
Incubus' Path to Supremacy

"Today is the beginning of my eternal conquest, beware all males your women will eventually become mine!" When you give an arrogant, manipulative, and downright evil person the power of an incubus there is only one outcome... Chaos

Asuma_Zenith · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


The God's smile seemed to shrink at my remark yet he seemed even happier than before.

A masochist maybe?

"So what did you think?"

"Well I have no idea how that was supposed to convince me that what you are saying is true but, to be honest, I don't care anyway. from your story, you said you could take over anybody that had part of your soul in it, so that means that you need me for something, or you can't take over my body because I didn't absorb any of your power"

"I knew that you would understand, though I picked you because of that"

The God looked at me with a proud smile. Noticing my questioning gaze he continued to speak.

"You don't really think I waited thousands of years just to trust my escape on one person do you?"

"I've planted a part of my soul in thousands of people"

"I don't care about that, I want to know the part where you said that you chose me"

With an arrogant smile on my face, I was excited to hear this and who could blame me for a person such as myself who wouldn't want to know why they were chosen by a god.

"Oh that, I chose you because of your particular skill set"

"What are you talking about?"

"You, are probably one of the most despicable humans I've ever come across, and that's exactly what I need. You're sadistic, manipulative, arrogant, and downright cruel, you basically embody everything that's wrong with humanity. but the most important thing is that you find this sadistic pleasure in stealing what should belong to someone else"

A frown formed on my face but the God wasn't done speaking yet.

"Yet that's not an uncommon thing among humans but unlike them, you can actually steal a man's wife easily... in fact, you've done it plenty of times, and while that, unfortunately, led to you dying a painful and ball-less death that was only because you weren't powerful enough and I can change that"

If that isn't a way to gain someone's interest I don't know what is.

"It seems you interested, though who wouldn't be. I'm going to give you an offer, you can either die and I will reincarnate you into a new body, or I will give you the chance to gain the powers of a god by simply doing what you enjoy to do the most"

"Oh, and what's that?"

"I will allow you to go to different worlds filled with people practically begging for someone like you to take away everything they have or could've had and when I say everything they have or could've had, I mean these people are destined to have hordes of beautiful women chasing after them, and the best part is that most of these people are pathetic people who have everything given to them and I know how much you enjoy ruining people's lives, especially people who were given everything they have"

Who am I to refuse a God-given opportunity like this... especially when it includes banging hot girls?

"I accept"

"Oh, so you don't want to know what you have to do for me?"

"I'm pretty sure I already know what you want, considering you said that you gain power through sex and since I'm technically your reincarnation I should already have that ability and even if I didn't you'll probably give it to me, and since in your story you said your family returned because they knew you were alive I'm guessing you can't leave here, not because of not having the power but rather not being able to compete with thirteen gods so you want me to gain enough power to help you... so am I correct"

I smirked arrogantly at the god in front of me only to receive a smile back.

"Well I can't say you're entirely wrong but I can't say that you're completely right considering I need you to do something else for me"

"Oh, and what's that?"

"Entertainment, for the last thousand years I've had nothing to do and what better to watch than you ruining the lives of the creations of my dear family," Said the God with a very sadistic smile appearing on his face when he my dear family

I shivered a little bit while looking at the god's face

Extending my hand towards the god, I smiled before saying

"Well considering that you'll be watching me during my conquests I think it's only right that I know your name"

"Of course, I can't believe I forgot, nice to meet you Asuma, I'm Asmodeus"

Asmodeus? isn't that the name of one of the seven princes of hell... I'm pretty sure he's an Incubus and considering that his power is sex-related I guess it suits him, though he might be the person Asmodeus is based on.

"Well, how does this deal work, do you transport me to different worlds or something?"

"I already have everything planned out, I made you this system based on those things in the novels that the humans write, and considering the worlds you're going to I think it suits you perfectly"

Asmodeus smiled at me once again before walking toward his throne and sitting down.

"Well now that's done I have some stuff to return to"

As soon as he said this two beautiful women magically appeared and started stripping off their clothes.

Surprised by what just happened I quickly turned around and started walking away.

"Oh, so you don't wanna join?"

"Of course not, I'm not into men, and considering you have the same face as me it's just weird, plus you're kinda like my father and I'm not into watching other dudes get laid and I believe people who cockblock others are the worst kind of people, so bye"

"It's my face by the way"

"We'll see about that"




Slamming the door behind me I couldn't help but feel excited.

[System Activation Complete!]

I hope you enjoyed the chapter:]

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