

New chapter is here, not much else to say. Feel free to hop onto my D1scord server for earlier chapter releases and a few other things

This is the link, just remove the space and the 1: d1scord /2XN2rzuFpM

Other than that, not much else to say. Here's a new chapter.


Harry sat up from his bed, rubbing his eyes after just waking up. First day of DADA was today, something he wasn't exactly looking forward to since he first came back, knowing he'd have to deal with the toad again.

He stepped out of his bed and saw how none of the others were awake, shrugging and not caring about that.

He grabbed ahold of his clothes and robes, putting them on, before making his way to the common room, having his school supplies for the day.

He sat in one of the chairs, reading until everyone else got up and stumbled into the room, also looking tired.

"Hermione." Harry greeted her, still sitting in the chair as she made her way to him from her dormitory.

"The first years will need to be shown how to get back to the Great Hall." Hermione pointed out, "Fifth year Prefects get to do that."

Harry shrugged and closed the magazine he was reading, specifically the Quibbler.

Hermione huffed and sat down next to him, glaring at the magazine.

"I can't believe you're reading that." She shook her head.

"It is an entertaining read, even if some of the things sound a little out there." Harry admitted.

"Out there," Hermione repeated with a hint of sarcasm, "What section is it you're reading again, Stubby Boardman?"

"No," Harry rolled his eyes, "A part about how the Ministry is covering up how the wastage from potion ingredients are being dumped where most independent potioneers get their more 'amphibious' ingredients, contaminating it so their potions are subpar."

Hermione scowled and snatched the magazine from his hand, reading the article.

Her face changed expression multiple times.

"A startling rise in an inability for amphibians to breed with the opposite gender?" Hermione almost mouthed to herself, "A concentrated effort by the elites in monopolizing the potion industry? Oh what rubbish."

"Don't tell me you can argue with what was said." Harry said with a faux seriousness, seeing Hermione puff her cheeks in frustration.

"Oh, yes," Hermione raised a brow, "They are, and I quote," She cleared her throat, "Turning the freaking frogs g-" She was interrupted when several of the first years came rushing to them, sounding slightly panicked.

"Are we late," One asked, waving his hands around, "We're late. We're going to miss our first day of class." he began frantically talking about how he was going to fail his grades and how he didn't want expelled.

Harry leaned towards Hermione and whispered so they couldn't be heard.

"I didn't know you had a little brother."

She scowled and slapped him with the magazine, getting out of her chair to calm the first years down.

Harry let her calm them down and she turned to him when it was time to escort them.

"Alright," Harry groaned, standing up from the chair with his bag of books and other supplies hanging from his shoulder, "We're ready for breakfast?" He asked the first years, all of them nodding.

Harry took the lead and left the common room, the first years in tow.

Harry pointed out different landmarks on their way to the Great Hall, Hermione mentioning things when some of them had questions on how something worked.

They eventually reached the Great Hall, a gaggle of 11 year olds rushing to the table to get some food.

Harry glanced up at the staff table and saw Dumbledore give him a wink, returning back to eating his breakfast.

Harry smirked slightly and sat down as well, digging into his food.

The other years arrived a few minutes later, Harry gesturing for Neville and the twins to come towards him. The 3 sat right in front of him, looking at him in question.

"One and two," Harry looked at Fred and George, the two giving him a mock glare at the address, "Be careful about the DADA teacher, she was the woman at my trial. She's a lackey for Fudge."

The two clued into what he was really saying, both nodding at the same time.

Harry then turned to Neville.

"There's going to be a study group for DADA on Saturdays, mainly for OWL and NEWT students," Harry explained, "It'll probably be on the bulletin, but I just wanted to give you a heads up if you want to join. Dumbledore put me in charge of it."

Neville looked surprised at the last part, but also looked uncomfortable about the subject.

"I'm not sure that can help me," Neville said sadly, "I'm hopeless at DADA."

Harry scowled openly at how his friend was still under the belief that he couldn't be strong because his magic didn't show until later and the fact he was using an ill fitting wand.

"No offense, mate, but you're an idiot." Harry said flatly, fixing Neville with a piercing gaze.

Neville widened his eyes at how Harry seemed to change his demeanor in an instance.

"Come to the first one or two, and you'll see." Harry promised, looking to his right and seeing Professor McGonagall come towards them with a copy of their schedules.

Harry smiled at McGonagall as she handed him his copy, her face not showing an expression.

"Professor Dumbledore informed me I should be expecting better results from you this year," Professor McGonagall said in a hushed tone, before it turned into a stern one, "Please do not disappoint."

Harry nodded and looked at his schedule, seeing that he had History of Magic, break, then double potions with the Slytherins, with Divination and DADA later.

Lovely. He thought sarcastically, finishing up his breakfast and heading towards his first class, walking on his own a few feet from the others. I get to deal with Daphne glaring at me from yesterday.

This Daphne wasn't exactly his Daphne, but she was the girl that would become her. Her personality was still her, but the 3 years after Voldemort's death at his hand caused her to develop a couple of traits that made her her.

He'd need to be careful not to see her as what she was just a month or two ago in his mind, but it would difficult.

These were the thoughts that plagued his thoughts throughout the mind numbing droning of Professor Binns talking about their OWLs this year.

The end of the class couldn't come any sooner, but when it did, Harry was the first out, heading towards no destination in particular while he had his break.

He was tempted to ghost everyone and head to the Room of Requirement, but opted out of it, deciding that Sunday would be better, being after the first study group on Saturday.

The break passed by and he made his way to the dungeons with the other students, giving a dismissive look towards Malfoy when he saw him.

He wasn't in the mood to find out why Malfoy seemed borderline civil at the moment, he just wanted to get through the class and be done with it.

He saw Snape at the front of the room, looking at the students, his gaze barely flicking towards him, before continuing along.

After everyone was sat down, Snape began the same talk he had done before, regarding OWL grades and how he'd only accept Outstanding grades in his NEWT classes.

Harsh it may be, but the overall quality of potion brewers went up over the years, even if there was a smaller number that had it on their records that they got NEWT levels from Severus Snape.

There was more than one avenue to get certified in potion brewing, that's how many of the Aurors after the first war with Voldemort did it.

"Today you will be brewing the Draught of Peace, the effects are hinted in the name," Snape glanced at some of the Gryffindors like they may not understand such an obvious thing, "The instructions are on the board." He pointed towards the board, leaving them to do the rest.

Unlike last time, Harry focused on the directions, even if he had brewed this more than once.

He could almost feel the glare from Daphne aimed at the back of his head, sparing a glance towards where she was sitting.

Sure enough, he was the target of an icy glare by her, her potion barely being attended to.

He saw her scowl slightly and go back to her potion, putting in the wrong ingredient.

Harry snorted and knew she was going to be even more irritated, her distraction destroying her potion.

Sure enough, he heard her exclaim something and he turned to see several Slytherins shuffle away from her table, her potion changing to a dark purple colour, bubbling profusely.

She growled and grabbed a sprig and tossed it in the potion, the bubbling less violent, but the potion still being ruined.

Snape approached the table, glancing at the potion, then Daphne.

"Ms. Greengrass, care to explain what happened?" He drawled, a flash of irritation on his face at one of his best students making a mistake.

"Sorry, Professor," She muttered, "I was distracted."

Harry didn't like the look Snape had on his face.

"Potter," He said sharply, looking towards Harry, "10 points from Gryffindor for nearly causing a catastrophic accident with your ogling of another student."

Harry shot a look of hatred at Snape, deciding to be a bastard.

"Bollocks," He shot back, "Like you of all tossers would know what ogling looks like."

You could hear a pen drop from how quiet the room got, the only sound being the simmering of the cauldrons.

Snape concealed any shock he felt, save for a slight widening of his eyes.

"Detention," Snape declared harshly, "For disrespect for a teacher. Ms. Greengrass' failed potion will be your grade today, and your's will be hers. Do not sabotage your work."

Harry scowled at Snape and went back to his potion, noticing Daphne glare at Snape's back as he went to his desk.

Daphne seemed more angry with Snape than she was with him, food for thought.

The room went back to brewing their potions, an awkward silence still there. Not focusing on anything else, Harry went back to the potion he was brewing, deciding to make it the best he could.

Harry went through all the steps on the potion, making it absolutely perfect. He then put some in a vial and walked up to Snape, setting it with the other ones on his desk by those who completed their's earlier.

"Professor." Harry said flatly, setting it on the table, his lips twitching upwards at the raised brow of surprise from Snape.

"Your detention will be on Sunday, here." Snape said simply, waving him away.

Harry shrugged his shoulders and went back to his table, beginning to put away his things.

The class ended and Harry made his way out of the classroom, trailing at the back.

As he rounded a corner, he felt someone tug at his left sleeve. Wheeling around, he flicked his wand into his hand, reacting quickly.

He calmed down when he saw it was Daphne, the girl looking mildly surprised that his wand was in his hand.

"Greengrass?" He asked, glancing to see that everyone else was in front of them.

Daphne gestured towards a corner where an unused classroom was.

"Can we talk?" She requested, looking slightly uncomfortable.

Harry gave a false look of suspicion, before he nodded and walked to the classroom, his pace quick.

He had Daphne take front, her huff of irritation making it known that she didn't appreciate the appearance of paranoia.

The two entered the room, Harry giving her a speculative look when she turned to face him.

"Could you make it quick," He requesting, "I don't want any idiots spreading rumours."

Daphne scowled at his statement, her eyes not leaving his.

"I'll just out and say it," She grumbled, before taking a deep breath, "I'm sorry for yesterday."

Harry raised a brow for her to continue, which she did.

"I walked into you, and that caused you to fall on me."

Harry just waved his hand dismissively, his wand now stashed away.

"Don't think anything of it," He shrugged, "It was an accident."

Daphne blinked at the ease in which he seemed to wave the whole incident off, looking at him a little differently.

"And I don't agree with what my Head of House did."

"Snape is always out to get me," Harry scoffed, "He hates that I have the face of the man he despises and the eyes of the girl he never got."

Daphne failed to keep a look of complete shock off her face at his statement, before whatever Occlumency she was using hid the emotion from her expression.

At the lack of response, Harry chuckled lightly.

"Didn't expect that, did you?" He looked at her face, still noticing flashes of surprise between the cracks.

"No," She eventually said neutrally, "Can't say that I did."

She kept looking at him for a moment, seeming to debate on what to say next.

"What else did you want to say?" He asked, "I doubt this was just about apologizing for yesterday."

Daphne raised a pale brow, giving him a slight smirk.

"Perceptive, aren't you?" She asked rhetorically, her face then changing to a more serious one, "I want to speak with you, whenever is most opportune for you, not as Harry Potter or as the Boy-who-lived, but as heir Black." She finished with a more elegant tone.

Harry couldn't help but laugh at how it almost sounded, answering her look of surprise.

"I was warned about pretty girls propositioning me when it was revealed publicly that I was the Black heir."

Daphne scowled at him, before it shifted to a playful smirk.

"Is it working?" She asked sweetly, giving him a smile that would have looked dazzling to anyone else, but he could tell it had a more sinister edge to it, "You were, what did Professor Snape say, ogling me?" She finished, stepping a little closer to him.

Harry scoffed and looked directly into her blue eyes.

"Ogling would involve me with my tongue out like a dog, staring at you."

"And weren't you staring at me in potions?" She asked innocently, her eyes alight with amusement.

"I was staring at you because I couldn't fathom why such a pretty girl would have marred her beauty by frowning constantly." Harry shrugged, noticing Daphne's face flush slightly.

The amusement left her eyes and she frowned at him, Harry widening his eyes.

"See," He said, "You did it again."

"Potter." She growled slightly, irritation bleeding into her tone.

Harry chuckled at how easy it was to derail what she was trying to say with just a few well timed comments.

"What is it you're wanting to talk about?" He asked seriously, no joking in his tone.

Daphne straightened up and spoke in a more formal tone. "I wish to speak with you in the capacity of the Greengrass heiress and you as the Black and Potter heir."

Harry thought of when a good day would be to talk about such a thing.

"How hung up are you about breaking curfew?" Harry asked her seriously, focusing on the slight shift in her facial expressions.

"It's only against the rules if you get caught." She shrugged, obviously not caring for it if it furthered her goals.

"Good," Harry said, "I have patrols on Friday, being Prefect and all. Meet me here at around 11:00."

"Oh, the horror," Daphne exclaimed with false alarm, "The Gryffindor Golden boy is a rule breaker, taking advantage of being a Prefect."

Harry gave her an unimpressed look, to which she scoffed.

"11:00 sounds fine, but how are you going to ditch Granger? She doesn't seem to be the person to break rules." She pointed out, fixing him with questioning look.

"Let me handle her," Harry said flatly, "I can be charismatic when I want to."

Daphne gave him a deadpanned look.

"Really?" She said flatly, "I don't see it."

'I was charismatic enough to bed you... repeatedly...per day.' He thought, not even humouring voicing it out loud.

"Don't fall for the mask I'm wearing, Ms. Greengrass," Harry pointed out, "Snakes wait to pounce when you least expect it."

"Oh, a snake, are we?" She grinned, the gleam in her eyes back, "And here I thought you were just a Gryffindor that learned a few things, like wordsmithing."

"Who's the better Slytherin?" He asked quietly, moving a little closer to her, just a foot away from her, "The snake, or a snake masquerading as a lion?" He whispered the last part, seeing her eyes widen slightly.

"Til next time, Ms. Greengrass." He turned and left the room, not looking back.


"Absolutely bloody lovely." Harry muttered to himself, arriving at the DADA class, resigned to keeping his damned mouth shut.

Hermione had given him an odd look after potions, having not seen where he went. He'd simply waved her concern off and just said he'd stayed back to ask Snape when his detention would be. Hermione had seemed to buy it and dropped it, but was still giving him speculative looks.

He trudged into the DADA classroom, nearly flinging his bag by the desk he chose, spotting Umbridge at the front.

Pink clothes, short, bitchy, looked like a pudgy toad. Yep Umbridge.

Surprisingly, she didn't show any hostility towards him, only a detached interest.

The other students made their way to their desks and got the assigned book out and their wands.

"Wands away," Umbridge said sweetly, "You won't be needing them."

There were hushed mutters of surprise and annoyance, the students putting away their wands.

Harry let himself zone out for a few minutes when Umbridge began speaking, being totally uninterested in a near repeat of what she had said before.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard his name.

"- will be overseeing a study group meant for OWL and NEWT students, and it will be open to all Houses." Umbridge smiled sweetly again, acting as if she came up with the idea.

Umbridge continued on.

"This will be allowed because of the rather lax teaching standards that have begun to show over the last several years, something that the Ministry has deep concerns about." She went on about how she was sent here to bring them all up to snuff, speaking to them like young children.

"Now, I want you to open up your books and read the first chapter." She said with a slightly slow tone.

Merlin, I won't survive this. Harry grumbled to himself, setting the book on the table, looking at it like it wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

Not even worth wiping my arse with. He thought, opening up the book to page one, not touching it afterwards.

Everyone one else opened their books, save for Hermione, who was sitting up straight and was silently looking at Umbridge.

Umbridge ignored her for several minutes, until nearly half the class clued in and saw how the resident bookworm hadn't touched hers.

Umbridge eventually looked to Hermione and feigned surprise at the girl looking straight at her.

"Yes, Ms." Umbridge asked questioningly, "Did you have a question about the chapter?"

"Granger, ma'am," Hermione replied, before going on, "And no, it's about the course aims that I am curious about."

Umbridge tilted her head partially to the side and exhaled slightly.

"The course aims, Ms. Granger, is to provide a safe environment to understand the use of defensive spells and when to use them."

"But what of the use of spells themselves?" Ron jumped in, his voice raised a small margin.

"Students must raise their hands if they wish to ask a question." Umbridge stated, turning away from Ron.

Harry shrugged at what was going on in and raised his hand with a bored look on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?" She asked, her tone sounding normal instead of the false sweetness.

"I believe Hermione's concerns are from the lack of practical use stated in the curriculum," Harry said smoothly, "The last thing needed is for a spell to not work properly and for the student to be severely injured in the process from lack of practical use."

"Do you doubt a ministry certified instructor?" Umbridge asked with a slight laugh, "The author of the book is one, if you must know."

"Remus Lupin and Severus Snape have a Defense mastery," Harry countered, a pleasant look he definitely didn't base off of Dumbledore on his face, "Both stress practical, hands on teaching to ensure accidents don't occur."

Umbridge's face twisted into a look of irritation when Remus' name was mentioned.

"Remus Lupin was unfit to teach at a school as illustrious as Hogwarts, and Severus Snape is primarily a potions master, otherwise, he would have this position." Umbridge replied simply, eying Harry critically.

Harry shrugged and leaned back into his chair, noticing how several of the students looked less than pleased with what this year's curriculum was going to be.

"Unless you yourself think you are more qualified than the author of that book," She gestured towards his desk, "Then I dare say you shouldn't question it. Besides, you are free to help whatever students need it under guidance of Professor Snape."

Harry snorted and decided to drop it, deciding to not waste anymore of his time.

He went back to pretending to reading, fantasizing on how to best kill Nott without it being traced to him.

Could frame him for Umbridge dying. He thought viciously, eying her back as she went back to her seat. Isolating him, using Imperious, and be under the cloak will leave me free and in the clear. She presided over kangaroo court trials and imprisonments of muggleborns, in the future. She tortured children. She was unworthy of redemption, Azkaban or death were her two options.

What to do. What to do. He thought, eventually hearing the class being dismissed.

He got up to go with everyone else, but heard Umbridge's voice.

"Mr. Potter, please stay back for a moment." She called out, the flash of irritation on Harry's face being missed by her.

Hermione and Ron gave him a look of sympathy, before leaving with the rest of the class.

The door shut and Harry turned around to face Umbridge, his expression flat.

"Yes?" He asked simply, not bothering to sound polite.

"Please," She gestured to the front of her desk, a spare chair in front, "Sit."

Harry looked at the chair, then back to her, then shrugged and sat down in the chair, a bored look still on his face.

"You don't need to be silent, Mr. Potter, if you have problems, please speak your mind."

Harry despised that she was giving the illusion of being nice, knowing the bitch would be a sadist at the most opportune moment.

"You're not a qualified teacher," He said flatly, enjoying the temporary look of shock on her face at his statement, "You were sent to send a message to Dumbledore that the Ministry can touch him where he is most secure."

"I was sent-" Umbridge began, but Harry cut her off.

"Professor Snape would have been a perfectly good choice of teacher," Harry said sharply, "But that would require getting a new potions master, something he doesn't want to do. Don't try to lie to me, Dolores, it doesn't suit you."

Umbridge dropped the look of false surprise and gave him a less condescending look.

"What is it you are wanting?" Umbridge asked, eying him like he were an entirely different beast.

"I don't plan on my grade being hamstrung by a spat between the Ministry and the headmaster," Harry replied simply, "So I want a slip for the restricted section for research purposes with no questions asked."

"Done," Umbridge said without hesitation, "Anything else?"

"No interference in how the study group is run. Anything that goes wrong will be the responsibility of the staff overseeing it, being Professor Snape. The same man who Dumbledore," He stressed the name, "Personally vouched for when he said he spied against the Dark Lord and was a changed man when concerns were raised when he was made a teacher. Could you imagine the uproar by parents if a former Death Eater, supposedly reformed according to Dumbledore, was letting students learn Dark and dangerous magic?" He asked with a grin.

Umbridge's eyes widened, followed by a truly sinister smile appearing on her face.

"I'm sure I can find such a thing acceptable." She smiled, looking like a toad that just caught a fly.

Harry made it looking like he was glancing at his watch, prompting Umbridge to dismiss him, her face alight with triumph as he left the room, the clack echoing slightly.

"I feel like I need a shower." He hissed in Parseltongue as he made his way back to his dormitory, feeling disgusted from talking with the toad.

He got back to Gryffindor tower and gave the password, entering the common room and collapsing into a chair, ignoring the looks he got.

Fred or George, he didn't look closely to tell, approached him with a look of curiosity.

"So, ogling a snake in front of Snape, huh?" He heard a snicker at the end.

Not in the mood, Harry raised his right hand, flipping who he now saw was George off.

Fred rushed to his twin's defense and gave Harry a look of righteous indignation.

"Don't you dare besmirch the honour of my brother with such a foul gesture, Potter!" He declared, striking a pose.

"You sounded exactly like Malfoy when you said my name." Harry deadpanned, still lounging on the plush chair lazily.

Fred scowled at him and broke character at the comparison.

"Don't compare me to that git," He said, looking affronted, "I'd rather be bald than have that ferret's hair."

"Ah, my less handsome twin, you forget," George jumped in, "Don't say such things about blond Slytherins, Harry might get mad."

Harry did scowl at that, pushing his hand down to push himself up from his seat.

"This," He stressed, "Is ogling. Oi, Ginny," He called to where Ginny was sitting by Hermione, talking with her about something, "I need your help harassing your brothers."

Ginny brightened and completed ignored Hermione, rushing towards the three of them.

"Yes?" she asked brightly, shooting her elder brothers a mischievous grin.

"Just stand there and play along." He said, looking at her up and down, pretending to be entranced by her.

Ginny had gotten rid of her crush on him over the summer, thankfully, making this little joke much less awkward.

"Mate, what the bloody hell are you doing?" The twins asked at the same time, starting to glare at what Harry was doing.

"What's it look like I'm doing, I'm ogling your sister," He said flatly, walking around her and looking at her up and down again.

Harry could see Ginny shaking from her snickering at the twin looks of disgust on her brothers' faces, Ron also probably being pissed by it.

"This is ogling," Harry said, stopping the impromptu torture session, "Feeling someone glare at you and stare at her isn't."

Fred and George got the message and grumbled under their breaths, something about underfoot, short-sighted gits.

"You forget who I'm the son of," Harry scoffed, looking at the both of them, "You really think you can match this?" He gestured towards himself.

"Methinks little Prongs has a bit of a big head, George," Fred said, "Think we need to shrink it a bit?"

"You can do that during the study group," Harry pointed out, "You can use anything on me if you can hit me with it."

"Anything?" The two asked with matching grins.

"Anything that doesn't kill," Harry replied, "Vanishing my clothes, loss of bowel control, things like that."

"You will rue the day you crossed the likes of Gred and Forge." They both declared, rushing away, "Two heads are better than one."

"You both received half a brain at birth." Harry snarked, sitting back down and spotting Hermione looking at him with a resigned expression.

"Do you have to encourage them?" Hermione asked exasperatedly.

"You make it sound like they're a couple of disobedient toddlers." Harry said flatly, feeling himself grin at the imagery.

"That's practically what they are at times." She sighed, going back to her book.

"Just think," He went on, seeing her tense and shut her book at the interruption, "More time trying to plan pranking me means less time they try to pawn Skiving Snack boxes on the firsties."

At the look of complete shock on her face at that revelation, he started snickering.

"To think that I'm a better Prefect already," He sighed and pressed his hand against his head, "Sacrificing my own health and sanity to protect the ickle, little, impressionable first years from the big bad Weasley twins."

Hermione shook her head in exasperation and swatted him with her book, shifting in her seat.

"That's not funny." She said, grabbing her bag and rummaging through it, "I'm going to ignore that first part about being a better Prefect, and commend you for being such a daring Gryffindor and safeguarding the innocence of the first years." She then lifted out a different book and cracked it open to read.

Harry shrugged and went through his own bag to grab his own things, wanting to finish it all early.

The rest of the week was uneventful for the most part, Harry finally getting an opening to get to the RoR.

Friday was also here and Harry planned on meeting Daphne at the one classroom under the guise of patrolling as Prefect.

Hermione had been displeased when he brought it up to her, the concept of breaking rules with a position of authority rubbing her the wrong way, but she eventually relented when he explained how he would need to try and build a political bloc to contest against Voldemort's influence in the Wizengamot, especially with Dumbledore not being Chief Warlock.

But that could wait until later. Right now, he was on the way to the Room of Requirement, hell bent on acquiring a certain object from it.

He got to the seventh floor, spotting the specific painting with an absolute pillock trying to teach trolls how to dance.

The Marauders Map was in his hand, opened up to make sure that no one was near him.

After ensuring that no one was around, he began pacing back and forth in front of where the door would be, thinking of what he needed.

The door eventually appeared, which he then ceased his pacing and opened the door, entering the room.

He was met by a familiar sight, a collosal amount of cluttered objects piled up all across the room.

"Alright," He muttered, walking around to look for the Diadem, "If I were a horcrux, where would I be?"

He had a vague recollection of where it was, but it still took him nearly a half an hour to find it, levitate it, and put it in a bag he'd brought with him.

He exited the room, putting on his Cloak and casting a Disillusionment charm on the bag, having it hover in front of his invisible form. There was no way he was going to touch the damned thing.

He made his way to a certain bathroom, remaining under the Cloak. He got to a sink and looked at the serpent carved into the side of the tap.

"Open." He hissed, noticing that Dumbledore hadn't put any detection spells on the sink.

The sink shifted with a groan and revealed the tube to go down.

Switching his levitation of the bag to a wandless one, he cast an Impervious charm on his robes, dropping the bag down the tube, and following it seconds later.

The rushing feeling and cold air felt pleasant, the sensation reminding him of less than pleasant memories as well.

He reached the bottom and cast a small levitation charm on himself, cushioning his fall so he only needed to bend his knees slightly on impact.

Looking down at the pile of animal bones, he saw the bag and levitated it with a flick of his wand, walking towards the cave in.

He began the slow and arduous process of clearing it out so he could have a clear pathway into the Chamber.

After some time, he made a path wide enough for him to walk through and walked softly to the entrance, hissing in Parseltongue again to open it.

The locks shifted and the door swung open, revealing the site of where he had destroyed a horcrux for the first time.

Harry walked into the Chamber itself, the soft sound of his shoes touching the ground echoing slightly in the spacious area.

He approached the remains of the basilisk, letting the bag drop to the ground unceremoniously.

Getting up to the jaw of the Basilisk, he hissed the incantation of a cutting curse in Parseltongue, cutting into the bone of the jaw.

He leaned closer and pressed his wand to the cut, hissing softly again.

A fang came free from the jaw, the latest spell cauterizing the remaining flesh in the jaw to prevent venom from dripping out.

It was a surprise when he discovered that a Basilisk was vulnerable to spells cast in Parseltongue, possibly because the ritual involved birthing them likely required an application of Parselmagic on top of a chicken egg hatched under a toad.

Harry levitated both the bag and the fang, going towards the corner of the room.

Setting them down, he carved several runes into the ground and side with his wand.

He removed the Diadem from the bag and set it in the center of the runic circle he was making, the fang being set right next to it.

He then made a supplementary rune that was tied to his own magic and the enchantments on the door, tethering it to the runic circle.

If any other Parselmouth aside from him opened the door, the rune cluster would collapse and force the items to touch, killing the horcrux.

He needed somewhere to store it without anyone accidentally getting it and needed a failsafe in case something occurred.

Satisfied, he turned and left the Chamber, whistling a soft tune.

Just a few short hours after his stroll in the Chamber, he and Hermione were on their way to meet with Daphne, Hermione only being there to give Harry a cover.

"Could you not have met her at a different time?" Hermione asked again, still sounding a bit miffed, the two of them walking through the halls to get to the abandoned classroom.

Harry sighed and cursed his overlooking of the obvious. He could have told Daphne to meet him on the seventh floor and tell her he had a secret room. He trusted her with that knowledge, but he overlooked how easy it would have been. After this, he'd tell her to meet there instead.

"Slytherin house doesn't like me," Harry repeated, "Any other time would have meant more traffic of students to see her and spread rumours about her family possibly wanting to ally with me."

"You sure you weren't entranced by her beautiful eyes and hair?" Hermione asked sarcastically, "You remember what Padfoot said about certain girls?"

Harry growled under his breath and pressed his hand against his forehead.

"Don't remind me," He said irritably, "You try being talked to by him about what girls like."

"Like it would be that dreadful." Hermione rolled her eyes, seeming to think he was being overdramatic.

"He went into detail on how many witches he was with in his fifth year," Harry deadpanned, "Something about his position as heir Black had all the girls throwing themselves at him."

Hermione still looked unimpressed.

"He commented how he was with a Gryffindor and a Slytherin," Harry clarified, seeing her still not getting it, "At the same time."

Hermione's face reddened and she looked away, looking embarrassed.

"He also said something about the brainy girls being absolute-" He continued, grinning when Hermione frantically waved her hands at him.

"Stop, stop, I don't want to hear what was said next, Harry." She managed to stammer out, understanding now how utter shite Sirius was at talking with a teenager about the fairer sex.

Hermione dropped the topic and remained quiet as they got to the outside of the classroom.

Harry pulled out the Marauders Map and pressed his wand to it, whispering the password.

The map activated and he saw Daphne's name in the room, Tracey's name showing at the corner of the room, but he didn't inform Hermione.

"Thanks, Hermione," Harry said quietly, "You can go now, I have the Cloak to get back."

Hermione chewed on her bottom lip lightly, deep in thought, before nodding and turning to leave.

After she left, Harry approached the door and opened it, wand in hand.

Sure enough, a stunning spell shot towards him, the blonde girl wheeling around and firing at him.

He batted it aside and gave her a deadpanned look.

"Really?" He asked, putting his wand away.

"Just testing your reflexes," She said brightly, putting her own wand away, "Need to make sure you're more than just all bark."

Harry shrugged and walked towards one of the tables, pulling away two chairs and carrying them to where Daphne was.

He situated the chairs so they faced each other, sitting in one and gesturing for Daphne to sit in the other.

She glanced at the chair, shrugged, and sat down, sitting in the chair with her back straight.

"So," Harry began, leaning forward and steepling his fingers together, "What does House Greengrass wish to speak with me about?"

Daphne smirked slightly and began speaking.

"Several rumours are being said about you, especially since the trial."

"All the good ones are true." Harry said simply, noticing her smirk stay in place.

"Does that include being educated by Dumbledore in politics?"

Harry couldn't help but scoff at that rumour, finding it rather hilarious.

"You'd be surprised who actually taught me." Harry shrugged, a playful grin on his face.

"Well," Daphne replied, "I'm sure I'll be surprised when I find out who he is."

"Or she." Harry countered, still grinning.

Daphne squinted her eyes at him marginally, shifting back to an aloof look.

"Certain rumours about your prowess with magic, namely that you could cast a corporeal patronus."

"And why would that be pertinent to us having a possible accord between our Houses, Ms. Greengrass?" He raised a brow, "What can you offer me if I reveal such secrets?"

Daphne's face twitched slightly at his lack of giving anything up, but still maintained her facade.

"With certain rumours of a rather... destabilizing sort," She said eventually, "My father is not willing to risk sticking our necks out if you are simply an above average student that knows how to talk well."

Harry was quiet for a moment, debating on what to do.

He made his decision and flicked his wand into his hand, spinning around and casting a spell with a blistering speed.

"Expecto Patronum." He muttered, a silver stag appearing and darting around the room, looking for danger.

He heard Daphne gasp softly and stare at the stag, marveling at its beauty.

"I learned this at thirteen." Harry said softly, flicking his wand at the ethereal stag, causing it to vanish.

Harry then went back to the chair and sat down, giving Daphne a speculative look.

"Anymore questions you have about my abilities can wait until tomorrow. The study group convenes then." Harry said, continuing to look at her, "I'll need to determine whether you yourself will be a competent ally or not. As I see it, you have everything to gain, while I get nothing."

"An alliance with the Greengrass family isn't good enough?" She asked, a leading tone present.

"Rule of equal exchange," Harry shrugged, "I'm the future head of Houses Potter and Black, something that many people want to take advantage of. What's to say you didn't slip a little something in my robes when you talked with me, a love potion in mist form or something else?"

Daphne gave him a death glare at the insinuation, her nostrils flaring.

"I'm not some cheap harlot that will whore myself out to get a child of mine as Lord Potter or Black." She nearly growled, her eyes an icy blue.

"Of course you wouldn't, too easily traced," Harry nodded, "Your family makes most of its money from potions, so for me to suddenly be lustful for you, it would be too obvious that you were dosing an heir."

Daphne looked to be thinking of multiple things at a rapid pace, her eyes not leaving his.

"You also seemed so mistrustful of me." Harry stated, leaning back in his chair.

Daphne frowned slightly at what he said, looking slightly confused.

"I'm not sure I follow," She replied, tilting her head slightly, "The stunner was more of a way to ensure you were-"

"I'm not talking about that," Harry cut in, rising from his seat, "I'm talking about something else."

Without taking his eyes off Daphne, he flung a silent stunning spell at the corner of the room, striking a disillusioned Tracey, who yelped in surprise, before slumping to the ground, unconscious.

Daphne nearly fell out of her seat and backed away from him, eyes widened in fear.

"Oh, don't be that way," He said irritably, putting his wand away, "It's not like I killed her."

Daphne was breathing slightly heavier and kept looking between his wand arm and Tracey, having almost missed his movement.

"You're dangerous." She whispered, almost to herself.

"Far more than any, other than you, know." Harry said simply, trying to assuage any genuine fear she had, "You're smart to have had her here, just in case you needed back up, but that only works when you're in the same calibre as me." He let the fact that they were most definitely not in the same league be left unsaid.

"Has this ensured that I'm not weak?" Harry asked, taking a step closer to her, a soft smile on his face.

Daphne schooled her features and gazed back at him, blinking more than once.

"Yes, you've made that clear."

Harry continued to smile, turning to Tracey's unconscious form.

"I'll wake her up in a minute," Harry promised, looking back at Daphne, "But let me give you a clear answer on your offer."

Harry leaned a little closer to her.

"I'm very interested in working alongside House Greengrass," He whispered, his face about a foot away from Daphne's, "Meet me on the seventh floor after the first study group. When's a good time for you?"

Daphne leaned away from him, her breath slightly faint from his proximity to her.

Swallowing for a moment, she blinked once or twice and answered.

"7:00 will be good," She said quietly, "How did you know Tracey was here?" She changed the subject, wanting to know.

Grinning, Harry walked towards Tracey and flicked his wand into his hand.

"A magician never tells his secrets." He said, casting and Innervate on Tracey, who began to stir.

Tracey blearily opened her eyes, said eyes widening when she saw him standing above her.

She scrambled to her feet and looked between Harry and Daphne, looking shocked.

"What happened?" She asked frantically, not knowing how she ended up unconscious.

Shaking his head, Harry attempted to explain with a straight face.

"I fear I underestimated my wandwork," He said, giving a slight bow, "My wand was just too much for you and you succumbed with seconds." finishing suggestively.

Tracey turned beet red at how he worded it, trying to stammer out a reply.

"And Ms. Greengrass continued to be impressed with how well I used my mouth," Harry continued, turning to a pink faced Daphne, "She used her sharp tongue well, but I think I did better."

Harry heard Tracey laugh out loud, having forgot her own embarrassment at the plight her friend was now in.

"Shut up, Potter." Daphne growled, tugging at a lock of hair like she did when she was nervous.

"Aren't we on a first name basis by now, my dear?" He asked softly, eliciting another growl from the blonde.

"Potter!" She raised her voice threateningly, her eyes boring into his own.

"Ah," He clutched at his chest, "Even after such an intimate exchange, you wound me by not calling me Harry."

She looked to be about to respond with a biting comment, but reconsidered when he gave her a challenging look, requesting she do so.

"We'll talk later." She said flatly, casting a tempus charm, the time saying it was almost midnight.

"Well, I best be going," Harry said, turning to leave, "If you want to go another round, Ms. Greengrass," He called out, not looking back, "You know where to meet."

He then opened the door and left the two shocked girls behind.

It was the middle of the night and Daphne still hadn't been able to sleep, just laying in her bed thinking about what had happened just an hour ago.

Potter had made a show of dominance by stunning Tracey without even looking at where she was, just simply knowing where she was.

She would need to speak with her father about what happened, including Potter's interest in an alliance.

She wasn't going to mention anything about Potter flirting with her. She could tell that's what it was, not simply a way to throw her off.

No matter what Potter said, she knew what it looked like when someone looked at her with interest. Potter just happened to be far more intelligent than anybody else that would look at her.

Tossing and turning some, she forced herself to lay still to try and sleep.

"Damnit, Potter," She muttered softly, turning to lay on her stomach, "Every bloody thing is more complicated since you said the Dark Lord was back."

After today, her doubts on the Dark Lord's return had almost completely deteriorated. Potter wouldn't have tipped his hand to show how dangerous he was if he wasn't in desperate need of allies, but she still wanted to think he was either lying for attention or Dumbledore convinced him via threats.

The Dark Lord's return meant war was already here, something that filled her with dread. Her father would get quiet when his brother was mentioned or when the subject of the war was unintentionally brought up.

Her father was the strongest person she knew, a leftover of when she was a small child that would run to him when she had a bad dream.

Something that would frighten him seemed like an otherworldly terror, something that she couldn't hope to fight against.

She eventually gave up trying to make herself sleep and reached for her wand by the small table next to her bed, aiming it at her chest and muttering the incantation for a stunning spell.

A flash of red light was the last thing she saw before the realms of unconsciousness claimed her.

End Chapter:

New chapter is here and it has a few things that set the foundation for future interactions and the progress of the plot.

Harry has contact with Daphne in a less unintentionally intimate fashion and has found a way to talk with her in a more private setting.

The horcrux, specifically his refraining from promptly destroying the Diadem, will play a part later on, rest assured.

Anyway, here's the chapter and I hope you all have a wonderful day.


Next chapter