
Chapter 109 - Ulik's Arrival

(Hey guys! Thank you for reading my novel! My exams are going to start next month so please join my Patre-on and support me?! You can read this month's chapters, the next months, and the next.)

Jay opened his eyes, waking up in the Avengers Towers, taking a deep, relaxed breath. His eyes fell on the beautiful woman staring at him, with a soft, loving gaze, "Emma..."


Jay stroked her cheek, making her close her eyes, whisper, "no...these are still your powers at work."

Jay softly smiled, "I can tell you this...it has nothing to do with the abilities. Now...I know for sure."

Emma's eyes trembled; She closed them, burying her face in his chest, "no...it has to be your powers. Because if it's not...then that means...I...I abandoned those young mutants...in their time of need...for something so selfish."

Jay stroked her back, "don't worry. That time it was the ambers of my ability...I am talking about right now...about last night. Emm...I love you."

Emma laughed in his chest, pulling back, looking into his eyes, "Isn't that too soon?"

Jay chuckled, "really? Too soon? You still think it's too soon?"

Emma shrugged her head, pressing her lips, "mmhmm, maybe...a decade too soon?"

Jay rolled his eyes, looking away, when Emma leaned forward, kissing his lips, "I love you too...Jay. I know...I do. Although...everything happened so suddenly that I still haven't wrapped my hand around it. One moment I came to meet you...well, to take you. And the next...we are in bed. All of a sudden...it's like all that anger melted away."

Jay sat up, making Emma lean forward, putting her head on his thigh as he stroked her head, "I don't care...what happened. Even though...I know...you are just acting. I like this...Emma...I love you. It wasn't the ability."

Emma sat up, nuzzling his neck, "why would you think that I am acting...I am..."

Jay caressed her head, kissing her forehead, "Emm..."

Emma sighed, pulling away, her sweet voice turned normal, "all right...I am...or maybe I am not."

She shook her head, "truth be told...I don't know. I thought I would manipulate you...through my body. But it's also true that all my anger...it has disappeared as if drained. And the truth is...I didn't come here for your knowledge or blueprints or to bring you with me."

"Why did you come here?" Jay whispered, softly watching her face, her lips.

"Hmm," Emma looked towards her bare thighs, turning her eyes towards him, "because I am worried. You are weak...your new tech is good, but you are still too weak. We have been following, recording, understanding your new tech. But how many times have you gotten hurt in the past week alone? That Graviton guy almost killed you. And right now, you are just fighting low-level runaways. You don't have to do this. Just...stop putting your life on the line; I don't want you to get hurt."

Jay lunged at her, wrapping his hand around her body, causing them to fall down on the bed. He kissed her cheek as Emma tried to get away, "Jay!"

"Emm...I love you so goddamn much!"

Emma smiled as she stopped struggling, smiling, "damn you...Jay...you just won't listen to me."

Jay showered her face with kisses, "mmhmm...I am hearing you."

Suddenly, the Avengers alarms started going off, making Jay sit up.

Emma held his hand, "please...don't go."

Jay looked into her eyes, "will I find you here...when I come back?"

Emma glanced away, "No..."

Jay looked at her, taking a deep breath, kissing her cheek, "I understand."

Emma watched him stand up, leaving the room, to go after whatever the threat was.

She took a deep breath, getting up, getting dressed before she left the Avengers Tower.

She drove her car; even from here, she could hear the sound of fighting even from this distance away.

But ignoring that, she drove away as fast as she could, reaching the AIM building, parking her car.

She looked at the building, touching something in her pocket, closed her eyes, walking out.


Emma entered Monica's office, looking at the screen playing the news, "what is it this time?"

Monica shrugged, "I don't know. Seems something alien, but the weapons he's using seem Asgardian. I have to say, other than the prisoners that escaped, half the trouble that Avengers deal with is self-invited."

Emma glanced towards the troll-like creature on the screen wearing armor, fighting against Thor, "it's not their fault. A position like theirs invites challenge. No one wants to look over their shoulders, especially not criminals. The best way to do that is to take care of Avengers, and you are free to do whatever you want."

Monica shot a look towards her, "you are defending them? Don't tell me you are still tipsy after last night? You do remember the reason why you went there, right?"

Emma narrowed her eyes, "I am reminding you, if we succeed, ours would also invite challenge. I know why I went there."

Monica curled her lip into a smile, "once we have that...no one could stop. And then, you want it more than me."

Near Avengers Tower,

Jay was sitting on the roof, lost in thought, when something flew past him, making him blankly blink.

Turquoise energy wings appeared on his back as he stopped on the road with cracks between it, pointing at Thor, "what are you doing?! I could have died!"

Thor laughed, "Hahaha! If you'd pay more attention to the opponent, then this wouldn't have happened."

Jay raised his hands, with his face covered because of the cowl's mask, "I thought I wasn't supposed to interfere with the fight of another warrior."

Iron Man landed beside him, snapping his fingers, "touche. What do you think that was about? Something doesn't feel right about this."

Thor nodded, "because there is something wrong. Ulik's arrival is one thing, but his use of that weapon is worse. An ancient legend that doesn't bode produced well for me."

"Which legend?" Antony asked with care, frowning under the armor.

"The only one that matters to me. For on this day my friend...I may be destined to perish."

"Ok, ominous," Jay said, looking towards Anthony, "how about this...you two go search for the weapons, and I will go upgrade your systems so that they could search for magic and scan it. I am curious how did Ulik even get here."

"Good," Anthony nodded, "if you could do that...then I will..."

"Yeah. Let's stop there," Jay flew up, leaving towards Avengers building. While Iron Man and Thor flew up, carrying Ulik, trying to find the weapon.

They searched everywhere that the weapon could be when Iron Man heard Jay's voice, "you should come back. Someone else took it."

"What?! Who dares!"

"Just come back; You'd need help with this opponent."

Anthony frowned, "let's go back, Thor. I'll call others for help."

Avengers Building,

Jay was sitting in front of numerous screens, typing on two keyboards simultaneously, "Jarvis. Anything on the scanners?"

"Yes, Sir. There are signs of an Interdimensional Portal."

"Interdimen...what?" Captain looked towards Jay, confused, when Janet, sitting on his shoulder, spoke, "Interdimensional Portal. The thing that allows Thor to travel to and fro from Asgard."

Jay leaned back, "then that weapon must be like Mjolnir...it can create an Interdimensional Portal. And yet..."

"Woah, Woah, what are you sulking about now?"

Jay, Captain, and Janet looked towards the door, seeing Hawkeye and Falcon walk in.

Hawkeye in this was different from their version; he was younger, blonder, and a tad bit much annoying.

Falcon's name was Sam Wilson, seventeen, and an Agent of SHIELD until Anthony recognized his genius and recruited him. He was much better than Hawkeye, much smarter. Although sometimes Hawkeye could be fun, now was not one of those times.

Jay slid to the holo table, starting it, "do you know the threats we are facing?"

"What does this have to do with that weapon?! Who took it?" Thor landed with Iron Man, walking over, demanding an answer.

Jay looked towards him, "trust me when I say this. It is of utmost importance that you understand what we are facing. Who we are facing."

"Now, let's take a quick recap?"

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