10 Sleeping Pills

I want to keep seeing Liam, but how? I keep looking around and remember something. There's sleeping pills in the cabinet of the bathroom. I walk out of my room, seeing my parents arguing still. Maybe it's the fact about me once again. I head into the bathroom and quickly take the sleeping pills out of it. I need to quickly get back to my room without being suspicious.

"Catherine..," my mom said as she knocks on the door.


"Yes ma..?" responding nervously

"Do you wanna skip school today? And spend time with me..?"

Wait what? She's letting me skip school? This doesn't sounds good.

"No ma, it's okay!"

"Okay...well maybe next time.."

Slowly hear her feet departing. That was close..

Bells ringing, voices fades away, just silence..just silence is all I need. Being alone in the school bathroom is just like at home. This is my opportunity to take these pills just to see Liam again. I can't just wait to go home, I need him now. Quickly taking the pills out and dumping a couple into my hand. I felt hesitant for a second, but quickly thrown it into my my mouth and swallowed. I lean down to drink out of the sink. I know these pills will kick in soon. I close up my bag, enter into a stall and closed it. Now I just wait..and see..
