
Unbelievable Power

Coldness, colder than that of ice suddenly washed over the young mage's entire being. This sensation was not new to her in the slightest. It was this kind of moment that always made her feel as if in the very next moment, everything would be over. 

"Haah!!" At that critical moment, the young Mage frantically exploded out her ice Mana in a compressed blast to break the Telekinesis force on her body. 

She was finally free and instantly took a step back that launched several feet into the air. 

However, right in the middle of her jump, the terrifying cold edge of Ervin's magical sword still managed to cut through the exposed flesh of the young Mage's neck. 


A trail of blood splattered onto the ground. The tip of the blade left a long trail of blood across the young Mage's neck. 

"Ah!" The young Mage tumbled onto the ground, instantly grasping hold of her neck. 

Thankfully, the blade managed to miss cutting really deep into her neck to kill her. But the sudden influx of pain still put the young Mage into a daze. 

Her dazed, confused state was what Ervin needed. He slashed out his magical sword again, aiming directly for one of her eyes. 

The young Mage's beautiful face was twisting from agony at this moment. She was desperately surging her Mana straight into her neck, causing the heavy bleeding to slow down, though it came at a snail's pace. 

All of her focus was on her cut neck. She didn't have any time to react to the incoming invisible sword aiming to tear her eye away. 

The criminals and patrol team stayed rooted in their spots. Neither side knew what to do as this young Mage was unidentifiable. Additionally, neither of them wanted to fight with someone who was completely invisible. 

However, right at that critical moment, a quiet sigh filled the area. 

"That's enough." 

The voice rippled an unfathomable power that made the other Mages fiercely tremble. Some fell to their assess, unable to withstand an even higher tier force suppressing the area. 

A faint white flash suddenly shrouded the Adept Mage of the patrol team, the bloody hole in his chest stopping its bleeding all at once.

A white flash instantly engulfed the young Mage. The bleeding wound on her neck instantly stopped and began to close up at a rapid pace. 

Ervin's eyes widened with genuine surprise at this. His Magical Sense did not detect whoever this sudden person was at all! 

He instantly stopped pursuing the young Mage and jumped over a dozen meters backward. 

As he moved, Ervin didn't detect any higher Mana suppressing trying to lock down his movements. He could at least take solace in the fact that the person who helped the young Mage could not detect him as well. 

When Ervin's feet touched the ground he and the others looked up in bewilderment. 

The young Mage looked up to the sky with utter relief, frantically shouting, "Grandfather!"

A faint wave of light soon gleamed across everyone's eyes. The light made all Mages on the battlefield tremble. Not from a sense of suppression, but one from warmth, basking in the ray of a beautiful sun to soothe their entire souls. 

Underneath this blanket of warmth, the Mages watched in amazement as two supreme figures slowly lowered themselves down to the mortal world. 

A divinely handsome man radiating an otherworldly aura was currently standing on top of a majestic white tiger flapping its long feathery wings. 

The combination of divine man and divine beast left a deep impression on everyone's soul. This was a person who finally transcended past just being a human with magical powers. 

His entire being was in tune with the source of Magic, being able to grasp power no other mortal had ever seen before. 

The calm expression on the man's face lowered everyone's hostility. It just felt wrong to be filled with anger when against this calming man. 

The divine white tiger underneath was a majestic steed only seen in legends. A noble beast exuding the utmost limit of royalty, standing above all other Demonic Beasts. It even has various, exotic magical rune symbols glistening across its body. 

The appearance of these two stunned the other Mages only for a single moment. But nearly instantly, they all identified just who this was. 

Which caused them all to drop to the grounds, loudly shouting, "Spirit Master Chen!!" 

Every single one of them was filled with utter reverence over this greater Mage. None dared to disrespect him no matter the background they came from or how courageous their personalities were. 

That young woman Mage held a proud smile when seeing her grandfather come down. 

'It's him?' Ervin furrowed his brows. He did extensive research on numerous legendary Mage Enforcers inside Lightwall City or those who have a connection to the city. 

Spirit Master Chen was a genius Mage who managed to surpass the Advanced Mage Realm, reaching the Spirit Mage Realm. 

The Spirit Mage realm is not just the fourth step in the realms of Magic. But it's where a Mage gains Magical power that can wreak utter havoc across the world. 

The Mana they can exude could possibly destroy an entire small city, several at the same time depending on the strength of the Spirit Mage. 

The effects of their Mana will also become far more varied, being able to instantly destroy even the mightiest foes without them knowing how. 

Ervin had zero hope in ever killing a Spirit Mage, even if he was completely battered and drained of Mana. 

The Spirit Mage would have to be close to the door of death for Ervin to stand a chance. Furthermore, Spirit Master Chen was on a tamed beast that was roughly equivalent to the Spirit Mage realm. 

Ervin was glad he was in his Invisibility state, or he would have zero chance to escape when under the atmosphere of a Spirit Mage. 

At this time, Spirit Master Chen casually gazed around the battlefield. His spirit eyes were specifically searching for that invisible force causing terror for everyone. 

His Magical Sense expanded out for a couple of mines, everything, from the wandering demonic beasts' auras to the tiny blades of grass was detected in his mind. Nothing should be able to escape his Magical Sense. 

However, even as a Spirit Master, he could not detect anyone else who was seemingly invisible! 

The oddity did not frustrate Spirit Master Chen. His eyes gleamed with faint intrigue. 

But pushing that issue down for now, Spirit Master Chen addressed everyone else. He waved his sleeve, unleashing a force of Mana that gently aroused the kneeling Mages to their feet. 

"Let's all just calm down here. I was observing this situation before that incident occurred. Tell me, what was going on?" 

The woman young Mage suddenly gained a sharp look at this point. Her mental fortitude was actually very good to at one second be faced with the threat of death and calmly force the stress of it down. And now being able to focus herself on another serious matter. 

She shouted in a powerful voice, "Grandfather! I can already tell those criminals absolutely need to be taken! If not, then there'll just be more and more who think they can break the laws and run away before they ever get caught. And you need to find whoever that invisible person is, he's the most dangerous!" 

Her confident tone caused the other criminal Mages to tremble. The Mages's faces began to pale, feeling as if their future days would be nothing more than hell. 

"Is that what you think Xun'er? You truly are like your parents in the best and most troublesome ways. It's fine to think that. But I'm curious to hear just what they broke the laws exactly. Many just don't do things without any reason." Spirit Master Chen calmly spoke with a faint smile. His tone was gentle but left no room for any argument. 

The young maiden Chen opened her mouth to speak but paused, furrowed her brows, and then waited with a disgruntled expression. 

The floor was on the Mage criminals. They all shared a look with each other, determination flashing in their eyes. 

The Adept Mage took a step up. He attempted to remain as calm as possible when saying, "All of us here banded together to commit a robbery simply because we were far too low on funds. We all have loved ones to feed and bills to pay. The average person always has to work harder than others. But when simply working harder just won't cut it, our only other option was to find a different way. We did not kill anyone or really cause any unnecessary harm to the public. That just wasn't our goal." 

"I see..." Spirit Master Chen rubbed his chin in deep thought. When a quiet, yet tense-filled moment passed, he opened his eyes and said, "Alright. It is a complicated case, but rest assured, I will make sure each of you will have a fair trial when being charged. And I will also provide support to your families during this situation."

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