

"Everyone! Meet the new member of our team, Gouenji Shuuya!" Endou introduced with a grin.

" Welcome Gouenji! " Isagi walked up to him with a grin. They shook hands. Someoka smirked.

"So you did join after all." Someoka muttered and they shook hands. Gouenji nodded.

" I will not let all of you down. " Gouenji promised seriously.bIsagi nodded. He then walked beside Endou.

" Alright. Today we're going to be training. We're going to be focusing on our defense. Get a move on! We only have a few weeks left before the Football Frontier starts!" Isagi ordered. Everybody instantly got up and started jogging to the football field near the riverbank.

" You really sounded like a coach just now Isagi." Kino told him as they were all running to the field.

"I have to. We don't have a coach so I don't have much to teach them. I can only teach them the basics and only that. The rest is up to them. " Isagi explained to her.

" So do you really think we'll compete in the Football Frontier? " Kino asked a bit uncertain on her part.

"I know we will." Isagi replied confidently. Kino smiled.

"Then I hope it comes true." Kino told him with a warm smile on her face.

" I'm going to die of cuteness overload one day." Isagi muttered before running away from Kino. Kino blushed a little but quickly shook that feeling off.



Once the team arrived at the field. They immediately started to train. The training for them was intense but for the strikers it was easy work.

The defenders were improving by the minute and everyone can see that. They're starting to play more confidently and are more patient.

After two hours of training with a ten minute break in between. The defenders of the Raimon Soccer Club were sitting on the grassy slope on the side of the football field.

Now, Isagi was working with the midfielders of the team. "Midfielders are the backbone to most of the scores we strikers make. You guys have to be willing and able to pass the ball to us skillfully. So now we're going to improve on your passing. "

Isagi, Gouenji and Someoka started working Shourinji and the other midfielders to the ground for two hours as well. But he can see them improving already.

'I made a smart decision when I bought Team Improvement.' Isagi thought to themselves while the midfielders were walking up to the slope and sitting there.

Isagi looked to the bridge and saw a limousine by the bridge. It wasn't driving, instead it was just there, not moving an inch at all.

"Hey. Look up there." Isagi called Gouenji and Someoka who looked up to the bridge.

"Who's limo is that?" Someoka asked the other two but he thinks he knows the answer to that question.

"It's either the chairman or his daughter watching us. " Isagi told them.

" Is Teikoku also a possibility? " Gouenji asked him.

" They got what they needed yesterday. So I don't see a point of them spying on us when they already know how strong we are. But hey who knows. It could be them But I'm leaning towards the first and second answers. " Isagi told them. But then he smirked mischievously.

" Let's scare our stalker, shall we? " Isagi looked at them with a smirk. They smirked back. Isagi put the ball down. He walked back a little and ran towards the ball. He kicked it.


The ball blasted towards the car. The aubern haired woman who was watching the team practice did not expect this to happen.

"Eek!!!" She started closing the car window. But it was too late. The ball went right through the window and bounced on the seat beside her.

"Ahh!!" She yelped a little.

"Lady Natsumi! Are you alright?!" An old butler asked in the front seat of the car. Natsumi nodded slowly.

"I-I'm fine, Batora-san. Drive away please, they already spotted us." Natsumi stuttered. She looked at the football and picked it up. But she immediately dropped it back onto the car seat with a small disgusted look.

"So dirty..." She muttered.

She looked at her window and saw Isagi waving at her while laughing hysterically.

" Grr..... " Natsumi growled a little.

'We'll see who has the last laugh, Isagi Yoichi.' Natsumi thought to herself with an evil look on her face.


Back on the football field. Isagi and Someoka were laughing. "Did you hear her screaming?" Isagi looked at Gouenji who nodded in with an amused smile.

"Bet she's disgusted with how dusty the football is." Someoka added. Isagi chuckled.

"Do you guys hate her or something?" Gouenji asked feeling confused. Isagi shook his head.

"She threatened to disband our club if we lose to Teikoku." Someoka explained.

"I'm going to apologize to her tomorrow." Isagi added.

"You better or she'll make you public enemy number 1 of the school. " Endou punched into the conversation. He walked over and stopped beside them.

" That'll make her look like a brat than a victim. " Isagi replied to him. Endou sighed.

" Anyways. Let's work on our Hissatsus." Endou switched the topic.

"What he means is we're going to work on your Hissatsu, Someoka. ' Isagi turned to look at the pink haired striker.

"What?" Someoka was confused.

"When we did Dragon's Ego which is the Hissatsu we did on the equalizer, that dragon appeared when you were about to kick the ball." Isagi explained.

"Say no more. Let's me see. " Someoka muttered and put the ball on the penalty spot. He took a deep breath in and out.

He opened his eyes and pulled back his right foot.

A light blue dragon appeared behind him and flew straight towards the ball.

"Haaaa!!!!" Someoka shouted and kicked the ball.


"WRROOOOOAAAARRRRR!!!!!" The bright blue dragon flew behind the ball. The ball became bright blue like an energy ball. It looked like the dragon was charging up an attack from everyone's point of view.

The ball slammed into the net and rolled out of the goal. Someoka looked on with a surprised look.

"Let's go!!!!" Isagi jumped and arrived beside Someoka. He dapped him up and gave him a high five.

"I'm calling shots on naming the Hissatsu Technique." Isagi raised his hand immediately.

"What!? No. It's my technique so I'll name it!" Someoka argued with him. Isagi chuckled.

"Sure whatever." Isagi sighed.

" I'll name the technique Dragon Crash! And you guys can't change that!" Someoka pointed at them. Isagi laughed.

" Dragon Crash it is. Now we definitely have to see Endou using God Hand while you use Dragon Crash against it. " Isagi smirked at them. Someoka looked at Endou who was pumped up.

" Alright! It's on!!

To be continued....

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