
Betrayal's Embrace

A realm of absolute darkness and despair. where the flames of the suffering burn relentlessly.

A place where every ounce of hope is crushed, where the air is thick with sorrow and regret.

Demonic creatures with twisted forms and malicious intent roam freely, revelling in the pain they inflict upon the dammed.

This realm has many names: Sheol, Tartarus, The Abyss.


In this realm, there are no moments of rest. All there is, in this place, is unrelenting torture with unimaginable horrors waiting at every turn.

Deep at the centre of this ream was a palace so large it would make the skyscrapers of our time feel shame. Its walls were as dark as the night, and its gates resembled the large mouth of a beast awaiting its next meal. Skulls big and small lined the top of its walls and blood oozed around its moat.

Inside of the Palace, upon a throne adorned with intricate carvings of demons and serpants sat a king.

He was beautiful in every shape and form. It was so beautiful that he could set even the most righteous person ablaze with lust. He sat with noble air. The strength he had was immense, but still, his eyes had a bored look.

This year marked the 7th century since he started the war of heavens. Many battles raged across the realms, and many times, he had come victorious, but still, he couldn't help but find himself bored. The whole reason he started this damn war in the first place was to get rid of his boredom, but now he was tired of it.

Whilst he was drowning in his boredom, the doors of his chamber opened, knocking him out of that state. 7 beings walked in, all of them having a resemblance to the king. Of course, they were his children, the prince's and Princesses of hell.

"Father," the eldest cried with a look of determination, "This war has gone on for 700 years, and still we have not come out victorious. Let's stop this war and focus our eyes on the earth instead. Man is helpless and has no interest in THEIR eyes."

But the king just laughed to the annoyance of his children, thinking this must have been some sort of twisted joke. Give up? He was the king of hell. All who heard his name shook with fear. Why should he give up?

Seeing his father's reaction, the eldest sighed his face, showing remorse before turning back into determination.

"Then you leave me no choice."

The eldest charged forward to the amusement of his father striking out with his sword clashing head-on with the king who still held a bored expression on his face.

The other six beings also moved with immense speed. Some used dark arts that resembled streaks of lightning whilst others carried their weapons to attack directly.

As the children of the king, these beings were in no way weak. In fact, the youngest of them alone could destroy a city easily, let alone the eldest, who was the strongest, but what was all that to a king?

As their attacks drew nearer, the king slashed out, sending the eldest back with little difficulty. He once again sat on his throne and spoke for the first time since they entered with a look of complete unintrest


That one word resounded through the whole realm forcing all who heard it to fall onto their knees in reverence. After all their king had spoken. His children who were mid attack dropped like stones; their heads buried into the ground as the king got up and walked closer.

"You, my children, are fools," he spoke in a tone filled with nothing but disappoment. Each word causes the whole palace to shake.

"You never had a say in this war, and yet you dare raise your hands against me. At least if you're going to fight me, MAKE IT INTERESTING!

The last part he shouted out for the boredom in his soul really did pain him.

When he was one step away from his eldest son, the king stopped. His despicable eyes stared downwards

"And you"

"You were supposed to be the greatest of them -

Suddenly, the king stopped talking and looked towards his chest, his pupils constricting to pin holes. Right there where his flesh should be was a white blade that looked as if it was made of light.

He knew what this was but refused to believe it. This was a holy blade, but not just any. This was one he knew all too well, the blade of his one true rival, Michal. But how? How did he get here?

As if reading his mind, Michal answered, his voice resounding like the strums of a harp

"Your children"

That's all he said, but it was enough. Instantly, the king realised what had happened, he's own children had betrayed him and gave him up to his enemy.

Amidst his distraction, Michal took the chance to stab the rest of the King's 7 hearts, causing blood to flow down his mouth. For the first time in aeons, the king collapsed.

Michal turned to the eldest who, by now, had risen up and spoke

"The deal is complete. Your father is dead, and you shall take earth. We in the heavenly realm have no need for man's evil nature."

After he said this, Michal turned, and great white wings burst off his back. They glistend with light despite being in the darkness of the abyss, and like a streak of light, he disappeared under the sound of their evil cackles.

As he layed there dying underneath the sound of his children's laughter. The kings heart broke. No matter how evil a being was, they would still have love for their children. However, it was his same children who betrayed him and left him to rot. This sadness twisted inside of him, becoming darker and darker until all that was left was pure hatred and unbridled rage.

Hate flowed through his empty veins and crawled up his shattered bones all the way from the soles of his mangled feet to the crown of his disfigured head. With a heart full of rage, he swore to reap revenge and, in the process, destroy everything.

And so the king with his body broken but his heart more certain than its ever been before slowly opened his eyes startling the children and with an insanity so great even death was caught of guard. The king spoke...

See you soon

With those parting words, the king secretly split off a part of his soul and sent it out, and closed his eyes

The king was dead

Hey everyone thank you so much for choosing to read my book. If you choose to stay with me I can assure you this will be an adventure you will never forget.

yours truly

Dark Onyx

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