
strat of the journey

<p>We can see a teen boy writing something on his phone when suddenly he falls unconscious. When his mother enters his room and sees him, she thinks the boy just fell asleep. However, upon getting close and touching him, she is surprised because the boy has already stopped breathing, and his body is cold, meaning he is dead. The mother freaks out, crying, but she couldn't do anything.<br/><br/>**POV MC (boy)**<br/><br/>I'm just writing on my phone when suddenly I feel sleepy. The next moment, I just died. Well, how do I know I just died? I'm floating here in the void. I'm a weeb, so I didn't panic because I already know what will happen, or at least I wish. Then suddenly, something happens that makes me jump happily – well, if I can jump because I'm floating.<br/><br/>**POV ???**<br/><br/>'Well, it's time to give myself the power we (me) have.' Suddenly, I see a young man jumping while floating. 'What the... well, I have done that too. Haha, even if we (me) don't have the power, we (me) can still break common sense. Then it's time to give the power or the timeline will break.' "Hello there, I'm infinite."<br/><br/>**POV MC (boy)**<br/><br/>When I was jumping happily, I hear something talk. "Hello there, I'm infinite." When I turn to see who it is, I see a man with black hair with cyan stripes, tan skin, a soft handsome face, and a body like a swimmer. But if you look closely, his body has pink muscles, meaning his muscles are so compressed, even if it looks like just an average swimmer's body. Then I say, "Umm... what will happen to me?" 'Please let me reincarnate in an anime, manga, manhwa, or novel world.' The man in front of me suddenly laughs and says, "HAHAHAHAH!! That's what I also thought when I came here the first time."<br/><br/>I'm surprised when he laughs, but I realize that he read my mind. I ask, "You can read my mind?!?! But can you bring me to any fictional world?" The man answers, "No, I can't." I'm disappointed, then I realize what will happen to me now. I ask, "Can I go there myself?" I said, "Really? I can do that? YAAAHOO!!" But I warn you, don't mess with the plot too much because if you do, their world will collapse and cease to exist. Well, if you go to the original world, that world will become an AU, and the balance will create an original world. I think, 'It's so hard to take it all.' "So here's your (me) ability. You can know its uses when you go to that world," he said. I said, "WAIT, WHAT WORLD WILL I BE IN T~" Before I finish my word, I was dragged out of the void. Before I lose consciousness, I hear him say, "Try to create your world exciting."<br/><br/>**POV ???**<br/><br/>"*Sigh* it's finished. I already miss my girlfriend." ??? creates a portal and walks in. Then suddenly, he hears someone say, "Oh, Fin, you're already finished." I answer, "Yes, Akane, I miss you. I waited there for 15 years, fortunately, we're immortal." She asks, "Do you think he will do the same as you do?" I answer, "Yes, of course. He is me. But it's funny that he doesn't know what to do in the beginning, same as me. *Sigh* passing power to past self, infinite cycle. Sometimes I ask, where did this power come from? Because this power is given to ourselves by ourselves. Well, I will just live my life. 'Good luck, Fin.'"</p>

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