
Her Pizza guy

All that "rational planning" went to trash when a soft blanket was placed on Lina's shoulders. A little startled, she looks back to see her "pizza guy" fixing the blanket around her shoulder. It's gotten colder as time passed by but she didn't really even notice.

"Oh, thanks", she mutters her gratitude for his thoughtfulness.

"Here I got you another drink." Passing her another cup of hot chocolate, loaded with marshmallows.

"How did you know?"

"I smelled it from you. If that's just how you smell like all the time then I figured you like to drink chocolate too", he responds casually.

"I also got some pizza if you're feeling hungry", he points to the small table on his side with 2 slices of pizza on a small plate.

Lina looks at the pizza but she cannot eat when she is at this state, "Thank you, maybe later?"

"Or I can get you something else if you don't like pizza, let me see what else they have", he insists but when he was about to go back in, she holds on to his jacket sleeve to stop him, "No need, I'm not hungry. Just, stay here?" Lina can't stop the blush flooding her cheeks.

He just nods and moved back on his place beside her by the balcony, a little closer.

"By the way, what is your na... OH?" A group of people came out to the balcony to smoke, rushing, having fun while she was in the middle of her sentence.

Her "pizza guy" guides her towards a little alcove on the side to get away from the laughing group. It's hidden by some tall plants and it's darker with only some streaks of lights passing through the gaps amongst the plants.

Lina was being guided gently and firmly towards the dark space and she had to walk backwards. She's concentrating on her feet because she can be clumsy sometimes and it's a possibility that she falls on her ass. She didn't even notice the blanket sliding down from her shoulders. Pizza guy leans down to pull it back up on her shoulders the same time looked up at him. And his face so close to hers. Time stopped for a moment as they stare at each other's eyes.

He was taking her in as she takes her fill of his face. Looking down from his eyes to his nose, lips and chin.

"I'm not ready to share you yet." he tells Lina. Sheer willpower held her together, without it she would have melted into a puddle right there. But Lina looked back into his gaze again.

"It's those eyes! Those damn eyes are hypnotising me, strikes right through my soul taking down all my inhibitions and I'm okay with it." she thinks to herself, mesmerised by his dark eyes.

She reached out to touch his face lightly, Lina can't stop herself even if she tried, and closed the gap between them and kissed him!

Lina heard his sharp gasp as their lips meet. OH no! He doesn't want her kiss.

She pulled back, unable to look at him in embarrassment and tried to step back and widen the gap between them. She didn't get far. "I'm sorry..."

Lina gets pulled into a warm chest wrapped in a tight hug and kissed like she hasn't been kissed before. The stranger deepens the kiss as soon as she relaxed in his arms. He bites her lips lightly and pushes his tongue in to play with hers. Holding on to her waist with one arm to keep her glued to him. He moves his right hand to her face to the back of her head to keep her there. While Lina only has enough energy cling on to him, let him take control and savour the kiss.

For the first time after such a long time, Lina's head is silent, no thoughts came. She was basking in the moment, enjoying the passionate kiss her gorgeous pizza guy is giving her. She's willing to take everything at this point from the delicious stranger.

Suddenly he pulls back from her and he turns around and pulls her close to his back. Lina was left in a daze, staring at his broad back. What had just happened? He moved so quick that she was left reeling from it or from the kiss they just shared.

"Lina! Catalina! Hey, let's go! We've got to go."

"No." Her gorgeously hot kisser pizza guy says. Her blanket fell to the floor and a breeze passed them by. The cold air woke her up from her trance.

Lina's brain started working again and looked around pizza guys shoulder and see Jenny there. Almost funny seeing her trying to have a stand off with a guy almost double her size.

"Mister, let my friend go now. What did you do to her? I'm calling John." Lina heard Jenny say before she picked up her phone, no doubt calling John. Her team is a bit overprotective of her.

They care about her so she doesn't mind as long as they feel better but she does not want John here to fight the guy in front of her.

Lina walks around her pizza guy and so she's in front of Jenny.

"Hey, I'm okay. What happened? Is everything alright. Ah, I, I want to stay longer."

Jenny looks towards her pizza guy still not believing that she's telling the truth on her own free will, "No we've got to go. The flight is leaving in an hour we need to go or we'll miss the flight and all your schedule will be a mess."

"Umm okay but..." Lina understands her situation and her schedule is meticulously arranged moths, some even years in advance so they can do the most at the time they have. If one is messed up, it will take on a domino effect to the rest of their appointment. She looks behind to say goodbye to her "pizza guy" but John, her main security detail, walked towards them determinedly at that moment and pulled her back away closer to him and from the stranger in his eyes. Jenny already got in touch with him and probably the situation looks worse than what it actually is for her team.

Lina does not do this, it's even difficult for her to go on a date after knowing a guy for some time, so this is suspicious for the people around her.

"Lina, let's go." he tells her firmly holding onto her arms and firmly guiding her towards the penthouse.


"No buts!" John's priority is to always take care of Lina first. She has been with this people for a long time and they work so hard to make sure that she and even her family is alright and that she can do what she does without worries. They are her second family so she can't get upset at their ill pointed wary to the stranger in the balcony.

John looks back to the guy who looks like he's ready to confront him and tells Lina, making sure the guy hears it, "He knows where to find you. We're going!"

Lina helplessly looks back to her "pizza guy" and grudgingly went with John and Jenny. She trusts this people wholeheartedly and she's not in the most rational thought process.

"Find me," she whispers and does what she can do at the moment, hope that he actually does.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

FettyFoocreators' thoughts
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