
Chapter 3

Gazing lifelessly down at the thin sword in her clenched hand, the fifteen-year-old Celestia's dull brown eyes followed each drop of crimson liquid as it hung off the tip of the blade, landing soundlessly on the ground below.

"Celestia," the voice of a familiar creature reached her human ears, prompting her to lift her gaze to meet her master's piercing stare.

Zerro's crimson eyes bore into hers as he began to speak, his tone dripping with frustration and impatience.

"What the hell was that just now? I've been training you for the last ten years, and I don't remember you fighting with the speed of a snail. I wouldn't have been surprised if those weak demons had killed you."

The straight black strands of Celestia's silky hair swayed slightly under her hood as she stepped off the pile of dead bodies, her movements devoid of emotion. With a flick of her wrist, the sharp weapon she had summoned earlier transformed into light, dissipating into thin air as it allowed itself to be absorbed by the intricate tattoo on the palm of her hand.

Zerro's glare intensified as Celestia disregarded his last words, her expression unchanged as she spun on her heels, intending to leave the sickening scene behind her.

"How many times have I told you not to act like that towards me?" Zerro's form materialized in front of Celestia, his presence looming over her as his long fingers wrapped around her neck with a vice-like grip.

Celestia choked, her breath stolen from her as her body was forcefully driven back, slamming against one of the trees in the vast forest. Gasping for air, she felt her face grow pale as she struggled to regain her composure.

With a smug expression, Zerro released his hold on her, watching as she coughed and desperately inhaled, her lungs burning from the lack of oxygen. Once Celestia managed to compose herself, she stiffly bowed towards her master, her voice strained as she spoke.

"I apologize, Zerro," she murmured, her words laced with deference and submission.

His lips twisted into a cruel grin as he unexpectedly planted a vicious kick in Celestia's stomach, causing her to double over in pain as she collided with the rough bark of the tree once again.

"You are just a weapon... nothing else," Zerro sneered, his words echoing in Celestia's ears as she struggled to catch her breath amidst the pain coursing through her body.

With a twinge of agony pulsating in her chest, Celestia's focus remained fixed on the ground, her body trembling as Zerro wielded some of his demonic power to leave her behind, alone in the vast and unforgiving forest. As he disappeared from view, Celestia was left to grapple with the physical and emotional wounds inflicted upon her by her own master.

Taking a few moments to collect herself after the harrowing encounter with Zerro, Celestia reached for her phone, retrieving it from the bag she had set aside earlier. With a steady hand, she examined the brightly lit screen, checking the time.

Twenty minutes remained before the first warning bell would ring throughout the familiar halls of a building she frequently visited. Determined to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of her life, Celestia quickly composed herself, making sure she looked presentable before strapping her bag securely to her back.

Without giving the pile of dead demons another glance, Celestia set off towards her school with purposeful strides, her mind focused on the routine and structure that awaited her within its walls.

Despite the turmoil that surrounded her, she was determined to carry on with her daily life, even if it meant temporarily putting aside the horrors she had just faced.


Stepping into the familiar halls of Shorlane Secondary School, Celestia felt the weight of hateful stares from a few particular students she wasn't very fond of. It was a daily occurrence, to be met with disdain and hostility from her peers, but Celestia had grown accustomed to it over the years. The non-physical torture inflicted by their hurtful words and judgmental glares no longer had the power to affect her.

With a stoic expression, Celestia navigated through the crowded corridors, her gaze fixed straight ahead as she made her way to her first class. Despite the animosity directed towards her, she remained unfazed, her mind focused on the tasks at hand.

"Ah, good morning Celestia. Early as usual I see," the cheery voice of her math teacher greeted her as she entered the large classroom.

Celestia offered a polite nod in response, taking her seat and preparing herself for the lessons that lay ahead. In the midst of the chaos that surrounded her, the familiar routine of school provided a sense of stability and normalcy that she desperately clung to.

As the lesson began and the whole class settled in, Celestia found herself continuously drawn to the painted blue sky and fluffy clouds adorning outside the window. Lost in her thoughts, she was momentarily startled when her teacher's voice broke through her reverie.

"Celestia, could you answer the question please?" Her eyes flickered to her teacher before shifting to the textbook she had opened a few moments ago. Without hesitation, she scanned the question, and the answer instantly materialized in her mind.

"X equals seven and Y equals ten," she replied calmly, her voice steady as she delivered the correct solution. Her teacher smiled softly and nodded in approval before moving on to another student.

"Teacher's pet," a voice muttered behind her, and Celestia couldn't help but roll her eyes at the familiar taunt.

Though she remained unfazed by the comment, she couldn't ignore the underlying hostility in the tone.

Turning her head, Celestia glanced back to witness a male student scowling at her. Unperturbed, she spoke low enough for him to hear only, her words laced with a hint of warning.

"Your words don't bother me, so I suggest you shut your trap," she retorted calmly.

The detail of his eyebrows sharpened as anger overtook his features, and Celestia wasn't surprised when he lunged forward, gripping the front of her blazer tightly as he leaned in dangerously close.

As Quinn brought her closer, towering over her slim form with an attempt to cast himself as a threat, Celestia remained composed, meeting his gaze without flinching.

However, before the situation could escalate further, their grey-haired teacher approached them in a panic.

"What on earth are you doing, Quinn?!" the teacher exclaimed, his voice filled with concern as he intervened.

Deciding to put an end to the annoying confrontation, Celestia swiftly stomped on Quinn's foot, causing him to cry out in pain and loosen his grip on her.

"Would you explain to me what happened just now, Celestia?" the teacher inquired, turning his attention to her.

Keeping her voice calm and steady, Celestia quietly answered,

"Quinn insulted me, and I insulted him back." Her response was the truth, and Quinn stared at her in disbelief, wondering why she had chosen to tell the truth instead of lying to get out of the situation.

"I see but that still isn't good Celestia. You should have just ignored him and this whole problem wouldn't have begun. Both of you will be getting detention at lunch time," He disciplined, receiving a minor reply of agreement from the two students.


Drumming her fingers against the desk, Celestia observed the clock as it ticked closer to the end of her tedious detention.

"Stop that," Quinn's voice cut through the silence, but Celestia purposefully ignored him and continued with her restless tapping.

A crumpled piece of paper suddenly tapped her shoulder, and she knew immediately that Quinn was behind this childish attempt at annoyance.

"Do you really want to get hurt?" His heavy british accent failed to intimidate her.

Growing tired of her lack of response, Quinn slammed his hands against his desk and stood up.

With their teacher absent, he felt emboldened to make a move.

He approached Celestia, his hand curling into a fist aimed at her face. Celestia instinctively raised her arms to shield herself, but just as Quinn's attack was about to land, another presence intervened.

"I can understand if you want to hit on this pretty girl, but actually hurting her shouldn't be an option," a voice remarked, startling both Celestia and Quinn.

Celestia's eyes widened in astonishment as she sensed the tattoo on her palm warming up, signaling the presence of the mysterious individual.

"Who the hell are you?" Quinn demanded rudely, taken aback by the sudden interruption.

Releasing his fist, the newcomer ruffled his short, midnight blue locks, his brown eyes twinkling as he flashed a cheerful smile.

"The name's Han, and I'm here to collect my date, Celestia Levant," he announced, draping an arm around Celestia's shoulder with a grin.

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