
New Nation but the Oldest Civilization

Life is full of uncertainty, you don't know what can happen any time. Same goes for Raja who suddenly found himself reborn in 1947 as Pandit Nehru, The First Prime Minister of Independent India. For days he tried his best to adjust with the new environment and new people but with every second he got more familiar with being Nehru because he as a International Relation students understand everything about this era at the back of his hand. From the mistakes to regret that still haunts the modern India. Unfortunately he was reborn a little late because of which he couldn't change the inevitable "Partition". The Muslim league came out as strong with support from British and Nehru unfortunately didn't had enough influence that could have forced everyone to stay together, let alone Pakistan even in Congress he didn't share a very good popular support only because of Mahatma Gandhi was he able to become the Prime Minister and Sadar Patel was forced to become the Home Minister of India.

"Though I am late but not that late"

Thought Raja (now Nehru).

He is about to have an meeting with Sardar Patel in 10 minutes and Nehru was currently in his office thinking carefully about what he will say to him because this will be the starting of everything, a moment that could alter the course of World an push India at a stage where it could finally achieve its status of a superpower yet he knew how difficult it is gonna be.

5 Minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Come In"

Door were pushed open and Sardar patel came walking in the Man who was called Iron Man of India.

After basic greetings both now faced each other. Nehru Started Speaking

"Patel right now what I am about to say will be the policy that our government will implement because of which before presenting it to the cabinet i want you to listen to it. First starting with Military, we need strong military not only because of defending our territory also because to make sure all these small princely state don't join Pakistan, I want you to personally look over this matter no matter what happens i want all the princely state integrated into Into by hook or crook. Moving on I have decided to reform the bureaucracy and I have a list of very intelligent people which I would include in the centre as they would help us a lot. I would forward the list later, moving on I need a very huge investment for intelligence committee even though we have intelligence burea right now I don't think it can keep up with the changing environment because we already very volatile situation right now so I would need investment in intelligence as well for which i have a very good candidate. The another big issue which we have to tackle is the issues of refugees pouring in from various part of countries to the Delhi if it carries on this would become a very big issue in the coming future. Moving forward we have to also address the issue of Pakistan which has become a very big headache for everyone right now we moving forward we have to also address the issue of Pakistan which has become a very big headache for everyone right now, I need you handle it at a personal level you have to make sure that no matter what happened Pakistan is not able to interfere in any integration of princely state of via military means. Regarding the economy part I would definitely address it at upcoming cabinet meeting so you don't have to worry but it mostly it will be about using capitalist and socialist system together in which some part of countries will follow the capitalist system and some part will follow the social system. At the end I have denied Mountbatten the permission to join any cabinet meeting or any meeting as everything we are discussing is an internal matter of India so I don't think there is any need of him to be there, but there is one last thing where I would need you to support me it is giving a statement to the world that even though we are a new nation the concept of nation is not new to us we are a Civilization that a stood the test of time the 5000 years and we still continue to exist and will exist so I would need your support to give this message throughout the world and to our own citizen as well because this is one thing which I really want to end is the inferiority complex among my people. Alright that's it for now I will meet you at the cabinet meeting ".

(For Everyone information PM Nehru as a student of history was a person that could talk for hours and still not feel tired there are many instances in history where his habit of talking 2 to 3 hours has made some USA diplomats hate him lol. I have my Exams coming so I will be writing in very short format and when the foundation is set i will write proper chapters, basically all these are just info dump for people not aware of history)