

/Elijah POV/

As I began to wake up I felt a hand on my head and when I looked to my left I saw Rosalie still here.

"You stayed," I said in a surprised but confused tone.

"Of course," she told me with a smile on her face

"We should get up and head downstairs before your Dad gets back," Rosalie said before she got off of the bed and pulled me up.

"Hm" I grunted before going to my closet to get my clothes, as I began to look Rosalie walked over and grabbed a blue dress shirt with black dress pants.

"These look good," She told me while handing them to me, agreeing with her I began to walk towards the bathroom to take a shower when I turned back around,

"Do you want to come with me?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Yes," she said with no embarrassment apparent in her voice, which surprised me for a second before she continued,

"What? We have already seen each other naked and much more what's the difference if it's in the shower" she explained which made sense so I grabbed her hand before dragging her with me.

When we got into the shower I turned around and before I could say anything Rosalie pounced on me.


/3rd POV/

For the next 45 minutes, all you could hear were moans coming from the bathroom before a man and woman walked out of the bathroom, one in new clothes and one in a dress shirt that didn't seem to fit her.

"When did you grab that" The man asked to which the woman responded

"When I grabbed yours"

Just when they were about to go downstairs they heard the door across from the man's room open and another woman who looked like she hadn't slept at all all night.

"Are you alright?" the man asked

"Shut up," the woman said before glaring at both the man and the woman and then walking into the bathroom.

/Elijah POV/

I was confused about what was wrong with Bella before Rosalie who appeared to be embarrassed started to drag me downstairs muttering,

"We should have been more quiet" which caused me to remember that Bella was yelling at us last night for not keeping our voices down.

When we got downstairs Rosalie told me to sit down while she cooked something,

"You can cook," I asked

"What do you mean by that, of course I can cook Esme has been teaching me," She said while looking at me with a glare.

Not saying anything I waited and when she was done she set the plates down on the table before sitting on my lap.

"Here let me feed you," She said before putting the food into my mouth

"What's the other plate for" I asked after I had swallowed the food which was just eggs and bacon.

"For Bella, we caused enough trouble for her last night and this morning."

When I was halfway done eating Bella came downstairs with her backpack before setting it down and walking into the kitchen.

"That's for you," Rosalie said while pointing to the food

"Thank you," Bella said before sitting down and looking at me and Rosallie who was still feeding me before she looked away again.

When I finished eating I got the rest of my things ready for school before stopping and looking at Bella.

"Do you want to ride with us to school we'd have to stop at the Cullens first but then we would head there" I asked her feeling bad for forgetting she was here last night.

"No, I'd rather not stay in the area as you too any longer, besides Edward's picking me up" She explained to which I nodded before saying goodbye.

When we got to the Cullens's house me and Rosalie walked in just as Edward was walking out giving each other a nod we continued to walk before we headed into the living room.

When we did I saw Emmett giving us a teasing smile before Edythe hit his shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you," Alice said before jumping off the couch and hugging Rosalie.

"I have to change' Rosalie said with an embarrassed look on her face before making Alice let go of her and then running up the stairs.

As I stood there waiting for Rosalie Emmett walked up and started to talk,

"So when's the wedding" He said with an amused smile on his face, Smiling back I grabbed his shoulder and began to apply pressure to it.

"Right after yours and Edythe's" I replied causing Emmett to grunt in pain and Edythe to smile at me before looking at Emmett.

"Ya Emmett when's our" she asked with a dark smile on her face

Before Emmett could reply we all heard Rosalie walking down the stairs with a blue shirt on and black yoga pants.

"There Matching" Alice exclaimed in a happy tone

"Saved by the bell" Emmett muttered causing us all to look at him and he replied with a sheepish grin before we all decided to ignore him.

"Ready?" I asked

"Yes," she said before we left after telling the rest of the Cullens we would see them at lunch.

Next chapter