
Chapter 1

I was heading towards my apartment after completing one of my task.Today I am starting reading novels. In my whole life I don't spend my time in anything other than training. But one of my friend recommended me this story because she thought The female lead is similar to me. She was abandoned by her family and she is moving to the top alone leaving everyone behind her.

I wasn't interested in it anyway because I don't give a sh*t about who is similar to me OR not. But she requested me to read it once.Even if I am not Interested.

Anyway I don't have a reason to decline her It's not like I don't have any spare time to read a novel.I also love to read books Whatever books they are.




Suddenly I noticed Someone following me. How did they found out which road I am taking. It's not like they are following me from the beginning OR our base would have been found. I focused on the number plate through the mirror while I was still driving. It..... It was the car from our organisation. How can it be!! Are they targeting me. I looked at front if their target is in my front then I would help them but.....

to my dissapointment there was no one. I was the only one who is driving in front of them.

Without a second thought I speed up my car and losed them. Well I am known as the best member who is an all rounder.But.....

when I was about to relax a bit a truck came from my sideway and.....

I only heard a sound of emptiness. There wasn't any clear voice just some unclear voice which felt very noisy to me.

I really want them to shut up. I want to rest a bit in a peaceful place, where no one can be heard by me. A place where only silence would be exist.Just for a moment.

Next chapter