
Independent Sword

A swordsman should have a sharp edge. Rather break than yield, rather break than bend, unyielding and unforgiving, fearless. There was no need to hesitate or think too much about anything that stood in his way. Believe in the sword in your hand. With just the sword in your hand, you can cut through all obstacles and bravely move forward. You can reach the other shore of the Sword Dao and step onto the altar.

Trend_A_Coin · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Golden Edge Swordsmanship

"Phew …"

Chu Mu let out a sigh of relief. He turned around and looked at the still twitching corpse of the Vigorous Stone Ape, his face somewhat pale.

Using all of the external sword qi to forcefully merge with the internal sword qi and condense it on the Fake Clear Wind Sword required Tang Fan's full concentration. Moreover, he had to clearly see every movement of the Vigorous Stone Ape. He couldn't let go of even the slightest detail. Then, he slashed with his sword and controlled the sword qi to enter the Vigorous Stone Ape's body. All of this was done in an instant.

The mental burden brought by all of this was very heavy, making him feel quite tired. If it wasn't for the fact that his soul had merged with the Vigorous Stone Ape, Chu Mu would probably be drowsy right now.

"If the Vigorous Stone Ape's skin is peeled off, it can be made into leather armor and so on. However, cutting it off is a complicated job, and I'm not good at it." Chu Mu stared at the Vigorous Stone Ape's corpse and thought to himself, "Moreover, its skin has been cut by my Fake Clear Wind Sword. Forget it."

Soon after, Chu Mu's eyes lit up as he looked at the black hole in the mountain wall not far away.

The Vigorous Stone Ape's habit was to live in caves in the mountain wall. Therefore, it could be concluded that the black hole was the cave where the Vigorous Stone Ape lived.

As a high level vicious beast that was comparable to an early tenth phase swordsman, perhaps there would be some good things in the Vigorous Stone Ape's cave.

Thinking up to this point, Chu Mu hurriedly took out a few Qi Recovery Pills and threw them into his mouth. He stood motionless and split his attention between paying attention to his surroundings and circulating his sword aura to increase the effectiveness of the Qi Recovery Pills, trying his best to recover his sword aura.

A moment later, Chu Mu's inner sword aura recovered by a large portion, and his protective sword aura naturally recovered as well. Immediately, he used a movement technique and quickly leapt towards the mountain wall. Lightly touching the ground, his entire body lightly floated upwards until he reached the cave entrance.


With a flash, Chu Mu entered the cave entrance like a gust of wind.

A foul stench assaulted Chu Mu's nostrils, causing him to almost vomit. He hurriedly held his breath.

The Breath Holding Technique was not a secret technique. When he was on Earth, Chu Mu had deliberately practiced it in order to practice his swordsmanship underwater. Therefore, he could hold his breath for more than ten minutes without breathing.

He quickly entered the cave. The lighting was a little dim, but it didn't hinder Chu Mu's vision. His eyes were shining like a cat's.

The Herculean Stone Ape's cave was about ten meters deep, and the innermost part was relatively spacious. Chu Mu quickly swept his gaze over and saw two piles of things, one big and one small, on each side.

He quickly approached and carefully looked at the big pile of things. As a result, his face changed greatly. His stomach surged with stormy waves, and he almost couldn't help but vomit. He hurriedly turned away.

It turned out that it was the feces of the Herculean Stone Ape.

No wonder this thing was so unhygienic. It actually pooped in the cave. After a long time, his body would definitely be contaminated with this stench.

Fortunately, he had practiced the Breath Holding Technique before, and it had already integrated into his soul. Even if he changed his body, there wouldn't be any problems using it now. Otherwise, he really wasn't sure if he could continue to stay here, let alone look for any treasures.

After thinking quickly, Chu Mu strode towards the small pile on the other side.

This time, Chu Mu learned his lesson. When he was two meters away, he stopped and looked carefully. Only then did he relax a little.

It wasn't the feces of the Herculean Stone Ape, but a pile of miscellaneous things. Chu Mu approached in a flash and bent down to look carefully.

There were a few hundred tempered swords that looked very old, as if they had been there for a long time. There were also a few incense boxes, but because of the time, they were damaged. There were also some broken porcelain fragments inside.

Chu Mu flipped through and found three egg-sized stones. They looked very ordinary, but when Chu Mu pinched these seemingly ordinary stones, he keenly felt that there were traces of pure aura fluctuations within them.

"What … is this?" Chu Mu was secretly surprised. He pinched one of the stones in front of his eyes and carefully looked at it.

The stone was gray. When he looked carefully, he could see a bit of mottled white on it, but it wasn't obvious.

Chu Mu pinched the other two stones one by one and carefully felt them. He found that there were faint and pure aura fluctuations on them, just like the pure aura fluctuations he felt in the Qingfeng Cave.


"Could it be that this kind of fluctuation is the fluctuation of aura? Then this kind of stone contains aura? " All sorts of questions flashed in Chu Mu's mind. He couldn't help but have a thought. "Let me try and see if I can absorb the aura within this stone into my body, if it really is aura."

Immediately after, he held the stone in his hand and concentrated his thoughts. He used the Zhongyuan Sword Qi to move the sword Qi. As he circulated it, it spread to his palm. When he touched the stone in his hand, the feeling of pure aura fluctuations became more and more obvious.

With a shift of his thoughts, a strand of pure aura, under the guidance of the inner sword Qi, seeped into his palm and quickly spread along his arm. In the process, it rapidly transformed into inner sword Qi.

Just by absorbing a strand of pure aura, after moving it and transforming it into inner sword Qi, Chu Mu felt that his own inner sword Qi had clearly improved.

"This …" Chu Mu was shocked. His eyes widened and his face was full of shock. He stared at the stone in his palm and was speechless.

The effect was so strong. Just by trying to guide a strand of aura into his body and transforming it into inner sword Qi, it actually improved his inner sword Qi significantly. This feeling was as if he had been cultivating for more than ten days.

"What the hell is this thing? The effect is so strong. It's really shocking. " Chu Mu muttered to himself. His heart had not calmed down. "I'm sure that if I cultivate with this stone, it won't take long for me to be promoted to the peak of Level Nine. By then, my strength will increase greatly."

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Chu Mu kept the three stones in his arms. Although he did not know the name of this stone, it was definitely something good. It was a treasure.

Chu Mu made up his mind. After leaving the Qinglan Virtual Realm, he had to find some relevant books to understand. Otherwise, his knowledge of this world was still too little.

Knowledge was power. In any world, this was the same.

If one did not have enough knowledge, they would not recognize the good things. Sometimes, they would mistakenly throw away the treasures as trash. This was because some things looked very ordinary.

Just like these three stones, they were very ordinary. If Chu Mu had not touched them personally, and his senses were much sharper than the average swordsman, he would have found a weak and pure aura fluctuation in them. If it were other swordsmen, they might not even touch them and directly ignore them.


He continued to search. The harvest of three extraordinary stones made Chu Mu full of motivation.

After a while, the pile of things was turned upside down by Chu Mu. Chu Mu found a ragged cloth bag. When he touched it with his fingers, the ragged cloth cracked.

In the ragged cloth bag, there was a silk book covered with dust. Chu Mu picked it up and blew the dust off it.

This was a silk book with a pale golden cover. It was not thick. Chu Mu carefully stared at the words on the silk book. There was a kind of restrained sharpness.

"Golden Edge Swordsmanship!"

Reading out each word, Chu Mu was delighted again. Obviously, this was a swordsmanship. However, he did not know what level of swordsmanship it was.

Suppressing the excitement and hope in his heart, Chu Mu quickly flipped open the cover and read carefully. As he read, he could not hide the surprise on his face.

"Advanced … swordsmanship …"

Chu Mu's pupils trembled. He was very excited.

Currently, he needed an advanced swordsmanship very much. The ideal choice was naturally the advanced swordsmanship of the wind element. Next was the advanced swordsmanship of the cloud element. The last choice was the advanced swordsmanship of the metal element.

This Golden Edge Swordsmanship was an advanced swordsmanship of the metal element.

"I have the Aspect of Wind for the wind element, but not for the cloud element. However, the essence of metal is the lowest. If I can cultivate an advanced swordsmanship of the metal element, I might be able to use it to improve my understanding of the essence of metal." Chu Mu was secretly delighted. After cultivating an advanced swordsmanship of the metal element, his strength would be greatly improved.

"An advanced swordsmanship and three stones that contain pure spiritual energy. In this way, my strength will be significantly improved in a short period of time. When I meet Wei Hong again, I will definitely kill him with my sword."

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