
Nearly There

It has been two weeks since I nabbed away Danger from Xavier's mansion, and to say I have been keeping myself busy would be an understatement.

Not much has been going on in New York City for me to be concerned about as of late, but that doesn't mean I've been slacking off. No, instead, I have dedicated much of my free time to delving deeper inside the dungeon and steadily grinding my way up closer toward the next class.

The dungeons have been getting increasingly more difficult, but during the past two weeks, I have been able to clear out a total of 20 levels. In fact, I could have probably done more, but instead, I decided to halt my progress to grind on some easy-to-kill enemies for xp.

Levels 21 to 30 were the [Catacombs], which were, as expected of the name, just full of skeletons that were easily taken care of. The boss of the area was a monster very familiar to me, a Stalfos that swung around two oversized sabers.

Levels 31 through 40 were a dark forest with an everpresent full moon in the sky. In the early levels, all I had to face were some wolves, albeit in large packs that were also pretty high leveled, but as I went farther, I also started facing the occasional werewolf that was much stronger and agile.

By the last floor before the boss, the area was filled with just werewolves that reached up as high as level 70. It would have been a considerable threat had I not had the Silver-Blood Sword that dealt vastly more significant damage to werewolves and vampires while also keeping me healed up with its life steal.

The area boss wasn't anything special, just a larger, more powerful werewolf which was taken out by me without much difficulty.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get any quests on these two dungeon areas as I did in the [Fungal Forest]. A shame as the quest rewards handed out by the Keeper of Nature had been quite extravagant.

At least I managed to find several pieces of useful equipment and a skill book that I learned right away.


[Teach - Active] (Level 1 - 1%)

[Cost - nothing]

Allows the user to teach another person one of their skills. The student's skill level can not exceed the level the user has achieved in the skill. Teaching a skill does not remove it from the user.


The Teach skill I found in a random chest was incredibly good despite the fact I don't yet have anyone I could use it on. I had thought about passing on one of my skills like Wall climbing to Gwen just to see what it would do and playing it off as one of my spiderman powers, but in the end, I decided against it as I didn't know if I could retract skills I had thought others or replace them later.


[Werewolf Fur Tunic] (Rare)

[Durability - 863 / 1000]

[Defence - 1600]

Increases maximum health by 1000.


[Rapid Hide Boots] (Uncommon)

[Durability - 267 / 300]

[Defence - 450]

Increases maximum Dexterity by 40.


[Bronze Shield] (Uncommon)

[Durability - 533 / 1000]

[Defence - 2x Endurance]


The gear I found was also pretty useful despite the fact that I had never used a shield before. For now, I decided to use these mainly in the dungeon since it would look a little silly if I equipped all these mismatched items while patrolling the city. I had thought there would be an option to hide all equipped worn, and as expected, the system just told me it is a feature not yet implemented, so hopefully, in the near future, I can actually get more use out of these.

And of course, most importantly, my level had reached quite high, and I am now on the home stretch, very nearly reaching level 100. With my current leveling speed, it should only be at most a week before I reach my goal.


Name - Peter Parker

Race - Human

Level - 95

Class - Spider-man (95 / 100)

XP - 77%

HP - 7,100 / 7,100 (1,220 per hour)

SP - 6,975 / 6,975 (697.5 per minute)

MP - 10,750 / 10,750 (1,167.5 per minute)

STR - 348

VIT - 244

END - 279

DEX - 361

INT - 430

WIS - 442(+25)

LCK - 10

CHA - 10

Free Stat Points - 0


The Spiderman class granted me two new skills when reaching levels 50 and 75, respectively. The second of the two is much more useful than the first.


[Retractable Stingers - Active] (Level 2 - 67%)

[Cost - 10 SP per second]

Extend and retract stingers from your arms at will. The damage these stingers are able to do scales with the user's strength stat. The stingers also apply poison.


[Venom Blast - Active] (Level 4 - 6%)

[Cost - 5400 mana] [Cooldown - 1 minute]

Stockpile bio-electrical energy and release it at will.


The stingers are similar to Wolverine's claws, except instead of three claws from both hands, I just get one from each.

The damage they do isn't anything special, lower than what I could manage with a sword, but the poison they apply might be worth looking into. It's just that so far, I haven't gotten a good chance to figure out its full potential.

Now, what's the problem with this skill?

The stingers fucking hurt to extend out of my hands. The first time I tried them out, I screamed like a little girl since I wasn't expecting that much pain.

The second skill I received, [Venom Blast], is much more useful.

If I remember right, this is a power that more so belongs to the Myles Morales spiderman, and it lets me store up bio-electrical energy inside my body and then release it at the enemies. After a bit of experimenting, I found that I can either target it all at a single enemy to deal a large amount of damage and stun them for a short period or just release it in a radius around me to do AoE damage.

The leveling speed of it is a bit slow, but with how powerful it is, I can definitely see why. Just seeing how powerful the skill I got for reaching level 75 was, my expectations for level 100 grow.

Oh, and of course, I didn't forget to visit the Ancient One for some magic training during the weekends. With her help, my [Chains of Restraing] have reached level 51, letting me contain much more powerful foes as long as I channel all my current mana into the spell, which oftentimes probably isn't the best idea.

Seeing my progress with the spell, she even allowed me to learn something new and handed me a book for the [Astral Projection] spell.


[Astral Projection - Active] (Level 32 - 82%)

[Cost - 500 MP per minute]

Temporarily separate your astral form from your body, leaving your body immobile while the astral form is free to roam around.


I don't have much use for the spell personally right now, but with her guidance, I decided to train it up nonetheless.

Finished with looking over the progress I had made recently, I closed the system windows.

Now, what should I do today? Should I just hop into the dungeon right away or do a few rounds around the city first…

"Hey, Diana, is there anything interesting happening right now?" I ask Diana, formerly Danger, who is keeping a close watch on the police radios.

A few days after leaving the mansion and staying by my side, she finally just decided to become my personal AI and assist me as needed. She probably has the capability to just leave me and deal much more damage to the world than Ultron could ever hope to, but it seems she is content to just stick with me, something that I am glad about as I no longer need to worry about developing an AI for myself.

As for her name… well, she didn't have one previously, and I thought it would be bad if I slipped up and called her Danger in public, so I ended up giving her a new name which she was ecstatic about. I'm not generally great with names, but Diana seemed to be a great option as it was still somewhat similar to Danger while also being a normal name that I could call out in public when talking to her without worry.

"Funny, you should ask. Police Captain Yuri Watanabe just tried to call you a minute ago on the phone she gave you, but after letting it ring a few minutes, she hung up." Diana responds

"And you didn't mention it while she was calling me?"

"I did! I called out to you several times, but as usual, you were spacing out again." Diana says, sounding slightly annoyed with me. "Would you like me to call her back for you?"

"Yes, please do, and sorry about that," I say, waiting a few seconds for Diana to call Yuri for me. The phone rings only once before it is picked up.

"Thank you for calling back. I hope I didn't interrupt anything?" I hear her speak. There are lots of voices and phones ringing in the background. By the sound of it, she must be in an office or perhaps the police station right now.

"No, I'm just sitting around. You know this is the first time you have called me ever since you gave me that phone. I have been waiting for you to call me and schedule a date for so long already." I joke around.

"If you consider eliminating a heavily armed maggia family from the city a date, then I would be happy to invite you to one tonight." She jokes back while still managing to sound serious. It seems she has something big planned.

"That sounds perfect. Where and when do you want me?" I ask, getting up on my feet. I can't believe xp is just being delivered to me like this.

I hear an unexpected sigh of relief on the other side of the phone. "Good, good. I'm glad you accepted. Honestly, I could use all the help I can get right now. Come to the NYPD at 10 PM, I'll explain everything there, and we can get started." She says and hangs up right away. It seems like she is busy as can be right now.

Looking at the clock, there are still several hours until I need to go see her, so to pass the time, I consider heading out to patrol the city a bit, but before I can jump off the roof and get started, I am stopped by an unexpected person pushing open the door to the roof I am currently on and running out.

"Peter, wait!" She yells.

Turning around to look at who called me, I am surprised. "Anna?" It is Anna, better known as Rogue, though I have no clue how she even found me as I have been sitting on a completely random roof in the city.

"Why, or better yet, how are you here?" I ask her, watching as she slumps over slightly to take a breather from running up the stairs.

After a moment of rest, she explains, "It's not that hard to find you. Someone saw you on this roof and posted the address on the Spiderman fan forum."

My position is posted on the… Spiderman fan forum? That's kinda bad, any villain out there looking to kill me could find me so easily… though, on a second thought, I kind of doubt they would be on my fan forum if they were trying to kill me…

"Do you want me to monitor and delete any unwanted posts on that forum?" Diana asks in my head as if sensing my worries.

I give her my confirmation and turn back to Rogue. "Ok, so that settles the how but still, why are you here?"

"You're going out to patrol the city and beat up criminals, right?" She asks, and I nod.

"Then could you take me with you?" She pleads, coming closer to me. "I'm well trained since I'm part of the X-men and all, so I won't slow you down."



Note: Some stats and skills in this chapter for the short time skip that there was. More is happening in the following chapters though.

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