
A problem for another time

Coming to I noticed i was surrounded by a rough looking tent and it was moving not knowing what was going on still feeling tired I close my eyes and begin to drift off again right when I was about to fall fully asleep the same voice sounds again "host vitals perfect starting God's domain" all of a sudden I don't feel the need for sleep cursing since I was looking forward to it I ask a question, System what is going on and why am I here and not dead? "Host was reincarnated" I get that but why? "Host was reincarnated as a god and sent to the inferno realm where there is always 4 gods present when one dies a new host is selected based on how much will one has" After i heard that i was just more confused but as i was getting ready to ask another question we stopped moving I take a peak out of the tent to see a small village with what looked to be 300 people out side as they seen me all prostrate themselves and swore to serve me, This is getting a little weird but I'll roll with it until I find out what the hell is going on. The leader of the group walked up to me and bowed master i am chase and I will be your servant and executor. I don't know why I need an executer but I'll accept it i can ask him about this new world im in later on as of right now everyone seem to be preparing for a Festival or something food is being cooked wooden decorations hung up and everyone seems joyful. I step out of the tent and get surrounded by the soldiers acting as a sort of guard with no choice i follow where they lead. We walked for what appears to be 30min everyone is sweating for some reason but I am fine we made it to a large white house or palace? and a man dressed in fine clothes meets us and bows he said something i could catch to one of them men next to him and he runs off is introduces himself as Jim the Butler of the manner and a loyal servent. As we were standing there the doors of the palace open up and we walk suddenly the house shook and then the annoying voice spoke "Welcome to your domain host this house and the surrounding areas are under your control may you rule wise and grow your pantheon" Wait what?