
51. Spring Tournament

Third person POV

After the party was done, everyone went back to their own room to end the day. Hong er sat in front of her dressing table, she untied her hair and when she wanted to put back her jade hairpin, she noticed a white box with golden frame. She got cautious, someone could enter her room and put a box in her dressing room, this person must be strong.

But after she looked at the top of the box closely, she saw a faint carving on the corner. ' From Sheng ge.' Hong er sighed and opened the box, she saw a letter and a white jade thumb ring in it. Hong er read the letter and chuckled. ( Thumb rings are used for protecting your thumb when you shoot arrow.)

' Hong er, this is Sheng ge. I wish you a happy birthday and this ring is my gift for you. Wear this ring and don't take it off no matter what, okay? I'm sorry that I can't be there for you.'

Hong er folded the letter and put it back into the box, she took the ring and put it on her thumb. She rubbed the ring and smiled. But her hand stopped.

Hong er: ' Wait… How did he know my birthday?'

1 month later*

People were cheering loudly for their idol, people from different countries had came to watch Spring Tournament this year. All participants sat on the lowest right side of the stadium. Some of them were nervous and some of them were calm. One of the calmest person in there was Hong er.

Hong er was sitting calmly, her eyes were focused on the stage. Xu Tingfeng and Bai Huiqing had warned her to stay low, they told her to lose this match. So she was thinking how to lose in a cool manner. But a shrill voice sounded out from behind her, disrupting her thoughts.

Girl 1: " You know~ I heard that Great General Xu's daughter had been found. Someone said that she was picked up from the slum, and apparently she participate in this tournament."

The other girls beside the girl were giggling, Hong er didn't react to her provocation. Ashamed that she was ignored, she shouted on Hong er.

Girl 1: " You lowly slave! How dare you ignore me!"

Hong er still didn't react. The girl's face got really red and her vein almost popped out from her forehead.

Chen Lili: " Do you know who I am? I am the fourth daughter of the prime minister, Chen Lili! You dare to ignore me?!"

Hong er sighed, ' Father and daughter maan~' When Chen Lili wanted to shout at Hong er again, Hong er suddenly turned around and stared into her eyes.

Chen Lili: " W-what?! How dare you look at me with those obnoxious eyes!"

Hong er was internally screaming, ' What do you want me to do?!' Just as Chen Lili raised her hand to slap Hong er, Li Qianzi grabbed Chen Lili's hand. Chen Lili was surprised, she retracted her hand and greeted Li Qianzi.

Chen Lili: " Sister Qianzi."

Li Qianzi: " Little sister Chen, you shouldn't do that thing here. There are people around watching your behavior. And what did she do to anger you?"

Chen Lili: " I-I.."

Li Qianzi: " Fine, just don't repeat this anymore."

Li Qianzi turned her head to Hong er and saw her calmly watch the match. Li Qianzi was irritated by Hong er's ignorance. She had purposely waited until the situation got really bad and then came out to help her so Hong er and the others saw her as a goddess.

Li Qianzi: ' But this b***h just continues to watch the match and ignores me?! She didn't even say thank you!'

A sudden loud cheers from the audience surprised Li Qianzi. The MC used his sound magic to make his voice louder.

MC: " And now! We will start the Spring Tournament with the match between Beginner Level! We welcome our Beginner Level participants!"

Hong er stood up and walked towards the stage, ignoring Li Qianzi's glare. Chen Lili and the girls awkwardly left their seat and went to the stage.

MC: " And this year! We have Great General Xu's daughter, Xu Feihong, as one of our special participants!"

The audiences cheered and clapped their hands. Hong er cupped her fist towards the audiences and the MC. The MC lightly nodded and continued his announcement.

MC: " And we have our champion for 4 years straight, Li Qianzi! The prodigy!"

The cheers were different from Hong er's, young men were screaming Li Qianzi's name and how beautiful she was. Li Qianzi waved her hand towards the audiences and smiled. The men's cheers got louder and fiery. All of the participants stood from their position and summoned their own weapon.

MC: " No killing, No cheating, or else you will be disqualified. You lose if you step outside of the ring. Ready, Fight!"

Chen Lili dashed to Hong er's side, she took out her whip and put her aura in it. She violently whipped it towards Hong er but Hong er easily dodged it. Hong er summoned her sword and blocked Chen Lili's next attack.

After 5 minutes of whipping around, Chen Lili started to get exhausted. Her chest heaved up and down, sweat trickling down from her face. Hong er was perfectly fine but she acted like she was tired. She used water magic to create sweat on her forehead.

Chen Lili was furious, she sprinted towards Hong er. Hong er waited for Chen Lili and dodged when they were an inch away. Chen Lili fell off the stage and Hong er immediately ran away to the other side. As Hong er expected, Chen Lili was crying and cursing her name. Hong er only shrugged her shoulder and kept dodging the attacks from the other participants.

After an hour of dodging, Hong er saw the remaining 5 people on stage. ' Its time.' A sword swung towards her, she dodged it and pretended to lose balance. Hong er fell off the stage and rubbed her butt. ' My gosh, my butt hurts.'

Hong er nonchalantly left the stage and immediately went to Xu Tingfeng's VIP room. The moment she entered the room, Xu Tingfeng lifted her up and spun her around.

Xu Tingfeng: " My daughter did so well! I'm so proud of you!"

Xu Tingfeng winked underneath his mask. Hong er smirked and winked back.

Hong er: " Daddy! You think I did well? Ahahaha, I'm so happy, Daddy!"

Xu Tingfeng: " Ahahaha, do you want anything? Daddy will give you anything because you did so well today."

Hong er: " Waahh~~ Then I want…. Daddy!"

Xu Tingfeng: " Ahahaha, My lovely daughter. Daddy will play with you today."

Hong er: " Yay!"

Xu Tingfeng: " Then let's go home and play!"

Hong er: " Uhm!"

Xu Tingfeng, Bai Huiqing, and Hong er left the stadium and went back to Xi An. Since the tournament was held between Da Chu and Da Qi's border, the distance between the Xu residence and the tournament wasn't far. They arrived at their residence and went to the main hall.

Once they confirmed there were no one following them, they laughed their head off. Xu Tingfeng and Bai Huiqing noticed someone was spying them. Then Xu Tingfeng winked towards Hong er so she played along their acting. And yes, it went successfully.

The spy immediately reported to Long Quan and Xia Yu ( the empress). Long Quan sighed a relief that Hong er wasn't a genius or prodigy. He was glad that they were only a pair of idiot father and daughter.

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