
Clean Up Party

Here is a question, will you forgive people who harmed you given the chance for revenge ? If you say yes you are either a masochist or a saint. Fortunately Sujin is no saint, nowhere near. Working on an environment where blaming others is a norm, Sujin did not hesitate to bash the Thug that have fallen due to his fear.

- Inequivalent Exchange have been activated -


- Usage of Rock has been mastered, normal rated rock will now have 100% chance of triggering Inequivalent Exchange. This will not affect the rate of other normal item. -

- Inequivalent Exchange have been activated -


a few more minutes later Sujin finally stop bashing the dead thug. He bashed it so hard so many time the head is no longer intact with brain matter spilling out. Sujin took a deep breath trying to calm his mind, as his adrenaline wore off he start to feel the pain that come from his right eye. He just lost half his vision and a lot of blood. His heart start pumping adrenaline again due to the fear of losing his ability to see on his right eye permanently.

Meanwhile, Baranda is finishing up his battle. All of the thugs that surround Baranda has turned into fertilizer for his branches which grew from the ground. He took a deep breath before cautiously reviewing his surrounding. His victory does not come cheap despite being an experienced fighter, its still a 1 versus 4 battle. While he does not get any fatal wound, scratches and bruises are still visible as well torn clothing. He look at Sujin which is currently on a mount position with a corpse between his legs and at Emery who is cowering with fear.

"Is this your first time killing ?" Said Baranda while slowly approaching the still traumatized Sujin.

Sujin does not reply as his mind is still a mess, Baranda put his hand on Sujin shoulder and talk to him once more "How does it feel to take someone else's life ? To experience being a reaper ?"

Sujin slowly look at Baranda who is currently smiling with a hint of bloodlust in his face. "I-It is a necessary action nothing more..its me or him..."

Smiling wider Baranda clap Sujin shoulder "You will be a good warrior, do you want to join the fire tribe ?"

Slapping away Baranda hand Sujin stand slowly and said "We should go let us gather whatever these guys have on their body and use it"

"You should probably clean up that wounds first Sujin, can I cast magic on you ?" Ask Emery

"You can use magic?" both Sujin and Baranda look at Emery with inquiring eyes

"Yes i can use feather magic, actually almost all the winged beast race can use magic to a certain degree"

"Baranda, is there magic in your world ? Actually I wonder if its appropriate to ask but your branch is it magic ? Does it burn if it hits your hair?" Ask Sujin

"my branch is not magic. Its a part of me that i get from blessing and yes it get burnt when it hit my hair, I guess my luck is not that good that I got a blessing that is opposite of my nature. But a warrior does not blame his sword the fault lies within his skill"

"You should really get that cleaned up first Sujin, sit down and i'll do something about it yeah ?"

Sujin gave her a nod and sit down in front of her, he realized that Emery is pretty short for a girl that can turn into a 2.2 meters berserker. As Emery hover her hand over Sujin's right eye she started to say unintelligible language that does not get translated by the comprehension skill. Sujin felt his right eye side to be warm for a bit before he realized that there is a feeling of something growing from his right face side.

"Its done, it won't heal immediately but it will take a few days for it to close up the wound. I don't know about the eyes though i can't use complicated healing magic"

Sujin touch his right side of face unconsciously and he realized that his right side is pretty much covered in feather right now, the feather seems stuck to his face for now but the pain is pretty much numbed down.

As the pain subsided Sujin started to reflect on the encounter that just happened, in the same time the party are gathering items from the corpses around. "I was way to careless...I should've picked more than one rock earlier forgetting the fact that my skill is chance based...This is another world and the price for negligence is my right eye vision. This is reality" As Sujin reaffirm his stance on this world.

Finishing the job the group have changed into rag tag clothing that they loot from the thug around, Baranda unfortunately does not get an upper clothes as there is no size for his buff stature, he opt for a rag cloak that one of the thug uses. Finishing changing the clothes the party move to the main street leaving their first kill on this world just as is.

Item Obtained:

1. Poor Common Attire

2. Club (Baranda)

3. Machete (Sujin)

4. Dagger (Emery)

5. 17 Silver coin, 70 copper coin. Value is not known.

6. pouch for each party member


Do leave your comment in term of my writing. Is it way to rigid ? or is it way to episodic ?

Sagesheepcreators' thoughts
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