
37. Danger

Third person POV

After Weisheng and Xu Tingfeng finished their discussion about Hong er, they removed the soundproof magic barrier and went out to look for Hong er and Bai Huiqing. Hong er and Bai Huiqing were looking at a performance. They were clapping their hands like a seal after the performance ended. Weisheng said his farewell to Hong er before he left.

The three of them continued their shopping until sunset. They went home after they had their dinner. On the way home, Hong er asked Bai Huiqing.

Hong er: " Mother, when will we go back to Xi An?"

Bai Huiqing: " Why? Don't you like the capital?"

Hong er shook her head.

Hong er: " It's not that I don't like it. I don't feel safe in here. I feel like someone watch my every move so I want to quickly go back to Xi An."

Bai Huiqing: " Okay, we will depart tomorrow."




As soon as they arrived at their residence, the servants started to pack their luggage. Xu Tingfeng had a bad feeling about this, he went to his bedroom and saw Bai Huiqing sitting on their bed and looking at the moon. He sat on the bed and hugged her from behind.

Xu Tingfeng: " What are you looking at?"

Bai Huiqing: " The moon."

Xu Tingfeng: " Are you the one who told the servant to pack our luggage?"

Bai Huiqing: " Uhm, but it is Hong er that want to go back."

Xu Tingfeng: " I got a bad feeling too."

Bai Huiqing: " You too? *sigh Tonight will be a bloody night."





In a dark base room, a fat figure sat in front of a scary looking man. The scary looking man has a big scar on his left eye, his eyes were as black as ink, like a fathomless pit. Based on his face, he is still young but his intimidating eyes made him look older than his age.

He looked at the fat man in front of him. The fat man was so arrogant, he kept talking and spit his saliva whenever he open his mouth. The scary looking man started to get annoyed by the fat man.

Scary looking man: " Just say what you want, I don't need your bullshit."

Fat man: " How dare you disrespect me! Do you know who I am?!"

Scary looking man: " I know, and I can kill you right now if I want to."

The fat man was scared, he held down his anger. He looked at the scary looking man calmly drink his tea.

Fat man: " So do you agree with the job I gave you?"

Scary looking man: " Based on who you want to kill."

Fat man: " I want you to kill Xu Tingfeng and all of his family. Kill his servants"

The scary looking man froze, he put down his cup and clearly rejected the fat man.

Scary looking man: " I refuse."

Fat man: " Why?! I will give you 10 thousand gold taels!"

Scary looking man: " I won't accept your offer no matter how much you gave me."

The fat man was annoyed by the Scary looking man but he need his power to kill Xu Tingfeng.

Fat man: " 15 thousand gold taels!"

Scary looking man: " No"

Fat man: " 20 thousand gold taels!"

Scary looking man: " No"

Fat man: " 25 thousand taels!"

Scary looking man: " No means no."

The fat man felt like he couldn't persuade him with money so he tried to provoke him.

Fat man: " Hmph! I don't know that the strongest assassin guild would be scared of a mere general."

The fat man peeked on his reaction

Scary looking man: " You don't know him. Even his chickens are strong."

Fat man: " Wha-"

Scary looking man: " I want you to get out from here now."

Fat man: " Ugh! You will regret this!"

The fat man angrily left the room. The scary looking man sighed and leaned on his chair.

Scary looking man: " You will be the one to regret this."


The fat man went to another assassin guild, he sat in front of a skinny old man. The fat man was unsure if this old man can defeat Xu Tingfeng. But this guild is the rival of the previous assassin guild he went before. The skinny old man greedily looked at the paper check in front of him.


Skinny old man: " 25 thousand gold taels, agree."

Fat man: " Good!"




In midnight, all the candles had been blown off. A few guards patrolled around the residence. There were about fifty people wearing black clothes sneaking around the residence. They observed the patrolling guards with sharp eyes. They didn't make any sound when they walk, they didn't even breathe loudly. The opponent they are facing right now is the Great General Xu, one of the greatest fighter in the history. Not only him that they had to be wary of. One of the greatest mage in this world, Bai Huiqing, is more fearsome than the General.

They shuddered when they remember the shocking news 8 years ago. The most famous assassin guild was annihilated in one night by unknown group. But you don't need to think hard about the culprit, the annihilation was happened a day after Xu Tingfeng's daughter's assassination. Everyone knew that Xu Tingfeng used his elite forces to annihilate the assassin guild, that's why he is more feared by others than the emperor himself.

Their client said to kill all of them even the chicken shouldn't be left out, they knew that they can't beat Xu Tingfeng and Bai Huiqing. So they will just kill the weakest one. The assassins surrounded Hong er's courtyard, the room was dark.

They peeked from the roof, they saw she was sleeping peacefully. They couldn't see her face as it was hidden by a blanket. The assassins that hide in the roof silently jumped into the room, he landed perfectly without a sound as he uses his wind magic.

6 assassins successfully entered the bedroom and slowly approaching Hong er. They didn't get any sign from their comrades who were guarding outside the bedroom. They looked at Hong er who was still in a deep sleep, step by step, they surrounded Hong er's bed.

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