
72. Travelling I


Third person POV

Shortly after Hong er received the edict, Eunuch Zu left Xu residence and went back to the capital. Xu Tingfeng, Bai Huiqing, and Weisheng gathered in Xu Tingfeng's studyroom, the atmosphere was tense and frightening. Xu Tingfeng couldn't hold his anger anymore, he slammed his hand on his desk.

Xu Tingfeng: " Outrageous! If he wants to die that badly then just say it! I will happily kill him!"

Bai Huqiing: " Calm down Tingfeng, death is too easy for him, we need to crush him physically and mentally."

Weisheng who was sitting silently at the side suddenly stood up, he glanced at Xu Tingfeng.

Weisheng: " Old man, give me a mission, a very hard one."

Xu Tingfeng: " Hoo~ You got a plan under your sleeve?"

Weisheng: " En."

Bai Huiqing: " Is it what I think it is?"

Weisheng: " En."

Bai Huiqing: " Please go easy on Hong er."

Weisheng: " En, I will borrow Hong er for 2 weeks."

Bai Huiqing: " En, take care of her."

Weisheng: " En."

Xu Tingfeng: " Tell me when you are ready."

Weisheng: " En."

Weisheng bowed his head towards Xu Tingfeng and Bai Huiqing before he walked out of the room. Xu Tingfeng and Bai Huiqing looked at each other in concern, it would be hard for both Weisheng and Hong er.




Weisheng went to Hong er's courtyard with Qiyi and Qier behind him. Meiyun and Huayun noticed Weisheng's arrival, they went to Hong er's chamber and reported his arrival. Huayun guided him to the outer courtyard to wait for Hong er. Not long after, Hong er arrived at outer courtyard with a simple white hanfu.

Weisheng looked at Hong er with amazement but when he looked at Hong er's calm face, his face saddened. Hong er noticed Weisheng's changes in mood, she dismissed Meiyun and Huayun including Qiyi and Qier. She slowly walked towards Weisheng and sat beside him.

Hong er: " What is it?"

Weisheng: " Hong er…"

Hong er grew worried as she heard his low energy voice, Hong er placed her small hand on top his big coarse hand and gently caressed his hand. Weisheng looked into her eyes and took off his mask. He smiled gently at Hong er and took her small hand into his hand. Hong er's heart beat really fast after she saw his gentle smile. But she set aside her thought and worriedly asked Weisheng.

Hong er: " Sheng ge, if something is bothering you, you can just tell me."

Weisheng: " Hong er, I will be on a mission but the date hasn't been confirmed."

Hong er: " Where?"

Weisheng: " Da Qi."

Hong er: " Then why are you so sad?"

Weisheng: " I don't know when I will come back so I want spend all of my time with you before I go."

Hong er: " Sheng ge, why are saying it like you will never come back?"

Weisheng didn't reply, he brought Hong er's hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand.

Weisheng: " Hong er, I will bring you to somewhere, do want you want to accompany me?"

Hong er: " I have no problem with that but father…"

Weisheng: " I had asked your father and he say it's fine."

Hong er: " Oohh, where will we go?"

Weisheng: " Secret."

Weisheng kissed her hand and stares at her eyes. Hong er's face slightly blushed, she averted her eyes and stuttered.

Hong er: " U-uhm."

Weisheng: " We will depart tomorrow morning."

Hong er: " Uhm."

Weisheng noticed Hong er's face was slightly pink, he brushed her cheek with his finger.

Weisheng: " What's wrong?"

Hong er's heart almost burst out from her chest, her face became hotter and redder. Her breath fastened, she touched her heart and lightly gripped Weisheng's arm.

Hong er: " I-I'm not okay."

Weisheng: " What?! Qier, call uncle Shu!"

Hong er: " No!"

Weisheng: " But you said you are not okay."

Hong er: " It didn't hurt or anything…"

Weisheng: " ?"

Hong er: " Actually I feel kinda happy and excited…"

Weisheng's body froze, then he stares at Hong er, her face become redder and redder as the time passes by.He slowly moved his hand and covered his mouth, he wanted to scream at how cute Hong er looked right now, his hand was shaking uncontrollably.

Weisheng: ' She is getting embarrassed when I get near her, then does it mean…'

Weisheng wanted to test out his suspicion, he leaned his face towards Hong er's face and stares into her eyes. Smokes came out from Hong er's head as Weisheng leaned his face closer to her face. Hong er closes her eyes tightly as she couldn't bear looking at Weisheng's manly face.

Weisheng looked at her face and chuckled. Her eyes and lips were trembling as she squeeze them, her eyebrow was scrunched into one line. Weisheng was very satisfied by her reaction, he kissed her both her cheeks and her forehead before stopped in front of her lips.

Hong er slowly opened her eyes as she didn't feel anything then she saw Weisheng kissed his two fingers and lightly pressed it on her lip. Hong er dazedly stares at him as her heart was filled with flowers and butterflies. He smiled widely and patted her head, Hong er saw his happy expression and smiled widely too. Weisheng's heart instantly melted.

Weisheng: ' I can't defeat her, better leave first before I do anything to her.'

Weisheng stood up and quickly turned around.

Weisheng: " Then I will leave."

Hong er immediately stood up and grabbed his arm, Weisheng turned his head around and looked down. Hong er kissed her two fingers and pressed it on his lips.

Hong er: " Revenge, hehehe~"

Weisheng immediately hugged her and lifted her up, his right hand was under Hong er' hips to supports her weight, his left hand was behind Hong er's back. Weisheng's face was blushing as he sternly spoke.

Weisheng: " Never do that to anyone except me."

Hong er: " En."

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