
Incantus: Realm of the Gods

Welcome to the world of Filipino folklore where the forces of good collides with forces of evil in a battle that has all of humanity at stake! Our protagonist, Red Santiago, a young man chosen by the god of moon, Libulan, to be his champion and fight a battle that would have the man risking his life at every turn, only to find that there's more to his job than elimating evil every night. Something deadly is brewing on the horizon and nobody has clue! Blessed by the gods but cursed by the responsibility he bears, will Red crumble and fall just like the champions before him or will he succeed and be the hero the humanity needs?

Arjay_Aeron_Tanio · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"All passengers on flight PR 385, please proceed to gate fourteen. I repeat, all passengers boarding flight PR 385, please proceed to gate fourteen. Thank you!"

I lost count on the number times I heard the same announcement over the PA system. I have been in the airport since nine o'clock in the morning, however, my flight has been delayed for more than three hours due to a mechanical problem.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh of frustration as I felt the heat pouring through the windows in the waiting area. As my luck would have it, there seem to be a problem with their air conditioning too, so, I have been bathing in my own sweat for quite a while now.

I was feeling cranky and impatient! I slumped my back against the metal chair as I open the folder to review my next assignement once again. Anything to help me ease the boredom and frustration that seemed consume my sanity.


The large, bold and italicized heading always drew my attention for some strange reason. There something about it that captures my interest everytime I read it.

Maybe it was the flow of the words as I read it?

Or maybe it was because of the word 'Aragon'? The name itself sounded strong and powerful, beffiting of a wolf pack.

Or maybe it's just that, a wolf pack. I've only heard of them through conversations within Incantus but I've never actually seen one, much less work with one.

Wolf packs prefered to stick with their own kind and isolate themselves to the rest of the world. According to our history, the champions and wolves had formed an alliance eons ago. Both have been protecting the human realm against the forces evil even before I was born. The Aragon pack was only one of many, however, it is the most powerful one throughout the country.

The pack was based in Dapitan, located at the southern part of the Philippines, in Mindanao. The region itself has been under their protection for a very long time, which had greatly helped Incantus because there weren't enough champions to designate to different parts of the country.

According to the file, the pack is currently being led by an alpha named Jose Alexander Aragon, a five hundred year old werewolf and currently ranked as the strongest alpha in Philippines.

The pack was attacked a few nights ago. Unfortunately, their healer, which also happens to be a champion from Incantus, was killed during the attack and I am the temporary replacement.

There wasn't much written on the file that would give me more insight about the pack and this new assignment. I felt like the higher ups has decided to threw me on the deep end and expected me to learn to swim on my own!

"All passengers of flight PR 385, please proceed to gate fourteen for boarding. I repeat, all passengers of flight PR 385 going to Dapitan, please proceed to gate fourteen for boarding. Thank you!"

About damn time!


"Welcome to the Dapitan, Red!" The big muscly man smiled at me as I approached him.

He was carrying a small cardboard sign with my name written on it.

"Alexander Aragon?" I inquired.

"Ahhh..... no..... alpha couldn't make it so he sent me. I'm Daniel, but everyone calls me Danny and I am the pack's beta." He explained.

I did a little bit of reading after accepting this assignment. From what I gather, betas are the second in command in the pack and also the most likely replacement for the alpha.

"I see. Thank you for coming!" I told him with a small smile.

"Not a problem. Shall we?" He asked before attempting to take my luggage from me.

"You don't need to. I can just pull it. It's a bit heavy." I politely declined.

He raised an eyebrow and gave me an amused look. I suddenly felt silly after saying that. How could I forget that werewolves are known for their strength and speed. My suitcase probably weighed nothing to him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult or disrespect." I quickly apologised.

I felt blood rushing to my face.

"It's all good. No harm done!" He said with a smile before he started waking.



I let out a deep sigh as I gone through the inventory of herbs and medical stocks for the second time. It has been over a week since I started living in the alpha's mansion and not once I have seen the shadow of the man.

According to Danny, their leader was still currently busy with the task of strengthening the security around the pack. Everyone was being encouraged to be more vigilant until the matter was resolved.

I had the opportunity to meet some of the pack members during the past few days and I must say that they weren't the most cordial bunch of people. They kept their distance and clearly don't trust strangers easily, even to a champion such as myself.

Apart from Danny, the only person who were friendly towards me was Trisha, the healer's assistant.

She was the daughter of a local witch who had an affinity with healing magic. The young girl inherited her mother's gift after she passed away five years ago and even though her ability wasn't as powerful, it was enough to convinced the alpha to accept her as part of the pack.

Trisha was only seventeen years old. She's a tiny girl with a warm smile and a pretty face. She's also very smart, skillful and talented. She has the knack for healing despite having no proper training in the field. I'm surprised she wasn't chosen to become a champion by the gods themselves, but then again, no one really knew what makes someone qualified for that role. Even I had to question myself sometimes to why I was chosen.

I almost let the jar of mandrake roots go when I felt a sudden disturbance in my sorroundings. Someone or something has casted a powerful spell that I felt the shift of mana around me.

And as if on cue, the door of the infirmary burst open revealing Danny with a man on his arms. He was followed by two other guys, each carrying wounded and unconcious men.

"What happened?" I asked frantically while pulling the curtains of the bed.

"We're under attack!" Danny replied.

"By who or what?" I asked again as I checked the man's pulse.

It was there but it was getting weaker. I needed to apply first aid and stopped the bleeding of his wounds. I went over to check the other guys and both were in similar condition.

"I don't know. Alpha and the rest of the pack are hunting whoever or whatever it was!" He answered.

"I need Trisha! Where is she?" I asked as I ran towards the shelve looking for the right herbs.

"She's gone missing along with the other kids." I felt the panic in his voice.

"Missing?" I stopped to look at him.

"Taken!" He corrected himself.


This is huge!

Who would dare attack a powerful pack like the Aragons twice? They're the strongest in the country and not someone to be trifled with! Whoever or whatever it was must be pretty damn stupid and crazy!

They even have the guts to abduct their pups! Werewolves were known to be extremely over protective of their younglings and kidnapping their children was the last thing anyone would want to do.

"Can you heal them?" Danny asked as I leaned down to one of the man.

I didn't answer but started chanting instead.

Horsetail, plantain and rose,

Heal thy wounds to close.

Warrior on death's door,

Your health I restore.