
Incubus' Path to Supremacy

"Today is the beginning of my eternal conquest, beware all males your women will eventually become mine!" When you give an arrogant, manipulative, and downright evil person the power of an incubus there is only one outcome... Chaos

Asuma_Zenith · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Second Inheritor

Looking at the screen in front of me I couldn't help but think


So Broken!

Broken Cheat!

I would've instantly picked Aura Manipulation but I had some concerns.

"System, can you explain Aura Manipulation better?"

"Well basically every person with any kind of ability excludes aura when they use it and you can copy it thus copying their abilities, however, there are some abilities you can't copy such as abilities that rely on a certain bloodline or abilities that come with a certain race, almost anything else should be fair game, however, you will have to practice with every kind of ability though you could just bypass the learning by buying the knowledge. Also, abilities that are much higher than your comprehension may take longer to copy or you simply won't be able to copy them, the only other thing that you should know is that when someone is activating or using their ability you won't be able to copy it unless they are super powerful and naturally exclude aura"

"Hmm I guess I will use my [SSR Ticket] on Aura Manipulation"

"Wait aren't you kinda rushing into this. I mean abilities of this caliber are super expensive and hard to find shouldn't you take longer to consider"

"Yeah no... from my point of view this is the perfect ability for me, using someone else's ability to beat them sounds super disrespectful and that's the kind of guy I am"

"But what about the drawbacks."

"Well that doesn't matter to me because I can just get rid of most of the drawbacks by buying another ability and I could just practice the abilities, I'm quite the hard worker and if I didn't want to do that I could just have sex with girls to buy the knowledge... besides if your thinking about it this ability is giving me a reason to have sex with girls, though it's not like I need one"

"W-wait didn't I mention you have to either beat or have sex with someone to be able to find their ability in the shop an-"

"Wait, why didn't you tell me something so important! and before you don't you dare say something about the price, don't underestimate my sex drive!"

Narrowing my eyes I spoke in a cold voice

"Also it sounds like your trying to prevent me from buying this ability... is there something I should know!?"

"I-i, Fine I'm not a copy of Asmodeus's personality I'm the second inheritor of his abilities"

Slightly raising my eyebrows an arrogant smile came on my face

"What's the smile for?"

"I knew it, anyway why do not want to have this ability so much?"

"B-because it was my mother's ability"

"Hahaha, you don't want me to have this ability because it was your mother's...

Wait if Asmodeus has to have sex with someone to take their ability that means...

Hahahaha, Asmodeus had sex with your mother, and you're angry because I bet every time I use that ability it will remind you of why I have it!"

Tsk Tsk, you dare threaten to remove my rod... this is what you get

"I'm so buying it now, System I choose Aura Manipulation"

[Ding! Aura Manipulation bought using the [SSR Ticket]!]

"Huh I can actually buy it... does this mean you have no control over the System?"


Hmm, it seems he's pissed off, so I'll probably have to wait for him to cool down... maybe I shouldn't have said those things.

Nah, I did it for the most important thing in this world... my enjoyment

Besides, I've learned a lot already, firstly my ultimate enemy the System doesn't have complete control of my main asset though it seems he has some kind of control and he also seems to have some history.

Secondly, unlike what most novels do where the abilities come out of nowhere, it seems the abilities I can buy come from the abilities that Asmodeus took...




"So, are you going to tell me how to travel to different worlds?"


"You know what, I'm going to go walk into that room and tell Asmodeus to give me another System"


[Please Choose Your First world]

[Highschool DxD]-[Chivalry of a Failed Knight]-[Familiar of Zero]-[Campione]-[Nisekoi]-[HoriMiya]-[Akame Ga Kill]-[Testament of Sister New Devil]-[Rosario To Vampire]-[MCU Universe]-[A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones]-[Invincible]-[DC Universe]-[Infinite Stratos]-[To Love Ru]

"Huh, these are all from my world?"

"Asmodeus thought it would be better to go to worlds you have knowledge about"

So that's what he meant by the people who will win no matter what... he was talking about the protagonists.

I can't complain considering I know the things that will happen in each world and most of these worlds have lacking protagonists who are either dense or plain out pussies.

Well definitely no MCU or DC for now considering all the ways I can be killed, DxD and Testament of Sister New Devil have stupidly overpowered protagonists and I'm not going to a world without magic for my first world and most of these worlds have people who I definitely can't offend, and knowing me I would end up dead in a few days.

So that leaves Game of Thrones, Chivalry of a Failed Knight, Familiar of Zero, and Finally Infinite Stratos

No for Game of Thrones since there isn't much magic in it making my ability useless, and I definitely need to practice. I don't know how to pilot an IS so no Infinite Stratos as well as no magic, Leaving Familiar of Zero and Chivalry of A Failed Knight.

Chivalry of a Failed Knight has Ikki who despite not having many magic skills is quite good at using a sword leaving me with very little magic to copy and someone who is so much better than me with a sword it's not even funny... so yeah no way.

Leaving Familiar of Zero, which is practically perfect, filled with magic, hot girls who happen to be nobles, no completely overpowered enemy I would stand no chance against, and finally Saito, a fool who doesn't realize how easy it would be to manipulate Louise and live like a king...

Besides, it's my hobby screwing powerful women with high status, and while I've screwed the daughters and wives of powerful politicians I've never screwed someone of real nobility let alone a princess and future queen.

"I choose Familiar of Zero!"

"Very Well"

As if falling asleep, darkness evaded my vision and senses only being left with a voice that spoke

"I Kirche Augusta Frederica von Anhalt, in the name of the five great pentagon powers. follow the rules of fate and summon forth my familiar!"





Author's Note: Please comment on any mistakes you see...

I Hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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