
Independent Sword

A swordsman should have a sharp edge. Rather break than yield, rather break than bend, unyielding and unforgiving, fearless. There was no need to hesitate or think too much about anything that stood in his way. Believe in the sword in your hand. With just the sword in your hand, you can cut through all obstacles and bravely move forward. You can reach the other shore of the Sword Dao and step onto the altar.

Trend_A_Coin · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Bloodsword Tower

A few months ago, Chu Mu's wind concept had reached 30%. A few months later, although he did not break through to 40%, his comprehension of the wind concept had improved.

At this time, he fully exerted 30% of the wind concept and integrated it into the Wind Travel movement. Chu Mu's speed was extremely fast, like a ghost under the night sky. Dacheng's sword could ignore such a deep night, and in his eyes, it was as if it was daytime. Many trees seemed to rush at him. Not only did they not cause any obstruction to Chu Mu, but they also became his leverage, making him escape faster.

"Using a sword aura that nears the beginner level to oppress and then using a thunderous slash. Unfortunately, if it wasn't for the fact that the movement of the sword aura reached the limit of my damaged meridians, I could have killed even more people." While using his movement technique to quickly leave, Chu Mu thought to himself.

He originally expected that after his meridians were injured, his Sword Qi cultivation would be limited by 50%, but when he really started to fight, he found that the limit was as much as 60%. The Sword Qi transport that killed the five people made his meridians feel a stabbing pain. If it was transported again, it was bound to make the injured meridians more difficult to recover.

"The people of the King Snake Gang will certainly not give up. I'll let my meridians recover as I go. Unfortunately, the Great Recovery Pill and the Great Hemostasis Pill have no effect on the injury of the meridians. "While secretly thinking, Chu Mu had already gone deep into the woods. The range of the woods was not large, so there were no Fierce Beasts living inside. Not long after, Chu Mu had already crossed the whole forest, and in front of him was a mountain.

Recalling the topographic map that he had seen before leaving the Sword Faction, Chu Mu knew that this mountain was called White Maple Mountain, and that was how White Maple City got its name.

In terms of height, White Maple Mountain was not as high as Qinglan Mountain, but it was wider. However, the spirit qi was obviously not as abundant as Qinglan Mountain. Therefore, the ferocious beasts that lived on White Maple Mountain could not compare to the ferocious beasts of Qinglan Mountain in terms of both quantity and strength. Similarly, there were no sword sects in White Maple Mountain. The main forces were concentrated in White Maple City. After all, White Maple Mountain was not far from White Maple City.

Chu Mu remembered that if he crossed the White Maple Mountain, he would be even closer to the Li Province. If he went around it, he would have to travel even further. He immediately decided to cross the White Maple Mountain. Firstly, it would shorten the time, and secondly, it would be easier to avoid the pursuit of the King Snake Gang.


After all, there were quite a few experts in the Qi Transformation Realm in the King Snake Gang. Once they took action, Chu Mu alone would not be a match for them. In the end, he still needed to rely on his cultivation and his unfathomable swordsmanship in order to be invincible. Otherwise, he would still have to restrain himself when he needed to restrain himself.

Taking advantage of the night, Chu Mu quickly flew towards White Maple Mountain. The rugged mountain rocks were not an obstacle to Chu Mu.

Naturally, he also tried his best to avoid leaving any traces. However, he had not studied tracking and anti-tracking techniques, so it was inevitable that he would leave some traces.

However, Chu Mu did not care about this. What he cared about was the pursuit of the swordsmen in the Qi Transformation Realm. As for those below the Qi Transformation Realm, even if they were half-step to the Qi Transformation Realm, Chu Mu was confident that he could escape unscathed even if he was no match for them.

"I hope the people of the King Snake Gang know what's good for them. If they chase after me, then there will be more dead souls under my sword."

Chu Mu ran all the way until he was halfway up the mountain in one breath. At this time, it was already the second half of the night. Chu Mu scanned his surroundings and found a huge rock that was away from the wind. He sat down cross-legged and did not sleep. Instead, he began to cultivate the Shangyuan Sword Qi Incantation.

Cultivating the Sword Qi Incantation was a process that consumed one's mental strength. The higher the grade of the Sword Qi Incantation, the purer the Sword Qi cultivated. Therefore, one's mental strength had to be even more concentrated when cultivating the Sword Qi. However, at the same time, this was also a process of tempering one's mental strength and mental strength. Although the effects were not obvious each time and were almost undetectable, after many years, the effects would gradually become obvious.

Generally speaking, every time he cultivated, he would consume a lot of his Spiritual Will. However, Chu Mu was different from normal swordsmen. His soul had gone through the complete fusion before and had become even stronger and purer. His mind was full and his willpower was powerful. This kind of consumption, as long as it wasn't continuous for a few days and nights, basically wouldn't make him feel tired.

Because his meridians had not recovered from the injury, Chu Mu deliberately slowed down the speed of cultivating the Shangyuan Sword Qi. Time passed slowly as the Shangyuan Sword Qi circulated. In White Maple City, the King Snake Gang was brightly lit. A large number of people moved out, attracting the attention of other forces in the city and secretly investigating.


The sky was slightly bright. Chu Mu woke up from his cultivation. He opened his eyes that were as clear as water. There were traces of light flowing in them, but they were soon restrained. He opened his mouth slightly and exhaled a mouthful of white turbid breath. It condensed into a flying sword and shot out more than two meters. It hit the ground and seemed to shatter it. However, there was also a small hole in the ground.

It was said that when a swordsman's Sword Qi cultivation reached a certain level, a casual breath could penetrate a mountain rock. It was very terrifying.

Looking down the mountain, there was no movement. This meant that the King Snake Gang had either given up or had not caught up. Thinking about it, it should be the second possibility. Chu Mu did not plan to stay any longer. He got up and used his movement technique, flying towards the top of White Maple Mountain.

Two hours later, Chu Mu had already reached the top of the mountain. At this moment, the sun shone brightly, covering the entire mountain in a layer of light golden-red gauze. It was dazzling and gorgeous.

Standing at the top of the mountain, there was a heroic feeling of looking down on all the other mountains. Chu Mu only felt that his mind seemed to have become infinitely distant, piercing through the clouds and ignoring all obstacles.

Suddenly, he felt two unusual auras. They were very obscure. If it were not for the fact that Chu Mu seemed to have merged with the world at that moment, he would not have sensed them at all.

Following his senses, Chu Mu looked in a certain direction. After a moment of thought, he used his movement technique and quickly headed in that direction.

He was quickly heading towards the other side of the White Maple Mountain. It was the same idea as Chu Mu when he crossed the White Maple Mountain. After flying for a while, he entered a dense forest. The feeling of the aura was faintly discernible, but it was much clearer than before.

He suddenly stopped and his entire body went from extreme movement to extreme stillness. He stopped on a meter tall green rock and looked ahead. Chu Mu's gaze became extremely sharp. In his eyes, there were two people dozens of meters ahead. The surrounding ground was filled with countless cracks. The shortest one was ten meters long, and the longest one was a hundred meters long. It was a shocking sight.

One of them was wearing a silver robe that was torn and tattered. His hair was disheveled and he was in a sorry state. He was half lying on a half meter tall green rock. He wore a bracelet on his left hand, which hung down powerlessly. His right hand was holding a silver-white sword with great effort.


The other person was facing the silver-clothed person from a distance of twenty meters. He was lying on the ground, wearing a black robe. His hair was also disheveled. His left hand was also holding onto the ground with great effort, as if he wanted to get up. His right hand was also holding onto a pitch-black sword with great effort.

When Chu Mu's gaze fell on the silver and pitch-black swords, his pupils unconsciously shrank to the size of needles. His heart was in turmoil. The silver sword was a bit thinner than normal swords, while the pitch-black sword was a bit narrower than normal swords.

"Swords! These are definitely swords! "A voice roared in Chu Mu's heart.

Then, Chu Mu understood even more clearly. A true sword could only be used by a swordsman who was at least in the Qi Transformation Realm. In other words, although the silver-clothed person and the black-clothed person looked like they were in their twenties or thirties, they were at least Qi Transformation Realm swordsmen. As for what level they were in, it was impossible to know.

The silver-clothed person and the black-clothed person were not dead. Chu Mu's appearance had attracted their attention. They immediately turned their heads and their gazes fell on Chu Mu. The two people's eyes were incomparably fierce. When they fell on Chu Mu's face, Chu Mu immediately felt waves of piercing pain. His mental remembrance was also shaken, and his body uncontrollably swayed slightly.

The silver-clothed person's sharp gaze contained a kind of transcendence that could see through everything. It was as if nothing could escape his calculations. The black-clothed person's sharp gaze contained a kind of bloody darkness. It was incomparably evil and chilling.

In an instant, Chu Mu became extremely vigilant. Sword Qi surged out, and the sword Qi around him fluctuated slightly. If there was even the slightest bit of danger, he would attack with all his strength.

However, the silver-clothed person and the black-clothed person only looked at Chu Mu. They did not move at all, as if they were too heavily injured. Chu Mu secretly let out a sigh of relief, but he still remained on high alert.

"Kid, hurry up and kill this Zhuge Ming. There will be plenty of benefits for you." The black-clothed person was the first to speak. His voice was somewhat weak, but it was abnormally ruthless. His tone also carried a forceful command, as if Chu Mu was his subordinate.

However, the silver-clothed person's expression did not change. He looked at Chu Mu as if he was confident. Although he was somewhat weak, he spoke neither slowly nor quickly, "Little brother, this person is a member of the Bloodsword Tower. His hands are stained with blood, and he has committed countless crimes. He has even cruelly killed thousands of civilians. Even the heavens will not tolerate this. Now that he is heavily injured, he is unable to fight back at all. This is the best time to kill him. Little brother, please do it and eliminate all evil! "


Chu Mu did not reply. Instead, he looked at the silver-clothed person a few times, and then at the black-clothed person a few times. In his heart, he had already made a judgment.

His Sword Observation Technique was nearing completion, and observing a sword was like observing a person. Although he could not see through his opponent's cultivation, he could roughly see through his opponent's character. Coupled with their expressions, expressions, tone, and other aspects, Chu Mu could already make a judgment.

Immediately after, he drew his sword. With a flash of Sword Light, a ray of sword Qi pierced through the air and shot towards the black-clothed person.

"You …" The black-clothed person's sharp and gloomy eyes shone with terrifying fury and killing intent. It was hard to imagine that an ant at the sword Qi realm would actually dare to attack him. Unfortunately, he really was heavily injured, and he could not even use his innate sword Qi. He struggled to dodge the sword Qi, but it was difficult for him to do so. Immediately, the sword Qi struck his body, tearing through his skin and causing blood to flow. "Damned ant, stop immediately. Otherwise, the Bloodsword Tower will hunt you down endlessly, including everyone related to you. They will all die."

This threat that seemed to come from the depths of hell made Chu Mu's heart turn cold. A cold intent circled around him, and he could not help but tighten his grip on his sword.

"Little brother, don't worry. The Bloodsword Tower is currently facing a hunt. They can't even take care of themselves. As long as you kill him, nothing else will happen," the silver-clothed person said slowly. His voice seemed to contain a sliver of reassuring power.

Regardless of whether it was the silver-clothed person's words or the black-clothed person's threat, Chu Mu had to act. Only by killing this black-clothed person would he be able to achieve the best result. As for the rest, it would depend on the situation.

Chu Mu struck out again. This time, he used the killing move, Golden Edge Shattering Space. The condensed faint golden light disappeared into the void, and in the next second, it appeared at the black-clothed person's neck. The black-clothed person's eyes were filled with extreme fear, but with a soft sound, his neck was cut off by the faint golden light.

The silver-clothed person was stunned at first, but then a hint of admiration flashed through his eyes. This young swordsman was so decisive and did not hesitate at all. Ordinary people could not compare to him.

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