


"I bestow upon you the living flame-which will ignite your soul to be filled with great power-to guard the balance of universes wisely

...for you are a rose of protection and destruction."


Do I regret this? I do and should be.

Do I want this? I don't have much of a choice, do I?

I just wanted to love

love them

The monarchy forbids us to even interact with their race-they were despised. Honestly, I thought I did too.

Perhaps this emotion was referred to as 'Love' as their race-the humans-called it.

I truly thought I would never acknowledge this emotion until I looked into their ethereal, beautiful eyes and saw their unexplainable purity.

It was too enchanting to a point it was more precious than my ranking.

Fuck..were they beautiful up close.

It's too late for me to back out now.

They never cared for me.

All I got were lies.

Lies Lies Lies


I'm the only powerful being they have left.


"Ah, you have finally arrived. I have been expecting you...

Inferno Sorceress"

"Hello, Mortem" I replied as I set my sword on the ground on bended knee and bowed my head in greeting. "I have come to bargain"

"You're the wisest amongst the foolish Guardians colleagues. *sigh* About time the strongest element came to their senses" the Master of Death retorted with a sly smirk on its Grim face.

With a single finger snap, he ignited a small but strong flame that illuminated the fire of Hades.

He unveiled his skullish features underneath his Grim hood as he spoke with a booming voice like the gods.

"With this flame, I grant you the power to destroy those who have betrayed you, belittled your vision and tore you away from your only true love."

I got up on my feet, picking up my sword and held it towards his flame.

"I only ask for your flames in return. After all, has it not only been a great pain to you? It's about time the world knows the true potential of the Inferno Sorceress instead of being trapped by their foolish rules."

As Mortem spoke this he held out his skeletal Grim hand towards me as a friend would do.

They never were my friends. I just need my love and the world finally paying attention to what I want. Nobody did anyways.

I smirked at Mortem as my eyes began to glow as bright as his while I felt the flame of Hades coursing through my veins through my sword.

"About time they did"

"Indeed, Your Highness" Mortem added with a deep amused chuckle at my evolving powerful presence growing thanks to him. "Go and set your love free"

"Yes, Mortem" I answered with a laugh erupting from inside.

Not ever turning back now.


I love it.

I will be unstoppable