
25. Finally

20 thousand years later

Xiao Bai POV

For 20 thousand years, me and that guy sat inside that small room, looking at master' suffering. We cried until no more tears left. The other gods knew what happened, they reacted like us. Banged the glass and cried. Every year, each god will come to see Master and they will report how she was doing. And this year, 4 main element gods came. Even though they didn't say anything, but I knee, in their hearts, they blamed Hei An.

Today is the last day, we gathered in this small room, waiting for the chains to release her. Our tears silently dropped, no matter how many times we saw her, we still couldn't get used to it. It felt like a thousand knifes stabbed my heart. I didn't know if I should be happy or sad, happy because today is the last day, sad because she had suffered for 25 thousand years.


We were surprised by the chains' sound, we looked up and saw the main door slowly opened. We ran out from the room and went to the main door. Master slowly walked towards us, she looked up and saw us. She smiled and waved.

Sheng Jie: " Hi hi, long time no see."

We couldn't enter the room so we impatiently waited her to come out from the room. The usually surrounded by the light became dull after she entered the room. As soon as Master stepped outside of the room, her body was surrounded by lights. She turned back to her usual appearance. Then she walked towards us.

Hei An: " sh-sheng jie.."

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

She surprised us when she suddenly smacked our heads, she even smacked the other 4 gods.

Sheng Jie: " What did I told you before? Take care of yourselves, Look! All of you have eyebags under your eyes. Now you guys look like a group of pandas. Humph!"

Hei An: " S-sheng Jie.."

Sheng Jie: " And you! Why do you become so ugly?! Where is my handsome Hei An?! I should find another guy. All of you looks so ugly! Quickly return to your palace and take a bath! Huft! I am so angry right now."

Master, she never change no matter what happened.

The 4 gods: " Master.."

Sheng Jie: " Ohoo, so you still know that I am your master. Still don't want to return to your palace and take a rest! If I know that you guys didn't take a rest, I will disown all of you."

The 4 gods: " Yes Master!"

Even though they got scolded, they have a smile and happy tears on their face.

Hei An: " Sheng Jie, I miss you. Why would you do that? Why are you hurting yourself?"

Sheng Jie: " I miss you too but this is my decision. So let's go back."

She smiled at both of us and held our hands. We missed her touch, we missed her smile, we missed her presence. Even though I will only for a while, I'm fine with that.




I took a bath and went to master's bedroom. I saw her sitting on her bed. I went to her side and massaged her shoulder. I realized that her hands started to fade. ' It hasn't been a day and she is gonna leave me again.' My tears started to gather in my eyes, I hugged master from behind. I cried on her shoulder, she lifted up her hand and patted my head,

Sheng Jie: " I'm sorry. I am a really incompetent master, I left you for so long and just after I came back, I will leave you alone again. Would you forgive me?"

I only nodded my head on her shoulder.

Sheng Jie: " Wait for me Xiao Bai."

Then she disappeared, my embrace became empty. I hugged myself, thinking that master is in my embrace. ' Master, I will follow you no matter where you go.'





I had been watching Master since she was born, I like master's parents as they love her so much. The granny that took care of Master is kind too. When I saw Master was being slaved, I immediately got angry. But I couldn't do anything, this is one of the tests that Creator gave her. And that Hei An came out and helped her. I should thank him for that so I helped him by asking the gods to take all the power from those bad guys. He easily killed them all. He fell in love with master at the first sight, as expected, his soul remembers her. Master, I am happy for you, you really found a great guy. Both of their personalities ( Hong er & Weisheng) are really similar to them ( Sheng Jie & Hei An)

As soon as I knew that she wanted to find a magical beast, I immediately possess a light element horse. I scared all the beasts in the forest with my aura, so master won't meet any beast. They didn't deserve Master. That Xiao Hei did the same too when that Hei An was searching for a magical beast. He possessed a dark element horse.

I came out from the bushes and stared at her. Haa, even her face is the same. She slowly approach me and stretched out her hand. All the memories from the first time I met her came back. I was sad, her hand touched my head, just like the first time in the Selection. 'Master, I miss you.' I leaned toward her touch and I unconsciously wagged my tail, I forgot that I was a horse now. She put her forehead on my forehead. ' Uhm, just like that last time.'

" Xiao Bai" I immediately looked up, I can't hold my tears anymore. ' Even after her memory was erased, she still remembers me in her soul.' She wiped my tears with her hands. " Don't cry Xiao Bai, I will always be with you." That was the same sentence she said to me. ' Master!' I snuggled to her like I always do and she patted my head like she always do.

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