
Chapter 20 Searching for Food and Hidden Places (Second Watch)

Upon seeing the scene before them, Wu Kecong and his team were stunned, unable to close their mouths for half a day.

After half a day, the three of them finally regained their senses one after another.

At this moment, Wu Kecong and the others were all excited and screaming loudly without stopping!

"Damn it, Fengzi, have you been secretly selling weapons from us lately? Where did you get all this bunch of firearms and ammunition from?"

"Yeah, when I first heard you say you have a lot of weapons and ammunition, we thought it was just those shotguns and that sniper rifle you brought with us. I never expected you to have so much inventory hidden in your car, tsk tsk!... Good things, good things, these are all good things. If it were in the past, money wouldn't have been able to buy them!"

"Feng, you are going to hell! Five AWP sniper guns, eight desert eagles, eight Remington shotguns, 13 grenades, ammunition... I'm careless, this is really crazy. I'm beginning to doubt whether you robbed the arsenal!..."

Under the astonishment and shock of the crowd, Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, saying, "As for where these firearms and ammunition come from, didn't I tell you before? Don't ask for now, I will tell you later. Alright, let's not talk nonsense now. You can divide these things first and choose what you like. In this dangerous period, if you don't have some weapons to defend yourself, it's really difficult to move forward!"

After hearing Ling Feng's words, although Wu Kecong and his team's doubts deepened, they didn't say much and started selecting their favorite weapons from the pile of ammunition.

After selecting for a while, Wu Kecong only had one AWP sniper rifle and one Desert Eagle, while Wang Xiang had one weapon for each. As for Sun Lei, he only picked one AWP sniper rifle and a few grenades. He didn't take the shotgun and sand eagle because he had one on him.

Sun Lei tried the feel of his sniper rifle and then turned to look at Wu Kecong and Wang Xiang standing next to him trying it out. With a disdainful expression on his face, he said, "You two second rate men, do you have any common sense that the recoil of the Desert Eagle is so strong that you dare to take it?"? In our current situation, the shotgun is actually the best weapon to counter the enemy. As for the Desert Eagle, it is purely for holding and forcing. Although this type of gun has great power, its shortcomings are directly proportional to its surname. Using it to deal with zombies is like seeking death. While the effect may be quite obvious against a single target, dealing with groups of zombies is simply useless! Not to mention the low accuracy rate, the most frustrating thing is that this thing causes significant damage to the arms, and most people who know how to play with guns will not use this weapon

Upon hearing this, Wu Kecong and Wang Xiang glared at him with displeasure and said, "We just like to use it as a pretense and mind your own business!"

Sun Lei saw their despicable demeanor and directly cursed in a low voice. "Two big fools!..."

"Hehe! Alright, stop making a fuss, you guys. Let's leave quickly. Before it gets dark, we must find food and a safe hiding place!"

After the three of them finished their weapons and weapons, Ling Feng began to urge them to get on the car and prepare to leave.

Under the arrangement of Ling Feng, the six of them were divided into two cars, with the Ling Feng brothers and Xiao Yu driving the Audi Q7, while Wu Kecong, Sun Lei, and Wang Xiang still driving a van.

After both cars were ready, they left Leigongling one after another and headed straight to some relatively remote community streets nearby.

Ling Feng sat in the Audi car and pretended to close his eyes. In fact, he secretly contacted the robot Mount Taishan through his mind. The main purpose of contacting it was to check his task completion progress.

Because this is the first time he has received an upgrade mission that involves rescuing survivors. Currently, he has successfully rescued all five of them, including Mengnan, Xiaoyu, and Wu Kecong. However, he does not know the specific requirements of the system. When upgrading to the third level arsenal mission, the system only says to eliminate one hundred ordinary zombies and successfully save ten survivors. However, is it the condition for saving survivors to send them to a safe shelter on its own, or is it just to rescue them from danger?

Ling Feng is really not very clear about this, so he must ask Mount Taishan about it!

After a secret exchange with Mount Taishan in his mind, Ling Feng was happy that the condition for saving the survivors was to help others out of danger. So, based on the current progress of his mission completion, the conditions for eliminating zombies have been met. He has saved ten survivors and also successfully saved five. In the following time, as long as he continues to save the remaining five survivors, he can enter the unlimited arsenal again to submit tasks, and the overall level of the General's arsenal has been raised to level three!

At that time, the second level arsenal will be upgraded to the third level, and all the weapons inside will be ready to be replenished by 50%!

Now in his second level arsenal, Remington shotguns, Sandhawks, and grenades are all automatically replenished with eight pieces per day. As for the AWP sniper rifle, the system will only replenish six pieces for him temporarily. However, once he completes the upgrade task of his third level arsenal, his shotguns, Sandhawks, and grenades can be replenished with fourteen pieces per day, and the sniper rifle can also be automatically replenished with nine pieces.

What excites him even more is that he will have a reward for preparing to draw weapons. I really hope to draw a powerful weapon then! In addition, he had heard Mount Taishan say that every time the arsenal is upgraded, the system will draw weapons and equipment, and the weapons and equipment in the weapon slot machine will be more powerful than the last one.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng was filled with anticipation and thought to himself, "I really want to know what kind of weapons and equipment will appear in the weapons slot machine when completing the third level arsenal mission in the future? It's really exciting!"

But what he expected even more was to rescue his long cherished goddess Chen Yaoyun tomorrow!

Just thinking about how if she could be successfully rescued tomorrow, she might be with them for the next period of time, and be able to have close contact with her goddess every day. Thinking about it makes people feel moved and excited!

As Ling Feng filled his mind with fantasies about how to spend time with Chen Yaoyun day and night, and how to build a lasting relationship with her, he thought that time would soon pass.

After a moment, two cars entered a remote small street. Because Ling Feng and his black Audi were walking in front, Xiaoyu, who was driving in front, soon discovered two small shops on this street. The shelves inside the shops were piled up with many snacks, cookies, and other foods.

At this moment, Xiaoyu immediately turned around to look at Ling Feng and asked, "Feng, there are small shops and shops on this small street. Should we park here to replenish our supplies?"

Upon hearing these words, Ling Feng immediately regained his senses from his extreme fantasies. He tilted his head and looked outside the car window, only to find dozens of zombies wandering on this small street less than a hundred meters long. In addition, there were two small grocery stores in the middle and at the end of the street.

After understanding the current situation, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, let's stop here to replenish food and fresh water. There aren't many zombies on this street, and the six of us can completely solve them in a short time. Xiaoyu, let's drive to the entrance of the small shop at the end of the street and get off!"

"Okay, Brother Feng, I'll drive the car over right away!"

After listening to his instructions, Xiaoyu followed his request and drove the Audi car to the entrance of the small shop at the end of the street to stop. Wu Kecong and others who followed behind immediately understood Ling Feng's intention and parked the van behind the Audi car.

As soon as these two cars appeared in front of the street, they immediately caught the attention of dozens of zombies wandering on the street.

So, when Ling Feng and the six of them just got out of the car with shotguns, the zombies let out waves of wild animal like roars and then rushed over with gritted teeth.

At this moment, Ling Feng rushed towards them with his shotgun in hand, while quickly turning back and loudly commanding, "Brave man and Xiaoyu, you two are responsible for going into the store to pick up food. Cong Ge and I will deal with these zombie groups!"! Remember, you two must act quickly, because the sound of gunfire will definitely attract all the zombies luring nearby. So, no matter what, we must get in the car and leave here in three minutes! "