2 Infinite Glove Mode

Tristan was elated to know that the main mission presented by the infinite mode system was about to be accomplished.

At first, he assumed that he just needed to get inside the premises of the training facility that's why he pulled many tricks to go inside once on this center.

Unfortunately for him, this kind of childish thinking is a mistake.

He saw many kids entering with beautiful clothes and what looks to be expensive armors and equipment.

Although that's the case, he won't trade the clothes he is wearing now even these rich kids try buy it from him.

The infinite mode system didn't just reward him with stats after he finishes a side mission, he even received clothes, armor, and yes, the ultimate reward, gold coins.

These clothes all have an enchantments engraved on them. The best part is, whether hot or cold, these things are comfortable and durable.

Furthermore, the biggest reward that he got a few months ago, the unlocking of the infinite glove mode open up many opportunities for him. He thought that he will be using a wooden stick as a primary weapon, but now that he knew that it can transform, he was very glad.

His daydreaming was cut short by a loud shout in the distance, telling all the trainees to assemble on field no.1.

When he arrived at the venue, he found it very lively, as many of the crowd talk among themselves. Not knowing anyone here, he just stood there and quickly swept his gaze around the large field.

After a while, a dozen of men and women came in to the stage. A old man came forward and waited for the crowd to settle before he spoke.

"I am Richard Ashford, the vice chairman of this institution. I welcome you all on behalf of our chairman who can't be here today because of certain matters."(Richard)

This time, a notification appeared on Tristan's head telling him that the main mission has been achieved. He was thinking of looking at it now but decided to do it later.

"This year, our chairman decided to adopt certain changes to the way our institution will train those who will pass today. These people behind me will filter out the unpolished gems among you and rate them of their potential."

"Mrs. Porter will announce the rules of the test so listen carefully. Goodluck"(Richard)

"Hmm, please line up and take your numbers by taking a random piece of paper here inside the box in front. The numbers will only appear after everyone has taken one and please don't exchange your paper or else we will be forced to kick you out. We will call ten persons at the same time starting from number 1 to 10 and so on and so forth until all of you are done. Please get one in orderly fashion before I explain the other things." (Mrs. Porter)

All of the kids in the field calmy took a piece of paper and and returned to their places. After everyone was done, the numbers slowly appeared and Tristan got the number 369.

"We have 635 trainees this year but I think that only one-fourth will be admitted today. Behind this stage is the Archaic Tone, an artifact that we will use to examine all of you. The ten instructors behind me will activate the artifact and I will be the one to pull you out."

"The rule is to survive inside, as long as you can, and the scenario will be different with each and everyone of you. This will test your power, decision-making and talent or it will just show us your pathetic and weak self who are just strong because of the equipment your mommy and daddy bought for you. Hehe in here, we only want the strong. The Archaic Tone will record your score on the piece of paper that you have so don't lose it or you will be failed instantly. I will give ten more minutes to prepare but before that is there any other questions?" (Mrs. Porter)

Someone on Tristan's right side raised his hand and asked a question.

"I have three questions. Are we allowed to use our all of our equipments? Is this going to be too long because we are so many here? And what should we get to pass the test?"

"Oh you can use everything in your disposal because the artifact can always determine your own fighting strengths but if you can be tactical about it, I guess that will help you attain a better score. In the case of this test taking too long, let us worry about that and just do your part. We promise that the result will be posted tomorrow morning. As for the passing score, if you can get a 300 or higher then you will pass." ( Mrs. Porter)
