name and your first ability--

"N-name??, uhh, continue with Derren liycoat" as he is confused

--Name is selected to Derren liycaot, please chose ability--

"An-Any ability?" he asks

--Ability like fireball, water spear, etc…--

"Magma ball" He grins

--Ability selected—


--You are in infinity street, an game designed for those who suicides, you have given another chance, when you will reach certain level of the street you will able to get anything you want—

"So you are saying I will get anything if I reach certain level?"

--Precisely yes—

"Uhhh, I don't really understand what is going on, but I will continue with it" he is confused yet excited

--This game will continue like an video game, the structure is constructed like that because that will make candidates play this game more easily—

"But….what..if I die again?" voice in low pitch

--You will go to hell or heaven and reborn as human forgetting all of the memory—


Silence falls~



"Lets continue this game"

--Let me explain all the settings and things made by admin so you can play it without any problems—

"A tutorial, GAMERS DON'T NEED TH-"

Sudden panic attack in Derren's heart….All his worst memory flashes through his eyes~



--The game is easy, you have to go every street, monsters will come and you have to defeat them, every time you defeat them you get a ability, the street can be divide sometimes, sometimes boss, and many thousand possibilities, just progress by killing monsters every time—

"Pretty complicated" as he says, journey begins

Next chapter