
Muyer Village Orphanage

Caesar found himself in comfort but he could feel the cold from the air. It appeared he was laying in a basket covered in sheets. He had tried to confirm this but he couldn't lift his own head up to look around. 'Guess it's true that babies have weak necks.'

He was in the basket for a few minutes outside of what seemed like a building. 'Must be the orphanage God was talking about.' He realised that it was becoming night and sitting around would do nothing but cause him to freeze.

'I can't speak or shout to get attention so I'll cry out I guess'.


It was only around a minute before a door was opened and a young woman appeared. "Sister! There's a baby out here." The woman lifted the basket shouted inside whilst Caesar stopped crying.

'Not being able to communicate sure is annoying.' Caesar was glad to be heading indoors rather than staying out in the cold.

"Kora, what do you mean there's a baby out there? Hurry and bring it in so I can see."

"Coming sister."

'Seems the woman holding me is called Kora, her sister must run this orphanage since I can't imagine a woman who looks in her 20s to be in charge.'

After being lead into what seemed like a dining area and having the basket placed on the table, a middle-aged woman leaned over to take a glance at Caesar. "Well we obviously have to take him in, otherwise what kind of orphanage are we? But this will stretch our food tightly. It's hard enough feeding the other five kids here."

"Sister, we'll be okay, Connolly is almost 14 now so he can help us. We all have to stick together to get by, luckily everyone in the village also helps when they can."

Caesar was getting mildly frustrated. 'Who the hell calls their sibling by sister rather than their name? I'm trying to gather information here and figure out who is who and where I am yet you keep calling her sister.'

"Yeah, we'll get by." Said the middle-aged woman as she picked up Caesar. "Hello, little guy. I'll be your auntie Flora from now on. Now then, you'll need a name. What do you think he should be called Kora?"

'It's like she read my mind, how convenient. Kora and Flora, easy to remember and it rhymes.'

"How about we call him Caesar? Seems to have an aura of strength to it, maybe it'll mean he'll grow up to be strong!" Kora was smiling as she spoke, seeming to think she came up with a good name.

'Looks like God made her think of that, I should thank him later. What will he enjoy? Probably genocide, he seems a bit of a psychopath but that doesn't seem possible to do as a child.'

"Okay Caesar, let's get you some food first and then find a place for you to sleep. This basket will have to do for now I guess, it should last a month while we get you your own bed ready."

"Sister, he is a baby, he doesn't know what you're saying."

'If only that were true.'




Caesar was walking through the village with stalls either side of him. Taking a bite from the apple he stole earlier he was reflecting upon all he had learnt these past 6 years of living here. 'Muyer Village, the only village on Muyer Island and in the North Blue, one of the four seas. Not too bad, some powerful pirates are in the North Blue, from the information I got from God, the East Blue is the weakest so it's fortunate I'm not there.'

He continued walking down the street until he heard a shout behind him.

"CAESAR!" It was Flora shouting him, she ran the towards him. Flora was the older of the pair of siblings who ran Metzger Orphanage. There were him and a few other kids there but he was the youngest since no more kids had been taken in after him. Connolly who was the oldest of the kids raised there. His parents were killed by pirates and at 18 had left to join the marines when a marine ship docked at the island to resupply.

"Where did you get that apple from? I don't remember giving you any money!" Her forehead was wrinkled up and you could tell she was angry.

"The owner gave it to me since he said I looked too skinny" Caesar lied shamelessly, not like a lie like this will harm anyone and the fruit stall owner had tons of fruits, he won't miss a single apple he didn't know was missing.

Since he had turned 6 he had been allowed out to the village alone without being accompanied by either Kora or Flora, since it was a small village almost everyone knew each other and they all had mutual friends at least. It was no harm since there were no dastardly characters in the village and unless you're in a building, there will always be people in sight or hearing range.

Flora didn't believe him one bit. Caesar was the most puzzling kid she had ever been seen, he would speak like he was older than her and use words that he had never heard, even giving her advice if she was doing something wrong. She would just ignore his advice because what would a 6-year-old child know but she found him extremely peculiar. He was always independent and tried not to get too close to anyone in the orphanage and rarely interacted with the other children.

Before he was 6 and could roam freely, he would always just avoid the kids because he found them insufferable and read whatever books he could find to increase his knowledge of this world. Flora and Kora had both tried to ask where he learnt to read separately but he just played it off as something natural.

In fact, Caesar couldn't be bothered to act like a kid, he just kept to himself and when he could he would leave the orphanage, go and find something fulfilling to do.

He knew that pirates don't have a moral code, well at least not pirates from Earth, and why would it be different here. If he was close to some women who were innocent and naive of how cruel the world is, he is just asking to have a weakness. Not that it's bad to have people you love or are close too, but its probably better to make sure they would be aware of the danger of what they were getting in to. Imagine if the survivors of some pirate group he destroyed wanted to seek revenge and went to Muyer Village, they would just be slaughtered not knowing why.

"Anyway Caesar, you should come home. You are only there to sleep and eat, worse of all that's not even all nights. Kids should be in the safety of their home when it's dark!"

"I'm in no danger Flora, I'm just training."

"What are you talking about, why is a six-year-old training and what even are you training for?"

Before Caesar could even respond she continued. "You're too young to go to the marines, though it's good that you're following Connolly's example. Being a brave marine and helping the innocent, but come on home now, we have some meat tonight."

'Marines? How boring, spouting bullshit about justice, there is no freedom in that kind of life. I understand why Connolly went there, probably to get revenge for his parents and vent his anger towards pirates but I'll have to pass on that.'

"Okay, I'll come home later."

"Okay, fine. You best do otherwise you'll be disallowed from going out" Flora obviously still angry at him and thinking he is being irrational but she felt she couldn't just drag him home like the other kids. Most of the time Caesar felt as if he was older than her by his actions and she felt weird treating him like a kid but she couldn't treat him like an adult either. She ended up in some weird middle ground where she treated him like a teenager which would seem weird to a spectator watching a 30 something old woman treating a 6-year-old like this, letting him do as he wished but she felt you'd have to wear her shoes for a day to understand.

"And don't steal, I'll let you off this time." Flora didn't forget to shout as she walked away, earning a few glances towards her and Caesar and she departed.

Caesar just shrugged and walked away. Heading towards the small jungle to the east of the village. He liked it in this environment because he could stop putting on airs and act truly like himself without others around. Not like he acted much different around others, but he still restricted how he acted in certain ways, not like he could just swear every sentence or just completely disregard others as a six-year-old, he had to keep his normal personality restricted to a degree.

Caesar standing at a solid 4ft (122cm) at the age of 6 was developing rather well, with the food he was fed from the orphanage and the extras he had been taking every so often from the stalls to make sure he is properly fed. His build was not skinny but looked vaguely muscular which was unusual for someone his age however he had been training regularly the past few months since he was allowed to wander around alone.

He did normal workouts like push-ups, sit-ups, running, pull-ups on branches, burpees and much more from his own world and thought that his strength was already on par with his adult self from Earth, maybe it was even higher. 'Probably what God was referring to by not to compare too much with Earth, already got such strength at six, how shocking. The high innate talent in training my body probably helps aswell otherwise even if this is a different world it should be hard to develop this much so fast.'

Just as Caesar was pondering how he should up his training intensity to make sure he was making the most of his time he heard the loud cries of an ape from behind.

Looks like Caesar will end up having similar training as Luffy, just without an Insane Grandpa to force him into it.

Honestly, I'm considering whether to put this along the same time as the manga which everyone loves or at least around a similar time to it. But I could also make it full of completely original characters and basically it'll just be a news story in the same universe as One Piece, any suggestions?

I was going to do a lot of chapters during childhood but If I'm honest, I'd get bored reading it myself and also writing it. So I thought I'd skip to a more interesting part. Tell me if you'd have rather seen a chapter during childhood and I can do a 1.5 or something which covers it I guess.

fingibbocreators' thoughts
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