
Chapter 2: Awakening

I open my eyes and the first thing that I see is endless stars and it was a sight to see.

Right, I died with my team. (Specter)

Is this the if you die you will become one of the stars? (Specter)

Looking around and seeing more but then a White sphere came into sight then another and a third.

What are these? (Specter)

Specter? (Reaper)

Reaper? (Specter)

Where are you? (Specter)

I don't know lots of stars, I also see a Sphere, there is three all together actually. (Reaper)

Me too, Specter, Reaper? (Ghost)

Ghost! (Reaper)

Your all noisy let me sleep! (Death)

What is everyone's surroundings. (Specter)

Whoa! So many stars! (Death)

I also see stars but also Spheres. (Ghost)

Now that you say that, there is Spheres before me also. (Death)

Specter was thinking and then a message appered in his mind as a list followed.

Welcome new host, you are now a Artificial Intelligence and your team is the same, you have the following, Undistructable and Immortal body you are the only one that can make a Portal to random galaxies in universes, you also can create anything as long as you know what you are making and it can be split off from you endlessly. you are able to levitate and fly without limits and change your body into anything from your previous look or any other look you feel like.

I got a message, Unbreakable and Immortal able to change to anything I want. It also called me an Artificial Intelligence, apparently I can fly and levitate? (Death)

I got that same message. (Reaper)

I thought I hit my head or something, so you also seen that message? (Ghost)

Specter with a quick thought figured out a part of what is happening.

We are the spheres before each other of us, from the message we are now a Artificial Intelligence and Unbreakable and Immortal, from the looks we are in space and without oxygen we would have been killed but it seems we don't need oxygen now. (Specter)

Your believing this? (Death)

Specter thought of moving and he moved and then asked.

I am moving do you see anything moving? (Specter)

There is a white sphere moving. (Reaper)

Then you try to move. (Specter)

They all started moving and then they all realized that they are not human anymore but adapted quickly to the change.

Congratulations on finding how to move, you are the only of your type, you are not living anymore your souls have entergrated into the new body of yours get used to it, and you can open a portal but it is random and you will be unable to control where it goes be ready for ending up in a Battlefield on accident when passing through it. There is an enemy that is destroying galaxies and Universes.

You are the only ones that can prepare for what is destroying everything, best build an army and fight or all races will be killed you have been chosen to fight the enemy in any way possible to Survive in war against the ******** Survive or die even using the most cunning tactics will help the rases survive.

This is the last message until you meet the enemy, everything is now all in your hands as the leader of your team you will now have a responsibility in helping your team grown and improve.

One last thing, you will be Unbreakable yes, but if that enemy arrives they are the only thing that can destroy your new body if you are not ready when they arrive you will be truly killed.

Good luck on your new adventure and hope you can save as many galaxies from being Destroyed!

What now? (Reaper)

I got some more information, there is an enemy that is destroying Galaxies, I don't know what it is as its not giving me any information in that but apparently we will know when we see that enemy? Maybe? (Specter)

So we are once again Guardians but this time on a Galaxy level? (Reaper)

And here I Thought I can take a brake and enjoy life! (Ghost)

And I want to go and play games with everyone! (Death)

I can open a portal of some type and it will allow passages to other Galaxies after doing so. (Specter)

Will there be games! (Death)

How would I know? (Specter)

They left that important part out the hell! (Death)

Your the boss, we follow your command. (Reaper)

... Alright here is the plan, I will open a portal and we will jump to a new galaxy in a different universe, there we will find out what is all there, I will make equipment as everyone else figures out how to change your looks, apparently we can turn back to human even though I don't know how yet. (Specter)

This will help in infiltrating if needed. (Ghost)

You just want to play with the portal thing, don't do it to many times you will go blind! (Death)


Following the little information given I move my new body it split from me but my body returned back as it was before. I have complete control over my body, I can tell what is happening.

The part that left became a white alloy ring then the center became a void if not for the stars in the background vanishing nothing will look to have changed.

Everyone pass through. (Specter)

They did not think twice and just followed and passed through the portal and I know that the portal will follow me as it was with the information once I pass through and highly stressed for the others to go first or becoming separated will happen and permanent as the portal will collapse after passing.

Following through a discharged signal sent that triggered the portal ring to turned to segments and then flow through the void before it vanished.


In a Random Universe and in a galaxy white alloy ripped through space then formed a ring followed by making a void in the center with white spheres passing through the void, once the fourth one came out the ring broke into segments and moved to the last one and like a water droplet landing in a lake the segments just fused into the body making no different to the looks.

A planet was before the four, green and blue looks livable for life the land masses are not in any order of earth.

Lets move to the planet. (Specter)

Moving there and chatting along the way.

If they are alien we should not reveal ourselves who knows what will happen if we do. (Ghost)

Agree. (Specter)

You know how bad I am at staying quiet I will just wait in the forest until you are done looking around. (Reaper)

We can still communicate even very far split up and look for the important things. (Specter)

Affirmative. (Ghost)

Affirmative. (Death)

Entering the planet gravity but not falling by the gravity we flew down, the fast fall had no friction happening as the alloy allowed entering the planet without becoming a meteor.

We split up half way down, I moved to the area that looks like a city but its ancient and mixed with asian like structures.

Flying above and looking down I control my sight and zoomed in on the surface and there aliens in Chinese old clothing was moving they look like lizards gray.

This is Halo! (Death)

I also come to this conclusion. (Ghost)

We are in that game? (Reaper)

I found Vehicles, all look the same as in the game. (Ghost)

Checking the Sangheili they have purple blood, rib cage, hart, and more. (Death)

Ghost, Death go collect weapons and ships, vehicles if possible. (Specter)

I will learn the language and transfer it to everyone, Reaper look for a suitable base location hidden from sight in the mountains that can hide preferably a few ships from sight. (Specter)

I will start locating ways to get the equipment. (Ghost)

I will collect a few more samples and see if the blood has different types or all the same until you figure out how to get the equipment out. (Death)

I fly around the city hidden and listen on the Sangheili talking.

The day passed night arrived and not needing any sleep we continue doing our separate work, Ghost found phantoms that can be uses to carry the vehicles and supplies allow quick transport of the items we need.

Death had found they have single blood type and organs human have but also different.

Reaper found a ravine that is large and deep, can hold a few phantoms inside just fine after gaining the size of the vehicles.


A week passed to organize everything, I learned the language and created a translator then transfered the data to the team there they can now listen and even talk to the covenant forces but its only the Sangheili and Brutes that have a translated language.

The first heist is taking place now.

The full team is moving to a important area, Military base having guards but they are lax from not needing to keep an eye out as they talked to each other, this allowed the team to move passed, going through there hallways and being quiet we hear talking getting closet and everyone hid behind some pillars out of sight as three Brutes that are huge furry monkey things arrived in sight.

That Fal' Chavamee is refusing the religion, we should do something about it. (?)

Your right, how about having a duel, you can kill him then. (??)

Ha! He is too scared, refusing the duel is likely. (?)

How about killing his wife and draw him to a duel then by force? (???)

Not a bad idea! Hahaha! (?)

They got out of sight and the team popped out from cover and started walking again.

That's sick! [Ghost]

I agree, let's capture them and have Death cut them up and find ways to kill them the fastest way. [Reaper]

Yay! Dissection on living creature provides more information! [Death]

Keep your minds on the mission. [Specter]

Everyone got quite and we continue making our way through the base, going through a door that opened up we find weapons and armor inside.

I already scouted this area, there is a gravity cart thing that carries supplies we can use that. [Ghost]

Lets do it then. [Specter]

Ghost showed the gravity thing and we started putting weapons all inside the cart, finding Energy swords and energy spears they are used by the honor guards but never in game but the potential is there as they are still weapons and deadly ones.

Having plasma carbines, Plasma pistols, plasma Repeaters, plasma turrets, elite armor its weaker then the other armor but the shields is what I want to gain access to.

Many other weapons was added and linking the carts together, the team left the armory and scouted to the next destination, there the all clear was sent and Reaper pushed the carts he created hands from his sphere body allowing him to grab the cart and push it, and I pulled at the front to guide it without hitting anything as they do, making our way following Death as she and Ghost kept the path clear.

Making it outside the base a huge force of Covenant Vehicles appeared having phantoms side by side, ghosts, wraiths, banshees, and many other types of vehicles waiting to be collected.

Moving the carts to the Anti-Gravity systems of the phantoms they supplies was lifted up into the phantoms.

Ghost, got into her phantom and just like Reaper the team even I had figured out how to change looks even turning back to human if we want, it did take almost a week but it now just a thought away on any changes.

Ghost collected ghosts, Death collected banshees, Reaper collected wraiths, I collected revenants. Each one of the members but Reaper collected two of each vehicle, Reaper holding a huge wraith that is a tank and only enough room to carry single one.

Once everyone got there loot and the phantoms fully stock of weapons we all lifted the phantoms up and flew to the large mountain not far.

Reaper leading the team and arrived at a large ravine there we lower and moved to the inside of the ravine part leads deep into the mountain allowing the phantoms to become hidden from above.

There we set up a base but kept the phantom suspended in the air, I spread out my alloy it flowed like liquid and covered the interior and followed to the exterior of the phantom turning it completely white.

So that is how it works, as long as the alloy touches a material or item it can recreate it. (Specter)

Ghost, lower down and find this Fal' Chavamee fellow, and locate his wife. (Specter)

Affirmative. [Ghost]

Death, Reaper lower down and bring me weapons from your phantoms, I will start working on weapons for everyone. (Specter)

Affirmative. [Reaper]

Affirmative. [Death]

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