
52. 7 Years Later

Third person POV

7 years later*

A girl with red clothes riding a white horse across the forest, ten black clothed men and women followed behind her. The girl slowly stopped and dismounted her white horse, the others followed her action and hid. They slowly but surely approached a small house that was located in the middle of the forest.

The girl made a 'stop' hand signal, everyone stopped on their track. She looked at one of the black clothed girl and nodded her head. The black clothed girl touched the ground and closed her eyes. After a minute, she opened her eyes and made a hand signal to the red clothed girl.

Black clothed girl: ' 7 hostages inside the house, 5 people watching them. 12 people in the house, Young Miss."

Hong er nodded her head and observed the house again. Then she made a few hand signals to the others. They nodded their head and separated to different direction. Leaving Hong er alone, Hong er summoned her bow and put five arrows on it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and her golden eyes became brighter, she released the arrows. The arrows shoot through the wooden wall of the house, piercing 5 heads inside the house.

Then a bunch of black clothed man appeared from every direction and killed the guards before they could make a sound. They checked the house before they enter, after they checked it was safe, they entered and saw 7 people blindfolded with rope tightly tying them together.

Hong er cut the rope and opened their blindfold. The moment the hostages opened their eyes and saw a group of people with scary masks on, they screamed and crawled backwards.

Hong er: " No need to be afraid. We are here to save you guys."

After they heard what she said, they looked closely at their mask and relieved. Seeing their relieved reaction, Hong er gently asked them.

Hong er: " Can you tell me what happened to you?"




Hong er: " Fiuuhh~ Finally done!" („• ֊ •„)

After interrogated the hostages and took them back to their hometown, Hong er went back to Xu residence. She passed Xiao Bai to Mei Yun and went to main hall for dinner. When she entered the hall she saw Weisheng sat on the table together with Xu Tingfeng and Bai Huqing.

(A/N: if Xu family or elite forces and Weisheng are outside they wear mask, if they are at home or alone, they don't wear the mask. So I don't need to keep writing " she took off her mask" , " She put on her mask")

Hong er: " Oh! Sheng ge, you are done with your mission too?"

Weisheng: " En."

Weisheng nodded his head, he patted the chair beside him. Hong er sat on the chair and smiled at him. She had gotten used to Weisheng's sudden appearance. A year ago, Weisheng suddenly appeared at Xu residence on her birthday. He said that he wanted to enlist in Xu family's military.

Hong er was very happy that she could meet him after 6 years. The last time she saw him was in Spring Festival. Even though he always gives her gifts every year for her birthday, she never saw him in person. So when he finally came to see her, she was ecstatic.

Hong er asked Weisheng why did he want to enlist at Xu's military.

Weisheng: " I need to chase away the dogs that flocked around you."

Hong er: ' Doggo?'

But Hong er shrugged it off as she didn't really get what he means. Then Hong er asked again.

Hong er: " Are you with your parent?"

Weisheng: " No, they are travelling around the world."

Hong er: " Then where do you live right now?"

If it were the elite forces or frontline soldiers, they lived at Xu residence or the border. Since Weisheng arrived at Xi An not too long ago, maybe he lived at inn or somewhere else.

Weisheng: " My residence was beside yours."

Hong er: " ?"

Weisheng: " Yes."

Hong er: " Then everyday we can train together!"

Weisheng: " En."

Weisheng was immediately promoted as general the moment he entered the military because he won against Yao Jian in the duel match. But he couldn't defeat Xu Tingfeng yet, even though they were draw in the match. Meanwhile, Hong er still can't defeat Yao Jian, it means she can't defeat Weisheng.

Hong er: ' New rival!'

When Weisheng joined them for dinner, she was confused. Usually to avoid unfairness, all soldiers and elite forces were treated the same way no matter what their status were. But Weisheng casually ate dinner beside her, it wasn't that she didn't like it, she was just afraid that there would be a conflict between the soldiers. Bai Huiqing noticed Hong er's confused expression.

Bai Huiqing: " Hong er, since Ah Sheng's parents has a special relationship with us, we decided to treat him as our own family. And there will be a possibility he will be our family."

Xu Tingfeng: " No!"

Bai Huqing: " Shut up."

Xu Tingfeng dejectedly continued to eat his meal. Bai Huiqing turned to Hong er and smiled at Weisheng and Hong er.

Bai Huiqing: " I hope you two can quickly give us a new family member."

Xu Tingfeng: " WHAT THE F-"

Bai Huiqing glared at him, Xu Tingfeng immediately shoved some rice into his mouth. Weisheng's lips lightly lifted up, he cupped his fist towards Bai Huiqing and Xu Tingfeng.

Weisheng: " No need to worry, mother, f.a.t.h.e.r."

Xu Tingfeng: " THIS RAS-"

Bai Huiqing shoved a meat bun to Xu Tingfeng's mouth. He silently chewed on the meat bun under Bai Huiqing's glare. Weisheng looked at Xu Tingfeng with a slight smirk on his face. Xu Tingfeng could see the smugness in Weisheng's black eyes.

Weisheng: ' See, what did I tell you 6 years ago? You wouldn't know what will happen.'

Xu Tingfeng glared back.

Xu Tingfeng: ' Just see, I got a lot of backing!'

( A/N: Weisheng used a spell like Xu Yingjie's, he hides his red eyes and changed it to black."

Maybe some of you will think that the story is quick paced. But I think it will be boring i kept telling about the story when Hong er only 8 years old as her capabilities were still less.

i have been imagining this story for 2 months and finally wrote it down to relieve myself. i didnt thought that it will gain such a positive responses. THANK YOU

And EHEMM the main event will be *cough when Hong have a *cough BYE BYE~~~~

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