
Where am I?

Chapter #1: Where am I?

In the middle of a box

"I am sorry we have to leave you, but we cannot protect you anymore." A small figure cried out placing a small box on the floor.


. 20 Minutes later


"Who left this baby out here in the cold? He is freezing. What should we do with him?" Private Thomson says peeking into the small wooden box.

'Where am I, and why do I feel so cold? Who are these men looking down at me? Wait a second how can they be looking down on me and did that man just say, baby? What is going on here?'

"I do not know, but we should get a coat on him right away. Then we can take him to the captain to see what we should do with him, but if anything, they should be able to send them to an orphanage in the morning." Private Quin remarked looking out into the dark forest ahead.

'Where the hell am I? More importantly, why the fuck am I in a baby's body? Didn't I just die from being poisoned at the stadium? What the hell is going on here?'

Meanwhile, Private Thomson wrapped the small baby in his winter coat taking him out of his box that he was left in as they retreated into the military base. Passing by several crystal-like stones implanted on the outside of every building's door emitting white light from within illuminating the campgrounds. They then found themselves at a small wooden building emitting a dimmer green light.

*Knock* *Knock*

"What do you all want from me at this hour you know I have to be up in a couple of hours for the general meeting?" Came a deep voice from within the small wooden building.

"Private Thomson and Private Quin reporting Sir. Permission to spea....."

"Shut up and tell me what it is already."

"Sir, there was a child left outside our front gate near the north roadway leading to the mountains." Private Thomson explained while shivering.

"A child you say? How old?"

"Merely a baby, Sir. No more than 4 months."

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

It sounded like a giant was coming to the door. Both privates scurried back together to salute their senior officer as Thompson held the child in one hand and saluted with the other. A seemingly normal-looking man stepped out of the door carrying an atmosphere that was cold as the winter night.

"Bring the child inside and tell me everything that happened when you both found the child."

"Yes, Sir." Both privates replied in unison.

Both Private Thomson and Private Quin repeat their recollection of the events leading up to finding the box and then bringing them to the captain.

"Okay, you both are dismissed, and don't forget to write reports about what happened here today and get back to watching the north gate. Also, leave the child here with me I will look after him tonight then tomorrow the other camp heads will figure out what to do with this little one." The captain said taking the child from the private's hands.

Both privates exit the home leaving only the child and the captain inside the now fully lit room. The captain examines the small child for a couple of minutes placing him on the dining table.

'What the hell is this guy staring at me for? I wish I could communicate with the man, so I could ask him where I ended up.'

"Well looking at how you are dressed it seems you are a boy so that is something. If she was still here, she would have loved this. I know how much she loved children and would probably hate me right now if I stuck you in some orphanage. " The man said slowly glancing at the floor.

'Why does he look so depressed when he talks about having me as a son? Also, who is this person he is mentioning and where are they?'

"Well, we will find out if you can stay with me tomorrow or not anyways, but I promise you I will try my hardest to keep you so you are not stuck in any random orphanage. Those are some hell holes even worse than living here on a military camp with me."

'This doesn't seem like a bad idea seeing as my parents in this life didn't want me to begin with either.'

The Captain turns around to open up a cabinet and pulls out a small container cracking it open into a bowl. Turning and placing a confused Alexander onto the table.

"Here kid eat up you must be hungry."

'Does he think I can feed myself in this small body? Is he an idiot? Maybe living with him isn't the best option, but otherwise, I'll get thrown into an orphanage. If they are anything like my last life then I should steer clear of those places.'

"Oh, I forgot you are just a baby. I should probably heat the food for you."

The captain takes the container back into his hands as suddenly from his hand a small flame appears under the container. The small baby's eyes widen at the sight of flames coming out of this seemingly ordinary man.

'What the hell is that, and where is it coming from? Will I be able to do that too in this life?'

"Here you go little guy here comes the food open wide."

The captain feeds the rest of the container to the small boy then carries him to bed. As the young boy is placed in bed, he keeps his eyes on the man who had just created fire from his hands a little while ago. He watched as the man on the far side of the bed take off his shirt revealing a red snake with tiny horns tattoo on his back wrapping around his chest.

'What the hell is that? Does it have something to do with the fire I saw earlier and why does it seem to be moving? Maybe staying with this man won't be that bad if he can teach me how he made that fire. Firstly, I need this captain to get me to stay here with him. Then we can start worrying about talking and learning later.'

"Okay, little one lights out time to head to bed we have a long day tomorrow." Said the captain lying down while somehow turning off all of the lights.

'What do I want out of this life? I got it. In this life, no one will walk over me and I will create my own family. I want this to be a fresh start and objectively speaking I am years ahead of others my age. Although now that I think about it, I am comparing myself to babies. This life will be different!' Alexander thought to himself before falling to sleep.


. The next day early in the morning


"Time to wake up little guy. We have a meeting to attend and people to meet. Look what I got you this morning before you woke up."

The captain placed a small jacket around the small baby. Picking the baby up and heading out of the house heading towards what seemed like the largest building in the camp. As the captain walked through the camp many younger-looking individuals saluted him along the way.

'Seems like this captain I got me is well respected among his men. I also did not get a good look around last night as it was too dimly lit to make out all the buildings here. They all seem to be made out of wood except a couple of larger buildings that are made out of stone with large crystals on the front of them.'

Arriving in the building there were many men inside along with some women sprinkled throughout the crowd. All of these men and women were staring at a stage further ahead at the end of the hall. The captain walked with the baby to a room to the side of the main speaking area having only about 6 men inside.

"Good Afternoon Gentlemen." The Captain saluting the men in the small room.

"Nice to see you this Morning Captain Collins. What do you have there in your hand?" A large man with a figure of a world champion bodybuilder with a bald head asked softly, but with a strong oppressive aura held within those few words.

'Oh, man can this guy make fire as well? Also, why do his words make me shiver and sweat with every word that comes out of his mouth?'

"Good Morning sir, yes last night two of my men from my squadron found this baby boy outside our main gates on the road leading to the mountains." Captain Collins reported to the large bald man.

'Collins so that's your name.'

"Well, if that is all Captain, we can transport him to the nearest town later today and get him into a good orphanage."

'What the hell old man don't you want me here with you. Now with this bear-man here you are going to let him throw me into some orphanage. Also, why is it so important that it was a road leading to some mountains?'

"If I may sir?"

"Go ahead Captain no need to ask for permission to speak we have served alongside each other long enough."

"If you would allow it. I would like to keep the boy and raise him as my son. You know my past Major, so if you would allow me to keep this child with me."

"I have only one question for you Captain. How will you look after the child when you are standing guard of the mountains leading your squadron? Who will take care of him in your absence here base camp?"

"Sir, I have spent all night thinking of this one point as I found it the hardest to find an answer to. This morning I woke up extra early to go speak to Evelyn, and she agreed to watch the boy while I am gone on my duties."

"What do you think about all of this Colonel as this is your camp?" The bald man said to another individual sitting at the head of the table of the 6 individuals caring with what seems like a large shield on his back.

"We all know your past Captain and as long as you have everything situated to properly raise this child then you have my permission. If at any point if that child stunts the performance of my best Captain and his duties then the boy will be sent to an orphanage. Do you understand?" Stated the older-looking man sitting at the head of the table covered in a green military uniform. The man seemed to barely speak but it was as if you heard his words deep in your soul speaking to you.

"Yes sir. There will be no problems and I am sure I can raise this child to be a great man in our Galdos Kingdom." The Captain said while saluting once more to the men in the room.

"If that is all then you are dismissed. Do not worry about the meeting today go get your boy some more clothes and you will have to take a small trip to the city to get your son registered as a citizen of the Galdos Kingdom." Stated the bald Major waving Captain Collins out of the small room.

'Thank the gods that went better than I thought especially with all the information I got from their conversation. We do seem to be in another world obviously and I am currently in the Galdos Kingdom. Also, who is this Evelyn person that is supposed to take care of me?'

Captain Collins exited the building with the baby Alexander in his hands double-timing it to another large building to the right of the meeting hall. The building houses tables that could house hundreds of people.

"Is this the little guy here." Coming from an older woman wearing an apron and hairnet on top of her brown hair laced with white hairs.

"The Colonel approved of my request Ms. Evelyn with your help. I cannot thank you enough for doing this for me. If you ever need help here in the cafeteria let me know." Said the smiling Captain Collins.

"No need to thank me I am sure she would have been happy to see the smile on your face now after all this time. Also, do you think I need your help? What do you think I will be having that boy helping me with while you are gone? I will be teaching him all about cooking and how to treat a lady." Said Evelyn who was starring endearingly at the small baby.

'What did she just say? I will be working in the kitchen? I wanted to learn how to make fire with my hands too and grow to be stronger than I was in my last life. As I had nothing in my last life as I seemed to lose it all not even being able to protect myself.'

"Oh, have you given the boy a name yet?"

"Not yet, but I do have an idea. How about Alexander Collins. I don't know what it is about the name but it seems to fit whenever I think about giving him a name."

"I think that is a good name for this little one. Isn't that right little Alexander. This baby is a cute one with his black hair and beautiful brown eyes."

'Well, isn't that just convenient. I guess this name will follow me into my new life as well. Why couldn't I get any other name in this life? The galaxy must be making fun of me right now.'

"Well Ms. Evelyn we will be heading back to my residence we have to take a trip to the city later today. We have to get him some more clothes and register him as a citizen. Thank you for everything once again. I'll be seeing you." Captain Collins said as he exited the building heading for his residence to prepare to head to the city with Alexander.

Oooooh, our first little dive into this new world and setting. Hope everyone is following along with the dialogue between characters. If this system needs to change let me know, but we are finally in our magical world to explore.

SixJupitercreators' thoughts
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